So the guests should be arriving for my first ever solo planned dinner party and my first christmas party ever in about 5 hours. We'll see how it goes. So far everything is going extremely well which makes me really nervous that something is going to go terribly wrong any minute. I am well on my way to finishing cooking the mian courses and some of the desserts and everything is going smooth as silk. My guest list has just been reduced to 10 due to a cancellation so now I'm not sure how I want to set up the tables. We'll see. I'm nervous that I don't have enough side dishes and/or appetizers but everyone has said they think it's enough but I just am not sure. Tomorrow I'll have either a glowing report of how well tonight went or a rant about what a disaster it was. Wish me luck. Stay tuned...
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/20/2003 14:04 #28558
Dinner Pary Countdown12/13/2003 16:12 #28557
I Love the Old LadiesI love the old ladies that come into Eckerd, not all of them, but a lot of them. Yesterday after not working for a like a week and a half and only having a few hours the week before, I started working again. All the old ladies, told me how much they missed me while I was gone and were wondering where I was. One asked the other workers if I had quit. It's so nice to know they care. They really make my job fun and enjoyable. It's good to feel they depend on me and trust me. I also had a friend's mom come to our pharmacy for the first time cuz of me and I think I got another expatient who once said we were snotty to come back. What would that store do without me?
12/12/2003 02:08 #28556
It's Finally OverWell this was my exam week and it was pure craziness. I had like an exam and a final paper due everyday. It's not that I didn't find time to go out for coffee though because, the king of procrastination can always find time for that but I am seriously worn out from doing all this work. Like mentally worn out. But I finished my last paper and I just have to hand it in tomorrow and I AM DONE!!!
Sidenote, it's aggravating that they won't take back my stupid public speaking book. I seriously barely used it all year and had to buy a new copy because there was a new edition and now they aren't buying it back! AGGRAVATING!
So I'm getting exctied about my christmas party next saturday although I don't know what I am going to make for dinner for everyone. I really wanted everyone to bring a guest so that there would be some people I don't really know, and like everyone could meet new people, but most of my friends are not but I am still holding out hope that they all will. I wanted to invite some people I don't really know also in order to liek just mix it up a little, like people i know only a little, but I didn't cuz I wasn't srue if that would be wierd. Ok that's all for now.
Sidenote, it's aggravating that they won't take back my stupid public speaking book. I seriously barely used it all year and had to buy a new copy because there was a new edition and now they aren't buying it back! AGGRAVATING!
So I'm getting exctied about my christmas party next saturday although I don't know what I am going to make for dinner for everyone. I really wanted everyone to bring a guest so that there would be some people I don't really know, and like everyone could meet new people, but most of my friends are not but I am still holding out hope that they all will. I wanted to invite some people I don't really know also in order to liek just mix it up a little, like people i know only a little, but I didn't cuz I wasn't srue if that would be wierd. Ok that's all for now.
12/08/2003 01:23 #28555
Teres's Bday VideoFirst off i just want to say I added like 10 entries in a row so please read them all and I hope they entertain.
MORE IMPORTANTLY: for teres's bday we are making her a video of answers people give to some of her favorite questions she likes to ponder. If you would like to be on the video email me, my elmwoodstrip accoutn is working again ( or you can just email your answers like typed if you don't want to be on video. The questions are (and give reasons with your answer not just like yes or no)
1. Would you rather swim in a pool of vomit or eat a bowl of scabs?
2. How do you feel about cheerleaders?
3. Spooning or snuggling?
4. How do you like your sandwiches cut?
5. Would you rather be smart but everyone thought you were stupid, or stupid and everyone thought you were smart?
6. Spoon or Fork? (only one for the rest of your life?)
7. Can one date themself?
8. Can one create their own nickname?
9. Your thoughts on milk?
10. Your favorite Keanu Reeves movie?
11. Your favorite Teres moment? (if you actually know her or make one up if you don't )
MORE IMPORTANTLY: for teres's bday we are making her a video of answers people give to some of her favorite questions she likes to ponder. If you would like to be on the video email me, my elmwoodstrip accoutn is working again ( or you can just email your answers like typed if you don't want to be on video. The questions are (and give reasons with your answer not just like yes or no)
1. Would you rather swim in a pool of vomit or eat a bowl of scabs?
2. How do you feel about cheerleaders?
3. Spooning or snuggling?
4. How do you like your sandwiches cut?
5. Would you rather be smart but everyone thought you were stupid, or stupid and everyone thought you were smart?
6. Spoon or Fork? (only one for the rest of your life?)
7. Can one date themself?
8. Can one create their own nickname?
9. Your thoughts on milk?
10. Your favorite Keanu Reeves movie?
11. Your favorite Teres moment? (if you actually know her or make one up if you don't )
12/08/2003 00:56 #28554
Random Coffee House MumblingsSo the other day it was like 11:15 and I decided I really needed a Mocha Jet Cafe from Coffee &. So I walked down there but I wasn't sure if they were still open and so I was peering in the windows, not subtely at all and may have been jumping up and down at one point trying to see but I didn't think I saw anyone so I walked away. Then about 5 minutes later I decided to walk back cuz I was thinking, they must be open. Again, I try to peer in the windwon and then I see someone is on the upstairs in the windwo so I decide to go in. Well when I go in lets call one worker CO and the other BD for the purpose of this entry well and I actuallyd on't know there names. Well BD was just going upstairs so I was afraid they could see me jumping up and dwon staring in the window for liek 10 minutes at this point and so it looked liek I was waitingn for BD to leave like i was stalking CO or sometihng> Which I so wasn't, I really couldn't see inthe window. Maybe it is tinted or something. Then I got a drink for my bro and one for myself but i ddn't get a lid for my bros and I had tdo carry it back to his apartment in the freezing cold tyring not to spill it. Anyway then the next day was when I took my random 2 hour walk (see crazy subway entry below) and who do I happen to be walking right behind, of course it's CO. So now I relaly look like a stalker and at one point I ran ahead a bit to not look suspicoiu but really looking all the more suspicious. In truth, maybe they didn't notice either time, which I hope, but really who knows.
Another thing, Jill thinks I have reached my 50 year old soccer mom peak becuase the other day at Spot I got hot chocolate and I saw they had vanilla powder and I got really excited and Jill said my eyes were crazy like I had never been more excited in my life and i said something like "oooh that would be nice, putting a little vanilla powder in here will make it taste like vanilla hot chocolate" I guess I said it in the tone of a crazed, chef soccer mom, but hey I guess that is what happens when you become such a Lifetime addict that you have an account so that they send you Text messages when something important is happneing on the channel.
Another thing, Jill thinks I have reached my 50 year old soccer mom peak becuase the other day at Spot I got hot chocolate and I saw they had vanilla powder and I got really excited and Jill said my eyes were crazy like I had never been more excited in my life and i said something like "oooh that would be nice, putting a little vanilla powder in here will make it taste like vanilla hot chocolate" I guess I said it in the tone of a crazed, chef soccer mom, but hey I guess that is what happens when you become such a Lifetime addict that you have an account so that they send you Text messages when something important is happneing on the channel.