So I spent a lot of time building the search box, as people were not sure how to find information. However, nobody has used it yet!! Any questions, email me.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/15/2004 15:35 #30865
Search Function04/16/2004 03:51 #30864
Lake Shore DinerWe left our neighborhood in order to escape the exploitive high prices of the Pano's night tim emenu. We decided to head out to the Access Community neighborhood. I was astounded at how many young, preppy, suburbanites were there. I am glad I live in this neighborhood. It was like being at school on Long Island or on MTV.
The food was pretty tasty and very pricewrothy. However, the corwd was too much for my personal dining pleasure. Every two minutes some drunk person came in to try and pee. You would never see that at Pano's.
Now, I really don't believe Lauren when he says our neighborhood is pretentious and yuppified. But i prefer that to glamour style prep students any day. Call me a sellout.
The food was pretty tasty and very pricewrothy. However, the corwd was too much for my personal dining pleasure. Every two minutes some drunk person came in to try and pee. You would never see that at Pano's.
Now, I really don't believe Lauren when he says our neighborhood is pretentious and yuppified. But i prefer that to glamour style prep students any day. Call me a sellout.
04/14/2004 17:35 #30863
New Render from Josephines Project04/13/2004 22:38 #30862
Trebor's New Site04/13/2004 22:32 #30861
Sara Diamond and Banff
Today, I went to go see Sara Diamond, the director of the Banff New Media Institute speak at UB. She was pretty fantastic. I really wanted to scehdule a meeting with her but i felt like I had nothing to offer. I mean she is so pro globalization and I am so focused on localization.
During the speach she was talking about students texting during classes, and being able to think on multiple levels and multitask. I was actually recording the whole speach in little notes to post to the site. There was a lot of great information about merging scientists and artists in collaboration. Unfortunaelt, when I went to send the journal to the site, my phone lost service for some reaosn and it got deleted mid-way. That was the first time the technology really failed me. I mean I had an hours worth of great insite nd lost it all in a click.
Here are some sites that se mentioned.
Banff new media center

Horizonzero -

Digital Art Culture Online Magazine. Some of the issues are insane.
Codezebra -

Sharemyworld -

Note to self - please learn java immediately.