I think Eva Peron is one of my favorite people in history. She is really what i wasnt to be i think. Like not really a politician but like sorta a leader of the revolution. And more importantly she gets lots of fancy clothes and goes to lots of parties. And people chant her name and carry her picutre in poster size. I think I could live with that. Ok so all I really know about her is from the musical Evita but I feel like hta tmust cover the importnat parts. Well I also have a book that has some of her writings.
What I really lik eabout her, well the musical version of her at least is she makes me think of two things I like to think about.
1. Like how she helped raise money for the poor and help them out but also smuggles the money to make herself fabulous. Like i always think about that with charity events and stuff , like wow what a waste of mney to make it so crazy cool when why doesn't all that money just go to the charity but then i think well if there want all the fanciness then no money would go to the charity. You got to be ostentatious to get the dough.
2. Ther is a line in one of the songs that is like "Better to win while admitting your sin than to lose with a halo" I guess it is really a does the end justify the means type of thing. I think like sure she may have been part of kidnapping and slaughtering dissidents but hey she made people have a slightly better life right? or at least have one dream come true through her foundation.
I guess there is one more too. 3. Like solving little problems when there are much bigger problems. She sent people on vacations and stuff and did little things for them instead of promising to like cure the world of war and stuff. LIke is it better to accept maybe little but achievalbe things or should you focus eveyrhting on the big almost impossible things.
I'll leave you with this, "They need to adore me, so Christian Dior me"
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/04/2006 18:59 #28932
They Need to Adore Me, Christian Dior Me01/02/2006 17:30 #28931
How could the Dish do this?First of all I just want to say that my dinner party went off perfectly. Ok by perfetly I mean the food was done about 2 hours later than I said, I burned a few things, and used just about every dish and pan in this house preparing the food creating the largest kitchen mess ever. But it was still good fun and I tihnk everyone had a good time. me and (e:Mk) were quite the ultimate players at the celebrity game. it almost seemed unfair that we were on the same team. Hopefully, (e:amanda) or (e:mk) will post pictures soon.
More importantly though, the DISH network has pulled the plug on offering LIfetime to its customers. IT TRIES TO CLAIM LIfetime is BEING UNREASONABLE!!! Hmm if the problem is lifetime why don't they have the same trouble with other cable companies and satelite networks. THE DISH NETWORK IS THE DEVIL! Ok i don't even have the DISH and so tihs doesn't' relaly affect me but I don't like the idea of some corporation limiting an American's viewing of the Golden Girls or the Nanny. Small issue you may think...but you gotta pick your battles. First this, then what?
More importantly though, the DISH network has pulled the plug on offering LIfetime to its customers. IT TRIES TO CLAIM LIfetime is BEING UNREASONABLE!!! Hmm if the problem is lifetime why don't they have the same trouble with other cable companies and satelite networks. THE DISH NETWORK IS THE DEVIL! Ok i don't even have the DISH and so tihs doesn't' relaly affect me but I don't like the idea of some corporation limiting an American's viewing of the Golden Girls or the Nanny. Small issue you may think...but you gotta pick your battles. First this, then what?
01/01/2006 13:10 #28930
Uh Oh Spaghetti O'sOk so my dinner party tonight may consist of Spahetti O's . Ahhh I stlil haven't planned what to make and/or gotten the ingredients and people will be here in 4.5 hours. Why did I not plan this earlier. I thought I would get up early today and start, yeah...get up early after new year's eve, not gonna happen. So why am I here writing this...procrastination of course. Wish me luck!@
12/28/2005 00:39 #28929
Computers and Dinner PartiesFirst of all, I am using the new computer me and (e:paul) got my parents for christmas and it is so nice to have a new computer. One that doesn't freeze every 2.5 seconds and take a good 13 minutes to start up each time. It seriously is a whole new wolrd. Next DSL or cable internet and who knows what will happen. The only problem is my scanner for some reason is not like showing up on the computer and I have lots of pictures I need to scan by Sunday....
that leads me to my dinner party. Every year over christmas break I have a dinner party for my friends from highschool. It is like a rebonding every year thing. There are about 10 of us and now the significant others come too. Let me tell you I am no cook but for one day a year I do a pretty fantastic job if i do say so myself, haha. Really these twice baked cheesey potatoes win everyone over and it doesn't matter what anything else tastes like. Any suggestions for some fun appetizers I could make? I do have a whole book full of fun appetizers thanks to (e:paul) but more suggestions are always welcome. I also want to have some kind of updated slideshow/video movie thing to update with our college years since my mammoth highschool one is now almost 5 years old...but alas I need my scanner to work.
that leads me to my dinner party. Every year over christmas break I have a dinner party for my friends from highschool. It is like a rebonding every year thing. There are about 10 of us and now the significant others come too. Let me tell you I am no cook but for one day a year I do a pretty fantastic job if i do say so myself, haha. Really these twice baked cheesey potatoes win everyone over and it doesn't matter what anything else tastes like. Any suggestions for some fun appetizers I could make? I do have a whole book full of fun appetizers thanks to (e:paul) but more suggestions are always welcome. I also want to have some kind of updated slideshow/video movie thing to update with our college years since my mammoth highschool one is now almost 5 years old...but alas I need my scanner to work.
12/25/2005 13:06 #28928
Merry Christmas...To Nonna with LoveSo this is the first Christmas since I was born that we will not be going to my nonna's house, obvioulsy since she passed away this summer. It really is much sadder than I thought it would be. She is really what made Christmas special becuase now it is just my brother, terry, matt, my parents and me at my parents house. Not that that won't be fun, it just isn't the same. I loved going over to her house where Santa would also come for us, and sitting around and eating and chatting all day and eating way too much as always is the way at her house.I miss her so much all the time but today it is much more extremely hard. It just doesn't feel right without her. More than any of my other grandparents I really miss her because i knew her so much as an adult where we could really bond beyond the child/grandparent relationship from when I was younger. Nonna...I miss you, I love you, merry christmas somewhere out there!
codypomeray - 12/28/05 04:11
hi, i understand what you are feeling. my nanna was basically christmas in our family. it has not been the same since. i have tried to find it, and almost been there. i hope you find it soon. i do not normally make religious statements, but god bless, and i hope all is well. take care and happy new year.
hi, i understand what you are feeling. my nanna was basically christmas in our family. it has not been the same since. i have tried to find it, and almost been there. i hope you find it soon. i do not normally make religious statements, but god bless, and i hope all is well. take care and happy new year.
lilho - 12/26/05 19:16
mike, thats so sad. nonna misses you too im sure. she was so lucky to have such a loving and caring grandson, like you!
mike, thats so sad. nonna misses you too im sure. she was so lucky to have such a loving and caring grandson, like you!
I always loved the music from Evita!