So you may have all heard me talk about what a terror my brother ((e:paul)) was to me when I was young. For example knowing I was terrified of breaking contracts (yeah what like 5 year old thinks like that, I was a weirdo) but anywho convinced me to sign one that later involved me preteniding to be a dog in Wi;lson Farms. He would make me clean his room for a drawing of his or a pretzel cuz I couldn't reach the top of the fridge. And don't even get me started on chicken soup. Yet this is not what I was here to write about. My brother actually was a pretty good person.
My mom reminded me the other day when my little cousin was talking about nightmares that I used to have nightmares all the time when I was little and could never sleep. So my brother made me a dream hat that had all these drawings of good thoughts and my favorite tihngs on it. I kept it on my bed and it gave me good thoughts and I was able to sleep. So I guess my brother isn't so bad after all.
The weird thing is I have no idea where this dream hat is. And I have been having nightmares lately and wouldn't mind having it again. I have never gotten rid of anything in my life....i would hav enever gotten rid of the dream where is it?
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/26/2006 23:49 #28980
I Guess My Brother Wasn't So Bad04/26/2006 00:00 #28979
Jenny's Bday and Life DiningSo today was one my best friend's Jen's 23rd birthday and so we were going out for dinner and decided to Dine out for life. I guess these restauarants donate money to some aids organization. We went to JP Bullbeathers and they donate 30% of your dinner cost to the charity. I think that is pretty cool. Me and my friend's birthdays have become so tame and less flashy and crazy from what they once were. I hope to revive the crazy old past wild days with my birthday in August. I better start planning now!!
Sidenote: i am losing my patience at work and am starting to be mean to customers> I told a lady all her problems were her fault basically and that she could take her prescriptons elsewhere and would still vahe the same problems. This would be ok in itself if Michele wasn't coming back and wasn't taking back her servicer stars which people have totally noticed how many i have and will notice when i lose them. And with the being mean..uh oh...what if i am no longer evyerone's favorite...i can't handle that.
Sidenote: i am losing my patience at work and am starting to be mean to customers> I told a lady all her problems were her fault basically and that she could take her prescriptons elsewhere and would still vahe the same problems. This would be ok in itself if Michele wasn't coming back and wasn't taking back her servicer stars which people have totally noticed how many i have and will notice when i lose them. And with the being mean..uh oh...what if i am no longer evyerone's favorite...i can't handle that.
boxerboi - 04/26/06 05:49
Did you know you posted at exactly 00:00! How cool!
Did you know you posted at exactly 00:00! How cool!
mrdt - 04/26/06 01:08
I heard something the other day but can't quite remeber where I heard it to do a godd job referencing it. It's called the Monday Morining test and it has alot to do with job satisfaction and goes like this:
Go home this weekend, have some fun, hang with your family, enjoy yourself. When you wake up Monday morning ask yourself do I want to go to work. If the answer is no you probably don't enjoy what you do and should make arrangements to move on to something new or different. Sure, you may ask, who wants to go to work? Well, I'll tell you - it's the people who love what they do.
I heard something the other day but can't quite remeber where I heard it to do a godd job referencing it. It's called the Monday Morining test and it has alot to do with job satisfaction and goes like this:
Go home this weekend, have some fun, hang with your family, enjoy yourself. When you wake up Monday morning ask yourself do I want to go to work. If the answer is no you probably don't enjoy what you do and should make arrangements to move on to something new or different. Sure, you may ask, who wants to go to work? Well, I'll tell you - it's the people who love what they do.
04/23/2006 14:54 #28978
Sidewalk ChalkingSo me and (e:jill) went out and did so much sidewalk chalk advertising last night. They were really good ones too (ok some were bad, some had mispellings but overall they were good) And then I wake up tihs morning and it is all rainy meaning they are all gone. I hope some people saw them last night before they were washed away. We did talk to quite a few people while we were out though aobut the site which was good. Hopefuly there will be some new peeps in here soon. Did anyone see the ads before they washed away?
flacidness - 04/26/06 14:38
leetee - 04/23/06 23:27
i didn't see it either... but then again, we were out of town this weekend! Like (e:Ladycroft), i would love to be involved in an (e:strip) chalking night! Wouldn't it be cool to use glow in the dark chalk??
i didn't see it either... but then again, we were out of town this weekend! Like (e:Ladycroft), i would love to be involved in an (e:strip) chalking night! Wouldn't it be cool to use glow in the dark chalk??
lilho - 04/23/06 15:23
i didnt see it, but that doesnt mean i dont love you. or that i dont love our gossip sessions, when will the next one be?
i didnt see it, but that doesnt mean i dont love you. or that i dont love our gossip sessions, when will the next one be?
boxerboi - 04/23/06 15:21
:o( aw. I didn't get to see any of them. That sounds like so much fun though!
btw it was cool seeing you last monday, er two mondays ago :oD
:o( aw. I didn't get to see any of them. That sounds like so much fun though!
btw it was cool seeing you last monday, er two mondays ago :oD
04/21/2006 23:52 #28977
Good food and sitingsI haven't posted or kept up on reading the journals in a while and I still seem to have nothing to say except today I ate lots of good food. me and (e:amanda) went to the Juicery downtown and I had a tasty super veggie and tuna salad. Then we walked around downtown and I got starbursts which are my favorite candy or at least high on the list. AND THEY WERE ON SALE! What a deal. Then tonight I went to my mom's cousin and we always have so much good food there. We had baked ziti, meatballs, sausage with peppers, some like slow roast beef thing, and all these veggies and then tiramisu and mini cheesecakes for dessert. It was all so tasty..
OMG my cousin's little kid who is 2.5 years old talks like a 10 year old. It is insane. For some reason he took a liking to me tonight and wouldn't talk to anyone but me but seriously told me everything that has happened in his life. He told me about everythign he has seen such as Joseph and the AmazIng Dreamcoat, The Rockettes, Lion King, and Sponge Bob. He usses such big words like character and stuff too. IT was really insane how much he knows and can talk about for being 2.5 years old. Except someteims he refuese to use starting s's. SO he kept saying Kunk Pray is bad and I had no idea what he was talking about til his mom tolld me aobut he starting S thing.
Oh and the whole point of my post in the begiging. Today while walking down elmowod I saw (e:libertad), and then I saw (e:ladycroft) and (e:jenks). It was such the esighting day. It is always fun to run into people on the street. Hooray to summer and being outside and seeing people.
OMG my cousin's little kid who is 2.5 years old talks like a 10 year old. It is insane. For some reason he took a liking to me tonight and wouldn't talk to anyone but me but seriously told me everything that has happened in his life. He told me about everythign he has seen such as Joseph and the AmazIng Dreamcoat, The Rockettes, Lion King, and Sponge Bob. He usses such big words like character and stuff too. IT was really insane how much he knows and can talk about for being 2.5 years old. Except someteims he refuese to use starting s's. SO he kept saying Kunk Pray is bad and I had no idea what he was talking about til his mom tolld me aobut he starting S thing.
Oh and the whole point of my post in the begiging. Today while walking down elmowod I saw (e:libertad), and then I saw (e:ladycroft) and (e:jenks). It was such the esighting day. It is always fun to run into people on the street. Hooray to summer and being outside and seeing people.
libertad - 04/22/06 13:18
You looked like a superstar walking down Elmwood.
You looked like a superstar walking down Elmwood.
mrdt - 04/22/06 02:36
I never see anybody. well this one time I saw (e:ladycroft) in the computer lab at canisius but she skated before I made it out of the men's room.
I never see anybody. well this one time I saw (e:ladycroft) in the computer lab at canisius but she skated before I made it out of the men's room.
04/14/2006 00:33 #28976
Cuteify my user picIn the chat I was just reading that (e:paul) wrote:
paul 00:21 it takes online images and cutes them into userpics
Haha that struck me as funny. I want something that takes my image and "cutes"
it into a userpic. Though sometimes it seems some people have already found that magic and their image has been quite cuteified.
paul 00:21 it takes online images and cutes them into userpics
Haha that struck me as funny. I want something that takes my image and "cutes"
it into a userpic. Though sometimes it seems some people have already found that magic and their image has been quite cuteified.
I personally like the fro.
Awee.. the dream hat. That's so cute.
He did kinda torture you. My favorite is the time we cut your fro down because it was so out of control and made you look like a dork.
aaahhh brotherly love.