My 8 year old son competed in a very stuffy and packed Tae Kwan Do tourney on Saturday. He took second place in forms. I won't trouble you with the details, but he had to do a routine and it wound up in front of about 200 people. Each contestant is supposed to identifiy themselves, their school and what they are about to perform to a judging panel of 3. To untentionally make matters worse, my x and I were standing right behind the judges. The little man never noticed. He looked the lead judge right in the eye, said his piece and threw down.
I couldn't help but be impressed. He had more focus at 8 than I think I have now. I was able to savor an unexpected ticket to the Goo Goo Dolls show that much more.
In other news, I think I have to add Cobblestone to the list of places drink worthy. I dunno if it was the sunshine, the need to feed my ego a
cold one, but there was something restoritive about having a couple beers after the festivites at the arena.
No shame in getting shot down, I would have hated myself for not trying.
In other news, my boss ( a lovely woman) is having breakfast with her soon to be boss after Adelphia gets peddled at the end of July. I have reason to believe that I might come up in conversation. Apparently they like my ad work.
Here's hoping......
Mrmike's Journal
My Podcast Link
05/01/2006 19:56 #29499
Weekend wasn't a total loss.04/29/2006 10:19 #29497
A CD bingecan sometimes cure what ails you, at least temporarily. Pay day permitted to indulge in new ones from The Flaming Lips, the Goo Goo Dolls, Neil Young and the folkie album from Springsteen. All are suprisingly worthwhile.
My cd changer is once again a very schizophrenic device, yet happily so. Nothing like some fresh tunes to assist your outlook.
My cd changer is once again a very schizophrenic device, yet happily so. Nothing like some fresh tunes to assist your outlook.
theecarey - 05/01/06 20:30
Right on! Music does a mind/body good. Nothing like a good CD binge-fest :)
Right on! Music does a mind/body good. Nothing like a good CD binge-fest :)
04/27/2006 23:01 #29496
Uncurious George
Spot the Monkey!
jason - 04/29/06 19:32
HAHAHAHA. Nice montage.
HAHAHAHA. Nice montage.
olemanrunin - 04/28/06 08:07
I have to be careful w Bushie - he's definitely blue sky country.
I have to be careful w Bushie - he's definitely blue sky country.
04/27/2006 16:41 #29495
Carpe DiemIn the spirit of all those peeps who haven't been getting any, I actually asked somebody out. Actually, I asked her answering machine out for drinks and am still sitting here waiting for some indication that the answering machine was good enough to pass along the message. Been two days, so I don't think the machine was impressed.
This was somebody who I thought we were getting along with through our mutual work at the Sabres games. She sort of hinted that I should join her for drinks at some point. During a promotion that I was working on for the premiere of the Sopranos, I had to sport a Sopranos Hockey jersey. She saw this and wanted one. Me, being a sucker for bright eyes and a killer smile, found one out and she gave me a clench worthy of "the war is over" Life magazine covers which did wonders for my self esteem. Being accosted in front of any number of prying eyes is funny like that. She followed up with a thank you card with some lottery tickets inside. One was a winner for $20.00. I called her up to say thanks and stumbled through an invite to come drink the winnings at cobblestone.
So far, no response. Do I call again? or is that too much like creepy stalker guy? If it's a polite, no thanks, I can take it. My ego has withstood similar assaults and here I stand.
Like George Carlin says, you got to "take a fucking chance."
Just wished I had something to show for it.
This was somebody who I thought we were getting along with through our mutual work at the Sabres games. She sort of hinted that I should join her for drinks at some point. During a promotion that I was working on for the premiere of the Sopranos, I had to sport a Sopranos Hockey jersey. She saw this and wanted one. Me, being a sucker for bright eyes and a killer smile, found one out and she gave me a clench worthy of "the war is over" Life magazine covers which did wonders for my self esteem. Being accosted in front of any number of prying eyes is funny like that. She followed up with a thank you card with some lottery tickets inside. One was a winner for $20.00. I called her up to say thanks and stumbled through an invite to come drink the winnings at cobblestone.
So far, no response. Do I call again? or is that too much like creepy stalker guy? If it's a polite, no thanks, I can take it. My ego has withstood similar assaults and here I stand.
Like George Carlin says, you got to "take a fucking chance."
Just wished I had something to show for it.
jenks - 04/27/06 21:21
yeah as much as it sucks, you probably shouldn't call. But that's exactly the crap I hate.... Just giving a non answer and leaving people wondering... Or maybe she's doing some "can't call for three days to not look over-eager" thing. Good luck...
yeah as much as it sucks, you probably shouldn't call. But that's exactly the crap I hate.... Just giving a non answer and leaving people wondering... Or maybe she's doing some "can't call for three days to not look over-eager" thing. Good luck...
mrmike - 04/27/06 20:43
Thanks guys, didn't want reveal any desperateness
Thanks guys, didn't want reveal any desperateness
hodown - 04/27/06 17:20
Dont call again, I agree with libertad. If a woman really wants to get together with a guy she'll make sure she sees you and makes it happen...
Dont call again, I agree with libertad. If a woman really wants to get together with a guy she'll make sure she sees you and makes it happen...
libertad - 04/27/06 16:56
I wouldn't call again. Although there could be some off chance that she lost your number or accidentally erased the message before listening to it, she most likely did get it. Maybe she has been busy the last two days and it would seem manic if you called her again. Maybe she will give you a call tomorrow night to do something this weekend.
I wouldn't call again. Although there could be some off chance that she lost your number or accidentally erased the message before listening to it, she most likely did get it. Maybe she has been busy the last two days and it would seem manic if you called her again. Maybe she will give you a call tomorrow night to do something this weekend.
Give your son a proper bowing handshake! I'm a bb in Taekwondo myself. It takes a lot to perform at testings and competitions. Way to go little guy!