Saved By the Bell DVD, what more can a kid ask for? Well this was a good Christmas, 2 days of fun with the family, well 3 actaully because we went to my other cousin's tonight. I got a cd burner so now I can make fun soundtracks to my movies and make copies for everyone. And I got a light up Eckerd like for those Christmas villages. ALl in all a good year. Not too much snow though, Chrismtas Eve had like no snow so it was not very christmassy looking but it was ok, it made easier travel. Christmas Day had some snow which was nice but this like nice weather is making me think Global Warming is more than just a future possibility. Tomorrow we are doing secret santa with my friends, well it is not so secret since everone basically knows who everyone else has but still it sohuld be fun.
Mike's Journal
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12/27/2003 03:14 #28563
Christmas Tidings12/26/2003 00:12 #28562
Not Christmas UpdateMy Christmas update will be coming soon, prolly tomorrow but right now I just want to say, don't tell people you can't really trust anything! Plus, foudn out some info I rathe not have known.
12/24/2003 16:00 #28561
Christmas Eve TidingsSo today is Christmas Eve and I am super excited! I love Christmas and Christmas Eve is the bigger celebration for my family where we go to my Aunts and see everyone. I think it will be lots of fun. I finished my shopping today, I just had one last thing to get and now I am done well except one more thing I have to get. Can I just say that Target is the most efficiently run store in the world. Although there were about 82,000 customers each with 2 carts worth of stuff, I was only in line for about 5 or 6 minutes. And the workers were cheerful. It was great. I found the thing I was looking for hiding behind some other ones that were the wrong thing which was exciting because I had thought it was sold out. Ok well I have to go to Church now so MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!
12/23/2003 02:16 #28560
Why I Suck LatelySo this is my self loathing entry. I just have been a little aggravated lately with life. I am getting sick of work and everything. 20 hours in two days right before Christmas when we are crazy busy is too much. ANyway that is not why I am really mad. Like do you ever have the perfect opportunity for something and then you ruin it or just don't go for it because you are just dumb. Well that's how I feel lately. Like I just let everything pass me by and the most glaring example happened the other day and it just aggravates me and why can't I be like a normal human being and not be comnpletely afraid of everything. Do you ever regret like just leaving instead of dealing with something. Grr.
Side but sort of related note. I have been thinking lately that I would not wish myself on anyone. I was thinking I would make a terrible person to date. I'm not a big complimenter, self-esteem builder, and I have tons of issues and phobias and ocd-like issues and I don't have like super hotness that would cancel those things out. I really think if I really liked someone I would have to believe they were better off wihtout a crazy like me. Well who knows, I am just in a bad mood today, prolly toomrorw I'll feel different.
But hey everyoen listen to my new soundbite, lets just say it involves some of my favorite people, Blanche, Dorothy, ROse and Sofia.
Side but sort of related note. I have been thinking lately that I would not wish myself on anyone. I was thinking I would make a terrible person to date. I'm not a big complimenter, self-esteem builder, and I have tons of issues and phobias and ocd-like issues and I don't have like super hotness that would cancel those things out. I really think if I really liked someone I would have to believe they were better off wihtout a crazy like me. Well who knows, I am just in a bad mood today, prolly toomrorw I'll feel different.
But hey everyoen listen to my new soundbite, lets just say it involves some of my favorite people, Blanche, Dorothy, ROse and Sofia.
12/21/2003 20:54 #28559
SuccessJust a quick update to say that my dinner party was a success. Well I think it was at least, maybe everyone is talking about how terrible it was right now but I don't think. I think it definetely went really well and the food came out good and people seemed to have a good time. While I didn't get everything I wanted to ready in time, I think there was still more than enough food and good decorations. Today was pretty good too but then it started to go bad because I do stupid things sometimes. Ok, i'll talk more about the party and today later when I have more time.