Anywho the movie was very enjoyalbe. I never saw the original but this one was very entertaining I thought. Like cheesy and stuff but still really good and entertaining for the time it was on. OMG one scene with Richard Dryfuss and some other actor was crazy intense. I hope I am never in that situation. Well I kinda hope I am not in any of those situations.
Water that is on fire is scary. Fire is scary, drowning is scary, drowning in water that is on fire and burning you...too scary to imagine.
So anyway, that leads me to, I always had wanted to go on a cruise and evyerone I know who has went on one has loved them, and Diana was planning a "we have all been friends for 10 years cruise next year" but this movie terrifies me of it. Seriuosly you are out in the middle of nowhere if something happens. Yet all the food and drinks you can consume...that sounds mighty tasty....maybe it is worth the fire/drowning/sharks etc. ....
If you think you're scared of a cruise now, rent "Open Water" (if you haven't seen it). I was all about going scuba diving until I saw that movie.
I was expecting a cheesy horror movie and instead got the vacation brochure from hell. Very, very intense movie.
My better half id forcing me to go see Poseiden this weekend. I'm glad to hear it won't totally suck. (the original was really good, btw)
"Quick, grab my ankles!" Oh yea, that's it!" Richard Dryfuss...