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05/07/2006 21:52 #28984

So this weekend was fun except Friday night Confetti was supposed to come out. It looks like an amazing movie, like comedy about these couples who enter a magazine contest to pay for their wedding. I don't know, it looks hilaroius and (e:jill) thought she saw that it comes out May 5. So I get so excited, May 5 comes along, it isn't listed in artvoice, it isn't listed in the Gusto, but it must be up.... we start to panic. I go online and serach within 65 miles of my zip code deciding that is how far I am willing to travel to see it. But noooo it isn't....i begin to isn't up yet i we saw American Haunting instead which was funny....too bad that it was supposed to be scary. IT was pretty bad but it will give us years worth of jokes I can't meniton here...
decoyisryan - 05/08/06 00:23
Confetti was released in the UK this week. There is no US release date..........unfortunately alot of movies I want to see never make it to US theaters and I have to wait until they make it to DVD...if they make it to DVD.

05/03/2006 23:47 #28983

From Essex St. Pub to Medicare
So I haven't posted in a little while. Frankly, life has been pretty good lately and I guess when things are really good I don't think of writing as much. So here are some observations from the last few days.

- a 13 hour workday with no break is no fun. Seriously I didn't get a chance to sit down for the entire THIRTEEN hours because it was so busy, including spending a half hour with this dumb stupid lady who didn't know how much was left on her flex card and got rid of one item at a time until her credit card would go through (it turned out she had about 23 dollars on it when her first total was $300. It takes a while to go from 300 to 23 dollars one item at a time while trying the card after gettig rid of each item)

-last night me and (e:libertad) went to Essex St. Pub and they were having their first ever karaoke night. It just doesn't seem like a place that would have karaoke night to me. Needless to say noone but the bartender did karaoke but we left very early so maybe it picked up after that.

-for those of you over 65 you only have 12 more days to sign up for Medicare Part D and avoid any penalty. You won't be able to sign up again til november if you miss the deadline. I'm a little excited because that means at least 5 months of not needing to deal with Medicare.

-This weekend is the weekend of a million things, Confetti( the movie me and (e:jill) have been dying to see) opens, Jen and her b/f who is on leave from Iraq are in town, it is Michelle at works going away party, cinco de mayo, and now I see it is (e:jenks) bday too. I believe some other stuff is this weekend too. Why does eveyrthing always happne this way, all at once!

-note to self: post next journal about former school mates attitude of "the city" and how scary buffalo is
libertad - 05/04/06 15:18
The 2nd beers free were nice. The Karaoke? I'm glad no one else sang. Seems like I would definitely go again seeing as its so close. Completely tanked older men who can't stand a bit of a turn off. Bartender a plus.
iriesara - 05/04/06 12:23
Hey Mike! Karaoke at Essex? No, that's not right!

04/29/2006 01:58 #28982

Easy Fridays
So having Friday's off is totally worth working twelve hour days. I love it. Here was my to do list for today, although I didn't finish all of it, the day was quite succesful. I just feel like I get so muchh done on Fridays.

-buy stamps- DONE
-meet Sarah at her hot dog stand and eat a tasty street vendor hot dog- DONE
-order bumper stickers for (e:strip) - DONE
-buy (e:maureen)'s bday gift -DONE
-make (e:maureen)'s bday card
-pick up mom's mother day gift
- pick up and cash check/pay credit card bill -DONE
- mail letters -DONE
-see Stick It, the new gymnastics movie -DONE
-go to Target- DONE
-clean inside of my care- DONE
- drop off stuff at Amvets- NOT DONE, seriously I have had these boxes of stuff in my trunk for like a year now and never can bring myself to drop it off for some reason, I really just have to do it.

And to top it all off I got to do something even more exciting than anything on my list..... WEAR SHORT SHORTS AND DO GYMNASTICS with (e:Jill) in BIDWELL PARK AT MIDNIGHT...DONE AND DONE

too bad no (e:strip)pers were out and able to see our swift moves...oh how we will regret it in the morning when our entire body's ache
libertad - 04/29/06 12:59
Who wears short shorts
We wear short shorts
They're such short shorts
We like short shorts
Who wears short shorts
We wear short shorts
boxerboi - 04/29/06 09:01
that's so much more interesting than my day. 1. gym 2. work 3. sleep


04/27/2006 23:26 #28981

Happy Birthday Maureen
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAUREEN! I Know your birthday is now almost over but I wasn't at a computer until now. Anyway I believe I was the first to call you this morning right at 12:00! I hope it is/was a great day and you soon find that new house of yours in Boston!image

that is me wishing you a happy birthday, i must be slurring my speech though
maureen - 04/28/06 00:16
Thanks for the call, the drawing, and of course all of the updated gossip. What more could a girl ask for in the first minutes of her b-day?!

04/26/2006 23:49 #28980

I Guess My Brother Wasn't So Bad
So you may have all heard me talk about what a terror my brother ((e:paul)) was to me when I was young. For example knowing I was terrified of breaking contracts (yeah what like 5 year old thinks like that, I was a weirdo) but anywho convinced me to sign one that later involved me preteniding to be a dog in Wi;lson Farms. He would make me clean his room for a drawing of his or a pretzel cuz I couldn't reach the top of the fridge. And don't even get me started on chicken soup. Yet this is not what I was here to write about. My brother actually was a pretty good person.

My mom reminded me the other day when my little cousin was talking about nightmares that I used to have nightmares all the time when I was little and could never sleep. So my brother made me a dream hat that had all these drawings of good thoughts and my favorite tihngs on it. I kept it on my bed and it gave me good thoughts and I was able to sleep. So I guess my brother isn't so bad after all.

The weird thing is I have no idea where this dream hat is. And I have been having nightmares lately and wouldn't mind having it again. I have never gotten rid of anything in my life....i would hav enever gotten rid of the dream where is it?
libertad - 04/27/06 16:51
I personally like the fro.
leetee - 04/27/06 10:36
Awee.. the dream hat. That's so cute.
hodown - 04/27/06 09:04
He did kinda torture you. My favorite is the time we cut your fro down because it was so out of control and made you look like a dork.
mrdt - 04/27/06 00:19
aaahhh brotherly love.