So I a little bit stuck to my drinking less plan. I did not drink nearly as much as I usually do and stayed at like an ok level. Not sober by any means but I did not pass out til like 4 and didn't really throw up at all. By the by (e:lilho) may we always share tiny little bottles of like pure alochol that burns us as it goes down. 99proof I think? Wait is that a lot? If it is then that is prolly what it was. It was good to see everyone again and I am glad (e:beast) and (e:jesse) made it out to the party. Thanks (e:ladycroft) and (e:lilho) for letting my autograph your breasts. You hsould prolly never wash those becasue they will be worth tons one day. Plus the fact that the big J. Ho was there always means it will be a good time. She is my ultimate corruptor. Who kmnows? If it was n't for her maybe I wuld be successful or have goals or something.
Now for the advice...
So their is this person I met at a party like a month ago or so and we hung out a few times. Like I'm not gonna say we got al ong great or antyhing but we got along and things went ok I thought. It was weird becasue after a lot happening the first time we hung out then after that it was much more like friends but enjoyable anyway. Anywho, liek the last time we hung out I got quite a bit drunk and went back and hung out at their apt and slep there, like literally just slept, and that night and when I left in themornign eveyrthing seemed ok but then I left for Boston. And when I came back I asked if they wanted to go to dinner and they said maybe but htey might have had some work party or something and then they texted me later that they couldn't but maybe some other time. And I had already kinda felt like I was always the one like asking to hang out so I already wasn't sure if they were really intersted so I said ok just let me know if you want to hang out sometime. And then I haven't heard from them since really.... so do I just let it go? Liek it is weird cuz it didn't seem like anyting was wrong really besides the fact I was durnk and stuff but it seemd ok at the time.
So my question is , do I contadt them and just make sure it really is they don't want to hang otu with me anymore? Like I would say maybe it is obvious they don't but as most of my friends will telll you, I tend to exaggerate and alssume people won't want to hang out with me and like I twist stories to make it sound like they don't. Hmm I don't know if this made sense. advice is appreciated
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/19/2005 00:13 #28925
Party Musings and a Request for Advice12/17/2005 20:46 #28924
Why I need to stop drinking heavily...So as some of you know, I think I need to stop drinking so heavily at parties and things. I mean I only drink at parties or get togethers really but I always seem to drink myself into oblivion and really is that necessary? Sure it is fun, but necessary? I think I could probably still have fun and not be that drunk. After every party I or someone get photos developed and I am like wow why do I drink that much and become that embarassing. With the recent photos I just developed from Halloween and my eckerd work party and others over the year I think the proof is in the is some photgraphic evidence.
Ok why is there always a photo of me throwing up/about to throw up. Though dressed as a fraggle I think the posed over the toilet look actually comes off as kind of endearing.
Why do I always make this face that I think will be sexy at the time (haha!) but always comes out bad and with triple chins.
And here the face strikes again.

lilho - 12/18/05 20:02
ur the sexiest bitch eva.
ur the sexiest bitch eva.
southernyankee - 12/18/05 09:44
Mike, these are priceless! I miss your fun party habits too!!! wimper, sniffle...
Mike, these are priceless! I miss your fun party habits too!!! wimper, sniffle...
jenks - 12/17/05 21:36
12/16/2005 14:21 #28923
The Lion, The Witch and the WardrobeMe and JIll went to see the movei last night and itw as relaly good. I have been rereading the books lately in anticipation of the movie and really the movie was quite closely followed the fbook. Though I don't remember Santa Clasue in the book but maybe I just forgot. I also liked how inthe end the professor told Luci he had never been able to go back throught he wardrobe imppying he hade been to Narnia before. IHWen i read the book i always knoew like it was sorta impolied the professor had been to narnia but i wanted him to say it out loud like he did in the move so i loved that. The Aslaan eyes were so realistic . LIke those eyes were like whoa emotinal. Alsol wow there was something weirdly attractive about the relationship beween Tumnus and Luci. Me and Jill both thought so and we don't often think half goat/half men and 6 year old girls can have so much sexual tension.
ladycroft - 12/16/05 15:54
Ok, we agree then! That is exactly what I was thinking. I posted about it last week. But yes, I thought there was some eary sexual tension between those two!
Ok, we agree then! That is exactly what I was thinking. I posted about it last week. But yes, I thought there was some eary sexual tension between those two!
12/14/2005 23:51 #28922
Miscellaneous MumblingsSo my christmas cards are not even close to being in all the supplies are still in the Hyatt's bag but I will get them done...I must get them done...60 dollars is not going down the drain.
So I just saw an article that says Christmas Office Parties are going to be tamer this year. Well as I've mentioned mine definetely wasn't, but Eckerd always tries to buck the trends. Last night me and a few coworkers went to the Deuce for some Happy Hour fun and to watch the video from the party. As we all pieced together parts of what we remembered of the night, the whole picture became clearer. Then after a brief wrestle on the pool table, one of my coworkers stole the tape and is holding onto it until we get together and agree on erasing parts. I guess she had the most embarassing parts on the tape so it makes some sense but still those are memories and y'all know how I feel about memories. You just don't erase them...grrrrrrr.
I haven't seen (e:amanda) in a really long time and I miss it. I'm so jealous that (e:paul) is eating lunch with her, AMANDA we need to do some Juicery soon!!!! Stupid workweeks that give me no free weekday lunches.
Our Christmas tree is up and it is so much smaller than usual. That's what happens when I don't go along to pick it out. I knew that is what owuld happen. My dad's like "it seemed so big on the lot". Um now way Jose. It is a tiny tree that will not nearly fit the ridiculous amount of ornaments we have and that I liek to put on. Seriously youy will see no branches and only ornaments and still that will leave like a huge box of ornaments unused. How sad...
So I just saw an article that says Christmas Office Parties are going to be tamer this year. Well as I've mentioned mine definetely wasn't, but Eckerd always tries to buck the trends. Last night me and a few coworkers went to the Deuce for some Happy Hour fun and to watch the video from the party. As we all pieced together parts of what we remembered of the night, the whole picture became clearer. Then after a brief wrestle on the pool table, one of my coworkers stole the tape and is holding onto it until we get together and agree on erasing parts. I guess she had the most embarassing parts on the tape so it makes some sense but still those are memories and y'all know how I feel about memories. You just don't erase them...grrrrrrr.
I haven't seen (e:amanda) in a really long time and I miss it. I'm so jealous that (e:paul) is eating lunch with her, AMANDA we need to do some Juicery soon!!!! Stupid workweeks that give me no free weekday lunches.
Our Christmas tree is up and it is so much smaller than usual. That's what happens when I don't go along to pick it out. I knew that is what owuld happen. My dad's like "it seemed so big on the lot". Um now way Jose. It is a tiny tree that will not nearly fit the ridiculous amount of ornaments we have and that I liek to put on. Seriously youy will see no branches and only ornaments and still that will leave like a huge box of ornaments unused. How sad...
12/11/2005 18:55 #28921
Oh My! Eckerd Christmas PartySo at Eckerd we always have kinda crazy parties...we mostly all are heavy drinkers and so these parties tend to get a little out of hand sometimes but always are really fun. In the past we have gotten the cops called to our parties, gotten into the private boxes at Sabres games, had to keep watch while one of my 40 year old bosses pees in an alley on Chippewa, and so many more things but last night I think topped them all. I got quite drunk and passsed out in people's coats at some point I guess and don't remember all that much of the party but what I do remember is that when I woke up there were only like 8 people left and some of them were naked and it was very strange to wake up to 4 coworkers in all different states off undress playing beer pong...oh eckerd how i love the randomness...I guess at Eckerd thats just how we roll...needless to say I had a video camera...uh oh
Well, what do you really have to lose by contacting them again? If they are interested, then wonderous! If not, then nothing lost.
Since you were the one doing all the contacting they just might have gotten used to you doing that. It would be odd for them to contact you out of the blue because that is your job so far. That could be one explanation.
Besides, it is the 'holiday season' things are so crazy for everyone right now it is easy to let a phone call slip by.
go on, give it a try.
best of luck,
-dear Aby
Yes mike, it was 99 proof. I brought some orange and blackberry 99. I didn't realize it was 99 proof until carey and I had mini shots and burned holes in our chests. Glad you enjoyed the sensation as well. Yes, 99 proof is a lot!
Not good at giving advice so I don't know what to tell ya really. It could be that they just warn't up to it at that time or that they are really busy and need some them time (I'm not them so I wouldn't know there reasons). On another note those signatures from what little I could see looked cool.
hahaha i do the same advice is stop thinking so much and overanalyzing the situation...don't take it personal, maybe there is something going on in t hat person's life. invite them out to dinner once mor eand see if they accept. if not then just leave it at that cos there are always opportunities to make new friends :)