(e:Mike) and I saw X-Men 3 last night. I really love those movies. I mean I have not seen any of them more than once, in the theaters when they came out, but I always really like them. I think they are just so exciting and you never know what those crazy mutants are going to do. And I thought this for sure was the last one but they totally hinted at making a fourth, which I would be very okay with.
(e:Mike) is not crazy about these movies, I guess he would rather watch people get eaten alive. GROSS!!! Why have I never heard of this Grizzly Man movie?!?! It reminds me of Open Water but it's ACTUALLY real?! Ahhhhhhh...!!!!
Less than a week of school left.
Still no Ipod, and the kid who saw the crime happen is refusing to sign a statement, which means I don't know if the kid will get any more punishment than an out-of-school suspension. That really sucks.
But what doesn't suck is that today I get a yummy catered lunch for the teachers! And I only have to teach 2 classes and we are probably watching movies! And what also doesn't suck is summer is almost here and I can't wait!
Oh yes the teacher sure did learn her lesson.
And hey, now I have an excuse to get a bigger and better Ipod in the near future...
And those $4 on my Apple gift card can help out with it too... Yesssss!
an iPod is perhaps the steal-able-est item right now. Even moreso than a brick of gold.
That kid is a little pisshead, but perhaps it was teacher that learned a lesson on this one?
Now it's become an "apple FROM the teacher", it seems...
that sucks! i would be SO pissed! little asswipe! Great, now we can't even trust 7th graders?? Stealing from the TEACHER, no less? Where are the days of "apple for the teacher"? Ugh.