Oh my work has been kinda crazy. So busy. WE got more workers at a time and it is still crazy. I am so sick of people yelling at me at their top of their lungs but then apologizing like an hour later. How about you just don't yell in the first place.
Anyway, this post is actually about how I want to tape my soap opera this summer. I know I have said this before but I really want to do it this time. Anyone interested? I just need to update the script and make it a little more exciting I think. Well if anyone is interested, message me or e-mail me. I need all kinds of roles, both big and small so let me know what you're interested in. (e:southernyankee) and (e:twisted), how about you come in to B-lo to be in an (e:strip) soap opera?
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
05/17/2006 21:57 #28988
It's Been A While05/14/2006 13:19 #28987
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY05/11/2006 21:35 #28986
JJ's and Page7So I have went to JJ's for only a few hockey games in the playoffs and always I go during the end of the third quarter. And THE SABRES ALWAYS WIN!!!! Tonight I am not going to JJ's, and tonight with only a few minutes left, they are losing, uh oh? Am I to blame?
Sidenote: (e:hodown)'s post made me nostalgic for the days of Page7 and all the gossip mongering.
Sidenote: (e:hodown)'s post made me nostalgic for the days of Page7 and all the gossip mongering.
hodown - 05/12/06 08:10
They love me, they really love me (think academy award acceptance speech) in referance to (e:pageseven).
They love me, they really love me (think academy award acceptance speech) in referance to (e:pageseven).
libertad - 05/12/06 02:58
thanks for ruining it for the rest of us. How selfish!
thanks for ruining it for the rest of us. How selfish!
05/09/2006 23:41 #28985
No Cruising For Me PleaseSo my mom got free passes to see Poseidon at work the other day and so we went last night. First of all we had to sit in the second row at Regal which is way too close to the screen, especially for a movie like this where stuff is happening all over the screen. Secondly, a box of skittles that cost me $2 ( and is normally $3.75) had the amount of skittles of like a 50 cent bag. It was really insane.

Anywho the movie was very enjoyalbe. I never saw the original but this one was very entertaining I thought. Like cheesy and stuff but still really good and entertaining for the time it was on. OMG one scene with Richard Dryfuss and some other actor was crazy intense. I hope I am never in that situation. Well I kinda hope I am not in any of those situations.
Water that is on fire is scary. Fire is scary, drowning is scary, drowning in water that is on fire and burning you...too scary to imagine.
So anyway, that leads me to, I always had wanted to go on a cruise and evyerone I know who has went on one has loved them, and Diana was planning a "we have all been friends for 10 years cruise next year" but this movie terrifies me of it. Seriuosly you are out in the middle of nowhere if something happens. Yet all the food and drinks you can consume...that sounds mighty tasty....maybe it is worth the fire/drowning/sharks etc. ....

Anywho the movie was very enjoyalbe. I never saw the original but this one was very entertaining I thought. Like cheesy and stuff but still really good and entertaining for the time it was on. OMG one scene with Richard Dryfuss and some other actor was crazy intense. I hope I am never in that situation. Well I kinda hope I am not in any of those situations.
Water that is on fire is scary. Fire is scary, drowning is scary, drowning in water that is on fire and burning you...too scary to imagine.
So anyway, that leads me to, I always had wanted to go on a cruise and evyerone I know who has went on one has loved them, and Diana was planning a "we have all been friends for 10 years cruise next year" but this movie terrifies me of it. Seriuosly you are out in the middle of nowhere if something happens. Yet all the food and drinks you can consume...that sounds mighty tasty....maybe it is worth the fire/drowning/sharks etc. ....
scott - 05/10/06 08:02
If you think you're scared of a cruise now, rent "Open Water" (if you haven't seen it). I was all about going scuba diving until I saw that movie.
I was expecting a cheesy horror movie and instead got the vacation brochure from hell. Very, very intense movie.
My better half id forcing me to go see Poseiden this weekend. I'm glad to hear it won't totally suck. (the original was really good, btw)
If you think you're scared of a cruise now, rent "Open Water" (if you haven't seen it). I was all about going scuba diving until I saw that movie.
I was expecting a cheesy horror movie and instead got the vacation brochure from hell. Very, very intense movie.
My better half id forcing me to go see Poseiden this weekend. I'm glad to hear it won't totally suck. (the original was really good, btw)
libertad - 05/10/06 00:01
"Quick, grab my ankles!" Oh yea, that's it!" Richard Dryfuss...
"Quick, grab my ankles!" Oh yea, that's it!" Richard Dryfuss...
05/07/2006 21:52 #28984
ConfettiSo this weekend was fun except Friday night Confetti was supposed to come out. It looks like an amazing movie, like comedy about these couples who enter a magazine contest to pay for their wedding. I don't know, it looks hilaroius and (e:jill) thought she saw that it comes out May 5. So I get so excited, May 5 comes along, it isn't listed in artvoice, it isn't listed in the Gusto, but it must be up.... we start to panic. I go online and serach within 65 miles of my zip code deciding that is how far I am willing to travel to see it. But noooo it isn't....i begin to cry.....how sad.....it isn't up yet i guess...so we saw American Haunting instead which was funny....too bad that it was supposed to be scary. IT was pretty bad but it will give us years worth of jokes I can't meniton here...
decoyisryan - 05/08/06 00:23
Confetti was released in the UK this week. There is no US release date..........unfortunately alot of movies I want to see never make it to US theaters and I have to wait until they make it to DVD...if they make it to DVD.
Confetti was released in the UK this week. There is no US release date..........unfortunately alot of movies I want to see never make it to US theaters and I have to wait until they make it to DVD...if they make it to DVD.
Is this like a public-access-channel type deal? I'm pretty sure they'll let any anarchist, lunatic, or terrorist with a video camera get as much airtime as they want :::link::: .
Pending more info, you can count me in. Also (e:dragonlady7) knows somebody at work who's jonesing to do 'some kind of a tv show.'
- Z
"I'm ready for my closeup Mr. Deville!" oh wait, "Mr. Visco"; Just make sure your cameras minimize my pores, slim off 15, no wait 20 lbs and ensure my trailer is stocked with Pucci,Fiji, kiwi, whipped cream and hot men!
like i told you last year, yeppers! :)
I think we all know I would love be in it!
Alas, I don't think I can swing a trip to B-lo this summer, although it's mighty tempting. Violent Femmes at the Square, Buzzcocks in TO, mansions galore, and the chance to make my screen debut in an (e:strip) daytime drama! (God knows I could use a career change, too, haha.) I can't wait to see it though.
I'm in