04/23/2006 14:19 #29491
Arena picsI don't have Matthew's photgraphic gifts, but here are a few looks from the Sabres game last night. From the empty arena before it gets started to the sea of people who got to sit, wish I was one of them after the 1st Overtime.
And then the paying customers showed
If you're not a hockey fan, it was kind of cool to feel the building alive. A shared sense of excitment was definitely present, even if it left me drinking alone.
04/23/2006 00:18 #29490
Had to work tonightat the Sabres game. The build up was exciting. The arena had an electicity to it. You could feel the antipation. I've been sort of crushing (How pathetic is that??) on one of the women who works the games as well. She told me "we wait out the traffic at cobblestone's, you should come." Being no fool, this seemed like a signal. My inner refrigerator light was flickering on. I got a few customers, made a few sales, answered a question or two and then the game wouldn't end. Security doofus forgot that I'd been there for almost 20 games this year. Suddenly I'm a distraction? I had to move. THat caused the Flyers to tie the score, which caused overtime, which caused my usher to go home which caused my morale to sag, which is drectly related to my cd player skipping and sitting here at home posting and drinking on my own. Such a cruel chain of events is proof, god does have a sense of humor.
I'll post a few talentless pics of the spectacle tomorrow
04/21/2006 18:12 #29489
Priceless Hockey Mocking04/19/2006 17:53 #29488
The Sabres and the Buffalo NewsThe News is fact challenged.... and they are driving me to drink. Good thing I have a parking space already. With the Sabres in the playoffs, I've had to be king fact checker for how American TV is covering them. That part is okay, but I hear myself in my sleep. So, I'll make estrip your hockey source. Here you go:
Round 1 against the Flyers all on MSG, except for Game 5 (if there is one). That would be on WGRZ
Round 2, all on MSG except two games that MAY be on OLN
Round 3, all on either OLN or NBC (CBC will have them all as well)
Finals -- First two games will be on OLN, everything else would be on WGRZ (CBC will show this in its entirety as well.)
People must not read like they used to or listen, because the same chucklehead had to have it explained four times and I'm still not convinced he's got it. It's enough to suck the hockey fan right out of me.
They are among the "special" people......
I think this is my last official recounting of this for the day.
Beer and a veranda.....I so need to get out more.....
04/17/2006 23:23 #29486
Attn Paul Weller & Jam fansCategory: tunes
FILE NAME: Town Called Malice.mp3.mp3
DESCRIPTION: Paul Weller Acoustically Remakes his own "A Town Called Malice"
TRACKING NUMBER: 0444750001145330509
This is on the same cd I got the That's Entertainment mp3 from. Your Ipod will thank you.
Enjoy peeps
Just wanted to say that was a great Game on TV last night. That penality the Sabres got was a big mistake and almost cost them the game. Glad the one in the end. Hopefully they will win on Monday and that will bring you better luck.