04/10/2004 15:35 #30857
Kimya's Coming Back to BuffaloMy favorite singer in the whole world is coming back to Buffalo and playing with the Butchies. I suggest all of you go. The butchies rock as well. Maybe I will have a Kimya and Butchies Radio day next week.
tuesday april 27th
mohawk place
47 east mohawk st.
buffalo, ny
8pm $8
04/10/2004 15:30 #30856
Pano's PoliceOn another note we were at pano's yesterday and some poor, seven-year old, black kid was in there begging for money and crying. Eventually the police came to pick him up and dragged him away. They said they were taking him home, a place he seemed to really protest going to. It made me feel sick to think he had to resort to that. I wonder what would have helped him.
04/10/2004 15:29 #30855
Information is organizationI had a personal enlightenment regarding information organization. Everything is going to change so fast. I know that now, trust me it won't seem the same very soon. The limits of what is available to us will expand far beyond our ability to comprehend the content.
Our organization methods are the only way we will be able to harness the massive amount of power that flows through the information around us.
04/09/2004 01:34 #30854
Soundlab RobotsThis is the first sideKick written journal that I have posted in a while.
Way down elmwood with a twist or two you find soundlab.
Tonight robots invaded my soundscape at soundlab. The music is really great. It all comes off of laptops. I am slightly weirded out by the fact that the entire crowd looks like computer geekish guys. I mean I am obviously down with that but its weird, like the first time when I was in Italy and people looked like me. Or like when I would go to parties in toronto decked out in dayglo fun fur and would mix with the other furry animals.
Buffalo might really be changing again.
04/14/2004 06:44 #30853
Advertisements and More UpdatesIt is really late but I just realized I could use the sound system in order to advertise for everyone's show at City Hall. Good luck everyone
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