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12/28/2003 02:49 #28565

I recommend that when you are in a bad mood, let it cool before you go telling people what you think. I usually follow this advice especially since I usually do not actually feel how I thought I did at the moment and by the next day am not mad at all. But lately I seem to be not waiting it out and that is bad because I say things I don't mean. That's all for now.

12/27/2003 03:20 #28564

Aparment Chatter
So in about one year I will be out on my own. Well in an apartment with MaryKate. I hope it all really happens, as we are quite the planner but not generally so good at the execution of our plans. But we did go looking at home supplies and stuff when we went shopping today and found stuff we need. For instance, the thing we realize we need most of all is an ice cream maker that makes both SOFT AND HARD ICECREAM!!! How amazing is that? Oh and we need a spice rack. Then it got even better. At my godparent's tonight, my cousin Jenny said that we can have stuff like a microwave and blender from her because she jsut got married and sot heyh have two of everything now from their separate apartments. That will be an awesome saver of money for us!
So lately, I've had this tendency to tell people that are almost complete strangers all my problems and life story, like not people on the street but people I barely know. Its strange and I used to think Teres was so starnge cuz of that and I think I have taken it to a new level of weirdness. I don't know why, it just seems appropriate someitmes when you want to vent to someone that is complmetely not invovled in anything like only a basically starnger can be. So if anyone thinks why is this kid telling me stuff and I don't really know him just tell me to shut up. Chadi!

12/27/2003 03:14 #28563

Christmas Tidings
Saved By the Bell DVD, what more can a kid ask for? Well this was a good Christmas, 2 days of fun with the family, well 3 actaully because we went to my other cousin's tonight. I got a cd burner so now I can make fun soundtracks to my movies and make copies for everyone. And I got a light up Eckerd like for those Christmas villages. ALl in all a good year. Not too much snow though, Chrismtas Eve had like no snow so it was not very christmassy looking but it was ok, it made easier travel. Christmas Day had some snow which was nice but this like nice weather is making me think Global Warming is more than just a future possibility. Tomorrow we are doing secret santa with my friends, well it is not so secret since everone basically knows who everyone else has but still it sohuld be fun.

12/26/2003 00:12 #28562

Not Christmas Update
My Christmas update will be coming soon, prolly tomorrow but right now I just want to say, don't tell people you can't really trust anything! Plus, foudn out some info I rathe not have known.

12/24/2003 16:00 #28561

Christmas Eve Tidings
So today is Christmas Eve and I am super excited! I love Christmas and Christmas Eve is the bigger celebration for my family where we go to my Aunts and see everyone. I think it will be lots of fun. I finished my shopping today, I just had one last thing to get and now I am done well except one more thing I have to get. Can I just say that Target is the most efficiently run store in the world. Although there were about 82,000 customers each with 2 carts worth of stuff, I was only in line for about 5 or 6 minutes. And the workers were cheerful. It was great. I found the thing I was looking for hiding behind some other ones that were the wrong thing which was exciting because I had thought it was sold out. Ok well I have to go to Church now so MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!