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12/08/2003 00:36 #28552

Starlight Express, Answer Me Yes
I'm not exactly sure what I saw Friday night, at points it seemed like a bad Power Rangers episode but then it was mixed with live action singing. Well it was Starlight Express but a grossly different version than I had originally loved. Besides changing up some of the songs and dropping some completely. That was kinda sad. Also, instead of a stage that went out into the audience they had 3D movies that were really subpar, i mean you don't generally go to see live theatre to see a prerecorded 3D movie. But overall it was still entertaining and our seats even though they were the last row of the floor were not too bad. One thing I didn't in particular was Electra's song AC/DC. It was totally done differently than what I had on the old tape soundtrack thing I had, I don't know, it used to be my favorite song and was not at this performance. We couldn't tell if any of theh people in the cast were the people that werein front of us at Regal the other day wearing Starlight Express jackets. Possibly Rusty was but who knows or maybe it was Greaseball, i don't remember. So overall, I"m glad I saw it again, but it was not as good as I had hoped, not even close.

12/08/2003 00:31 #28551

Crazy Subways, 2 Hour Walks, and Crazies
So Thursday started like any other day, little did I know where it would take me. I got out of class at 12:15 and my next class was at 2:30 and so I decided I would just take the subway which is right at Canisius to Shea's which it lets off right in front of in order to get my Starlight Express Tickets. Well, well, well that simple plan turned crazily complicated. So suprisingly enough knowing me, I did get on the subway going in the right direction, and it was a litlte more crowded than I expected. Well it was all fine and dandy until this huge lady comes in with her baby and is walking and the train starts and she steps right on my foot. All 400+ pounds of her weight on my one foot. And of course I had to laugh like it was nothing, instead of crying due to the excruciating pain. She then proceded to sit next to me and take up both our seats and basically sat on my leg. Oh it was so fun! NOT!! people don't say not as often as they used to and I think it needs to come back. Well anyway I get to Shea's, buy the tickets and then decide to go to Prima Pizza to get a slice of pizza but decide to keep walking until I get to Elmwood and Chippewa. And then in my infinite wisdom decide I'll walk back to Canisius, so i walk down elmwood all the way to Delevan. IT is crazy FAAR! and then I walked down delavan to canisius. It took liek almost the full two hours. And right before I get to Canisius, there are these three liek maybe 30 or 40's year old guys sititing on their porch and i walk by and they are like hey come here. And once again my infinite wisdom tells me to go back thinking maybe I dropped something. So i go back and after we do this "cool" handshake I don't know what I"m doing and try to follow along he then asks for some money and so I take out my wallet (mistake #2) and give him a $1, not that he is homeless or anything mind you cuz he just came out of a house. Then he says he needs to buy a 40 and asks if i can give him like 50 more cents. Great he coudn't have at least faked hunger and pretended it was for food but no he tells me it is for beer. So I give him 50 more cents. And then he was like why don't you take care of all my friends, you know I can't drink alone. And so i was like I don't have any more money. And he was like I can see in your wallet that you have more money. And I was like "um nope". And so I gave him the rest of the change I had. And he was like why don't you give me a 5 and I was like I don't have a 5 (i really didn't, i only had a 20 and i wasn't about to give it to a stranger for beer). Then he is all liek "why are you so nervous" cuz at that point i was most likely shaking, sweating profusely and may have peed my pants a little, ok i didn't but given a few more minuets I probably would have. So then I eventaully left them but not beofer another crazy handshake I embarassed myself trying to do. So my advice: don't do stupid things like i do.

12/03/2003 23:39 #28550

Starlight Express Again
First of all , thanks Jessica for the support for whip cream and rollerskate musicals. Whip cream really does heal all problems.

So instead of my mom who didn't really want to go, I begged and pleaded and may have cried and Jill decided she would go see Starlight Express with me!WOOHOO! I am nervous about this whole 3D movie thing and new songs though, I hope it is as good as when I was younger and saw it for the first time. I am so excited!!! I don't know if we are going Friday or Sunday as I haven't gotten the tickets yet and don't know if what is still available.

Hmm what else... only one more day of classes and then I am done for year. Except exams of course and I still have two papers and a final project to do but at least classes are almost over! I still haven't declared myself as a comm major, I really should do that soon.

I am totally craving a mocha jet cafe from Coffee & and was planning on going tonight to get one but decided not to and am now regretting it.

Friday is Teres's birthday and she is 21 so that is awesome for her. Happy almost birthday Teres. Me and Teres went to Subway for lunch today as we usually do on Wednesdays but it was nice cuz Turkey subs which I always get are on sale. 2.49 for a 6inch 5 for a whole one.

Does anyone remember the music sequence from Sesame Street that featured pigs dressed in eighties outfits and talking about crossing the street and went something like "I got a new way to walk, walk walk, I got a new way to walk" It is possibly my favorite thing ever when I think about it. Ok that is all for now. Oh by the way my email address isn't really working still so e-mail me at if you want.

11/30/2003 03:12 #28549

Starlight Express
I added this entry like seconds after the one after it so please read the one after it too. I am always nervous if I update too closely together one entry will get entirely skipped over.

Starlight Express, Please answer me yes , are you there yes or no? Well Starlight Express is my favorie musical from when I was a kid and it is at Shea's right now but noone will go with me. I could go by myself but I don't actually know if I could as I can't handle doing much by myself. I heard they changed it and now instead of coming out into the audience they have a 3D movie part which is not nearly as cool as them skating into the audience. How could people not want to go see singers on roller skates pretending they are trains. Seriously it is amazing. Well I want to go so if any of my firends is reading this and is like Oh i want to go, you know where to reach me. Or strangers, I'll go with a stranger. I suppose I could pay for one of my friends to go since I think it is mostly the money issue that is making them not want to but I cna't really afford it right now. We'll see. I have to see it someway, I have to!!

11/30/2003 03:08 #28548

Thanksgiving Happenings
Wow I haven't updated in a while. I really haven't had any time. Well everyone was home for Thanksgiving Break so that rocked. It was fun seeing Jen and Di and MK espeically since it was the first time Jen and Di came home all semester.

Last night me, Jill, Di and Matt went to coffe & and I had that little piece of heaven that is a Large Mocha Jet Cafe with Whipped Cream. You know what? It seems crazy that they need to ask if you want whipped cream,does that mean some people refuse whipped cream? That seems like a travesty if I've ever heard one. The worker who first introduced me to the Mocha Jet Cafe there asked me about my monkey halloween costume and how it turned out, cuz we had told him when we were trying to decide what to be and jill didn't think my monkey idea was good. Anyway, it was kinda neat that he remembered. I always think people have no clue who I am, well maybe it would be better if they didn't since me and Jill have a tendency to do embarassing things all the time, maybe it would be better if everytime we met someone they forgot everything and we had a clean slate to impress them wiht.

Thanksgiving was fun. It was a few less people for dinner than usual and no random strangers but it was still fun and I think everyone had a good time. I had to work from 11-3 but we didn't eat til like 430 so it was ok except that I missed the parade for the first time in my life and it was really sad because I love the parade. Speaking of work, we have a new pharmacist at Eckerd named Natasha and she is really cool and I hope she stays. We need good pharmacists that are good at their job and fun to work with.

My crazy godchild Nadia loves to be naked all the time and cries sometimes if she can't be naked. It really is bad since she is now 17 years olds, no just kidding, she is only like 2 years and 8 months or something so it is still acceptable to be naked. I wish it was socially acceptable to just be like "i wanna be naked" and run around naked.

So at Thanksgiving dinner, the topic of jill's love for a 15 year old came up and I would like to clear the record that Jill only loved this one 15 year old fromthat show and he is actually prolly 16 and learning how to drive by now and it really isn't freakish.

I want the Elf soundtrack so bad but they didn't have it at Circuit City, media Play or Target today. Craziness. I will have to go look at New World Records cuz I think they had it but then it will probably be a little more expensive but I really want it.

Tonight me, teres, jill and yosepha went ice skating and it was fun and Joel Giambra was there. Well I am pretty sure it was him. Yosepha had no idea how to skate but she made it around one whole time with the help of us, the wall an orange cone and this crazy lady who was keeping tabs on her progress. It only cost $1 to ice skate at Buff State even though the sign says $5, I think it might be cuz Teres is a student there and so they assumed we all were, who knows,even though it doesn't say there is a student discount.
mike - 11/25/12 17:43
just reading this about the whipped cream and now I always say no to whip cream on drinks at Spot...what would my 20 year old self think of me now?