This is in response to what Terry wrote about Perfect Couples. I agree in many ways, its not that these "perfect couples" are necessarily perfect couples. As I said, I don't actually usually know anything about them, I just perceive them to be perfect. This is why I usually can't find a couple I know to be a perfect couple. But many people think that when I say perfect I mean they never fight and everything is always smooth between them and they never have any difficulties. That is not what I mean at all. By perfect I just mean really right for each other and you know they'll be there for each other or something like that. But I do believe that there is at least for some people, one perfect person out there for them, and that doesn't mean they won't have problems or have to work things out but that is the person they are meant to be with. I don't know, it has a lot to do with my desire or belief in fate, but I also do think that as a stripper angel once said in Can't Hardly Wait:
Fate can only take you so far and after that its up to you to make it happen
Mike's Journal
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01/03/2004 19:12 #28571
Perfect Couples Continued01/03/2004 13:05 #28570
RevisionsAfter I write journal entries, after thinking about it I always decide I want to add or remove something so I decided from now on I will add the word Revised to the title of any journal entry I change. So basically it is still the same entry you may have already read but I may delete parts I change my mind about or decide I shouldn't have put online or stuff like that.
01/02/2004 02:00 #28569
Perfect Couples [i]Revised[/i] 1/3/02Ahh the elusive perfect couple, Well not so elusive in my mind I guess. It's been a current topic of conversation as I have, against my better judgement told a couple that they were one of my what I call Perfect Couples. I don't know it is something I have always done like for years, I just see couples and they seem perfect. They have to be couples I don't really know and are usually a couple that I will see like once but sometimes more often and I get to know a little about them but the thing is the more I get to know generally, then the less perfect they become. They are perfect based on looks alone, well not like how good they look, but how well they seem to act and go together and how much they appear to care for each other. It usually isn't a problem about finding out more about them since they usally are complete strangers. I'm not sure why I have this strange obsession with perfect couples and I know some may think it is unhealthy and that I can't accept any relationship because I expect it to be perfect but that is not true. I don't expect it for myself, these people are just extraordinary examples of couples, it's not what I expect. It's weird, it is more like I want to be adopted by the perfect couples, not adopted in the sense that they would be my parents really , just like join them but not in liek a be a three person couple kind of way either. More in like wow they seem so perfect and fun and I want to know them better. But there lies the crux of the whole situation, if i get to know them better chances are they will lose their perfect couplenss. So is it better to try and know these people who seem great or is it better to let myself go on believing they are perfect and never find out more? Usually the issue is decided by the fact that I only see the people once in my life.
Anyway, so I told a couple they were the perfect couple, and they were basically strangers, well no not really, but we aren't like friends or anything, they are just people I know and have seen like twice. Like they seem nice and liek I would enjoy talking to them and stuff but I think I become almost overbearing because I become almost overinterested becasue they are one of the perfect couples. I mean, it is not like I would most likely ever become like good friends with them or anything but just like even to just say hello or have a like normal person conversation I always fear they are thinking , "he is crazy". I don't know. I guess in reality this is not really an issue, its just something I think about a lot lately.
I think this situation a little bit ties in with my fear that no matter how old I am, I will always play the role of the annoying little brother who wants attention when it comes to my brother's friends. Like when I was young I would want to hang out with my brother and his friends cuz they were cool and older (by 6-7 years) but it wasn't liek I was hanging out with them liek we were friends but like I was the younger brother but like then that was fine and I liked it and had fun. I was the almost uncorruptible little brother who was a little too devoted to the Dare Program and the 10 ways to say no to peer pressure.
The thing is now, like even though we are still 7 years apart, it does not seem as major a difference yet around his friends, I still feel a little like I fall back into that little brother role, it is just where I am most comfortable I guess. I don't know, may be more on this later.
Anyway, so I told a couple they were the perfect couple, and they were basically strangers, well no not really, but we aren't like friends or anything, they are just people I know and have seen like twice. Like they seem nice and liek I would enjoy talking to them and stuff but I think I become almost overbearing because I become almost overinterested becasue they are one of the perfect couples. I mean, it is not like I would most likely ever become like good friends with them or anything but just like even to just say hello or have a like normal person conversation I always fear they are thinking , "he is crazy". I don't know. I guess in reality this is not really an issue, its just something I think about a lot lately.
I think this situation a little bit ties in with my fear that no matter how old I am, I will always play the role of the annoying little brother who wants attention when it comes to my brother's friends. Like when I was young I would want to hang out with my brother and his friends cuz they were cool and older (by 6-7 years) but it wasn't liek I was hanging out with them liek we were friends but like I was the younger brother but like then that was fine and I liked it and had fun. I was the almost uncorruptible little brother who was a little too devoted to the Dare Program and the 10 ways to say no to peer pressure.
The thing is now, like even though we are still 7 years apart, it does not seem as major a difference yet around his friends, I still feel a little like I fall back into that little brother role, it is just where I am most comfortable I guess. I don't know, may be more on this later.
01/02/2004 01:49 #28568
New Years ResolutionsNot really all of them are resolutions but some things to try or at least think about in 2004:
1. Is there other things for me and Jill to do besides go out for coffee? We are really wearing our coffee houses thin.
2. Give up talking to basically strangers or people I barely know like they are my good friends, or at least not complaining to them and telling them all my life problems.
3. People say I need to stop with my obsession with Perfect Couples but I think this is highly unlikely. It has always been part of my life and who I am.
4. Realize that Lifetime Channel should not run my life as much as it does now and that I am not a 40 year old soccer mom no matter how much I act like one. Yet vanilla powder will always be a great addition to hot chocolate and my eyes will always go wide with excitement when I think about it and the Golden Girls will always be there for me at least 6 times a day.
5. Possibly not overanalyze things and just let life happen. I think that is generally good advice that I don't follow.
6. Eat less fast food.
7. Start saving money for the apartment we will have next year that will rock so hard and will have a rainforest room, a cd wall, and an soft serve/hard serve ice cream maker.
8. Finally start taping the soap opera I wrote. Like seriously tape it, not just one scene.
9. Actually talk to people I want to meet and not use my current firends even though they are the best in the world as a reason not to meet any new people.
10. Exercise more especially now that i have the ear warming head phone things so i have no excuse to not run in the winter.
I guess those are all I will post for now, but we'll see more will surely arise as i think about it.
1. Is there other things for me and Jill to do besides go out for coffee? We are really wearing our coffee houses thin.
2. Give up talking to basically strangers or people I barely know like they are my good friends, or at least not complaining to them and telling them all my life problems.
3. People say I need to stop with my obsession with Perfect Couples but I think this is highly unlikely. It has always been part of my life and who I am.
4. Realize that Lifetime Channel should not run my life as much as it does now and that I am not a 40 year old soccer mom no matter how much I act like one. Yet vanilla powder will always be a great addition to hot chocolate and my eyes will always go wide with excitement when I think about it and the Golden Girls will always be there for me at least 6 times a day.
5. Possibly not overanalyze things and just let life happen. I think that is generally good advice that I don't follow.
6. Eat less fast food.
7. Start saving money for the apartment we will have next year that will rock so hard and will have a rainforest room, a cd wall, and an soft serve/hard serve ice cream maker.
8. Finally start taping the soap opera I wrote. Like seriously tape it, not just one scene.
9. Actually talk to people I want to meet and not use my current firends even though they are the best in the world as a reason not to meet any new people.
10. Exercise more especially now that i have the ear warming head phone things so i have no excuse to not run in the winter.
I guess those are all I will post for now, but we'll see more will surely arise as i think about it.
01/01/2004 18:39 #28567
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!HAPPY 2004 EVERYONE!!! THAT IS CRAZINESS!! This is the year all my friends will be turning 21, we'll see where that takes the year even though i will still be a youngin of 20 until the end of August. Went to a party for New Years Eve at my brother's house. I had fun and I think my friends all did too which is good because I was nervous they wouldn't. It seemed liek it was on the brink of disaster right before we left to go to the party but we got there and it was fun!!! Everyone ended up going, like even Maureen and Diana and Matt who had previously said they would not so that was good and fun. The more the merrier in life!!! I slept until 4 today which I pride myself on not sleeping late usually but I didn't really sleep that well at my brother's last night and so needed to catch up when I got home. I realize I don't love whiskey but it works! Hope the New Year is good to you all!!! I brougth a camera and video camera to the party but didn't use them at all so hopefully I can get some doubles from my friends and post them up here!!!