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08/16/2005 00:48 #28868

So Upset
I've never hated myself or my life more than I do right now. It is not like a my whole life sucks thing just one part that sucks enough for all of it. I seriously hate myself. Like why can I not to such a simple thing as go up to someone and say hey, how are you, what are you up to. Something simple liek that to someone i have already talked to many times before. seriously how did I ruin this one? Ok i didn't ruin it yet but like if nothing happens it is all my own fault. Like it sees like there is such a simple solution and that what i have to do is so simple. WHy am i so afraid of rejection. No i don't' even think it is that, i could deal with the rejection, i already assuem the rejection, it is the actual act of trying to make any kind of cotnact that freaks me out for some reason. I have to get over it! I don't want to be alone for life, I don't' think?

And all I wanted to do was go drink a lot tonight and forget about it, but alas, noone would go out drinking with me. I wish (e:amanda) was in town and not in miami right now, she is always up for drowning our troubles in alcohol. Seriously I am so upset with myself and to top it all off i am completely sunburn. See (e:maureen)'s journal for proof. It hurts so baaaad! I have never been sunburned like this in my life.
lilho - 08/16/05 14:20
lets look at it this way: you rock! look mike, life sucks, alot, but thats what makes life that much sweeter when things are good. you'll meeet somebody, just put all your eggs in one basket, theres alot of people who really care about.

p.s. i was just dumped for the second time. im pretty heartbroken, mad, confused, sleepless, etc. so, call me and we can cry together.
ladycroft - 08/16/05 12:38
We've all been rejected, and we have all had to reject someone. It's only a small pin prick. Don't psych yourself up for a mallet to the head!
jason - 08/16/05 11:17
Mike, you have to "man up" and face your fears. Talking to people is easy, you definitely can go and introduce yourself to someone. A simple hello won't result in your demise, I promise. You just have to be yourself and also be interested in what the other person has to say. It's something you can practice. Every guy knows rejection is a big part of life but if you want something you have to be willing to take the risks. Good luck!
judy - 08/16/05 09:43
Mike, Don't u know that u have absolutely no control over those kind of feelings? Not to push drugs or anything like that but, try Prozac or Paxil. They work. The difference between hate & love, dark & light, contentment or misery.
leetee - 08/16/05 07:40
The possibility of rejection is a hard fear to face for all of us. Know you aren't alone in that. Don't hate yourself.. for that, or anything!
maureen - 08/16/05 01:02
Mike, do NOT hate yourself, ever, for anything. talking to people is hard, especially if you don't know them well. it takes time to work up to will happen.

08/14/2005 23:50 #28867

I've been told i need to start showing some initiative in getting things I want. I can't let things just pass me by any longer. In theory that is a good idea but we'll see if I can actually do it. If only I had a little more confidence I could go and knock on that door.....

08/12/2005 01:04 #28866

Thanks Y'All
Wow! What a great group of people. I want to thank (e:ladycroft), (e:hodown), (e:metalpeter) and (e:tina) for helping me find that shirt. How great to know I throw a problem up here and in less than a day tons of people help me solve it. I love this place~

08/11/2005 15:29 #28865

Procrastination T-Shirt
I saw a man the other day with a black t-shirt that said in white writing something like "Reason's I Procrastinate" and then started the list with a 1. and then nothing was wrriten after that. I WANT THAT T-SHIRT BAD! I CAN'T FIND IT ANYWERE! Any ideas on where to find it? is there an online like tshirt website anyone knows of? If you see this tshirt anywhere, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! I should have asked him where it was from but I didn't! PLEASE ANY INFO WILL BE APPRECIATED
ladycroft - 08/11/05 15:29
One of my friends has that shirt. I'll try to get hold of him and ask where he bought it.
tina - 08/10/05 23:30
metalpeter - 08/10/05 19:17
I have seen that shirt before In a catolog I got in the mail. I think the catologs name was Things you never knew exsited. Not sure what there web page was. Or it might have been in Betty's Attic but I think the first one is more like it. Try they have funny shirts, band stuff, drug shirts and all kinds of stuff it might have been there.
hodown - 08/10/05 18:33
mike just make the t shirt yourself!

08/09/2005 00:18 #28864

Couple Hijinks
So the last weekish or so my friend's boyfriend has been in town. I've hung out with them a few times, just the three of us and while they will not admit it I think it is wearing on them. Like I think they hang out with me because they feel bad for my boredness but it is really kinda awkward always hanging out with a couple, especially just like watching TV or going to a movie. I mean actually it isn't super awkward but I feel like it should be and so then I think it is even if it isn't. I also am not so sure her boyfriend loves that I am always around. Like I understand, they don't get to see each other that much in the summer since they live in different cities so I probably wouldn't want a third wheel hanging around all the time too. Though he is super nice about it and never said anything or acted that way, i can just sense or just assume there must be some not happiness with the situation on his part. Some things I 've said about them in the past that they both know only make the situation worse. Not that I said bad things, like it was good things, but just things you don't say to people, especially when you don't really know one of them. Though it almost seems sometimes like my friend is sometimes exploiting the situation to the maximum awkwardness. Ok probably not but that is just what I think in my head. Like she knows I think it is awkward and then she does things that will make me feel more awkward. But at the same time I am having fun too. And its fun thinking there's always the possibility that .....ok no there's not but maybe? haha (a few of you will know what I'm talking about)