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11/09/2003 22:11 #28543

There's No Way I Am That Out of Shape
So today after being lazy I decided to go running a bit. I haven't went running in like a month and I ran only like to Kenmore Mercy which is maybe 10 or 15 short blocks, not that far at all and I like passed out. I felt dizzy and like I was about to throw up. I seriously did not think I would make it back before I threw up. I have no idea what was wrong, I can't believe it was that I am that out of shape. Maybe I am coming down iwth something becuase I am still coughing even now. After I got back I was still dizzy and sick for like an hour but then I felt better and raked the leaves. We'll see how I feel tomorrow.

An update on the Jen story from the previous journal. She wants me to tell you she held her liquor fine last night and she is back to normal. She drank everyone under the table again and basically beat them to a pulp in asshole. And despite it all she didn't throw up. But she did learn some great computer facts from the computer engineer people she was drinking with. hahah. What's more fun than computer talk? Oh wait just about anything.

What else? Well noone has emailed me to take down their pictures so they can't be that upset. Oh I saw Elf last night, the Will Ferrell movie. It was hilarious. Except it freaked me out a little that the girl saw no problem in dating a grown man who thought he was an Elf and dressed appropriately for it every day. Maybe that's the key, maybe I should wear Elf costumes more often. But hey that's the beauty of movies, isn't it? Jill didn't laugh to uproariously to the point that we got shushed by fellow patrons, which was suprising since it was Will Ferrell after all. Maybe these people were just nicer than usual. The place was packed, it was quite nearly a sell out if it wasn't actually one.

Oh my, that reminds me. We were supposed to meet Teres at Spot on Delaware after the movie b/c she had to babysit. Well it was closed and so we had to stand and wait for her for like a hlaf hour in the cold on the corner of Chippewa and Delaware. What is it with the coffee shops all closing earlier now. What is a coffe house addict to do? There were a lot of Marines and dressed up girls with them. There must have been a Marine ball or something like that. So then we went to Pano's and I had grilled cheese and it was really good. It was quite a steal considering it came with french fries and was only $3.49 and that is on the more expensive nighttime menu none the less. One of Jill's many many suitors was there but she rejected his advances once again.

At Elf there were like 12 previews and one was for the next Lord of the Rings movie. Now I am not a huge fan as much as much of the rest of the population is and I actually didn't really like the first one but I really liked the second one and the third one looks really good so I can't wait to see it. Ok that's all for now. I'll post again later.

11/08/2003 14:08 #28542

Jenny Jenny Bo Benny Banana Fana Fo Feny
I talked to Jen today and as usual she had some funny stories and updates. So she is obsessed with hockey, well she loves it...a lot. She has a friend Gordon who had like never seen a hockey game and knows nothing about it but he said he would go with her. Well on the way there in the car he admits he like went online and studied hockey rules and words and stuff so that he could understand what was going on a little bit and talk about it. Isn't that funny but great?

So later Jen and Gordon and his roomate Brent went back to their apartment and started drinking for like 5 hours but Gordon is like a two drink man, how sad that I could probably drink him under the table. Anyway, Jen drank more than either of them and continued long after they stopped. That's the Jen we know and love, the one who has no problem drinking alone and showing any man up with her drinking prowess. But ah she got sick and has been throwing up all morning. What is wrong with my friends and throwing up lately? Why does everyone have to steal my thunder? Sick stomachs and throwing up is my claim to fame. Just kidding, you guys can have it. OK that's all for now.

11/07/2003 01:28 #28541

I've heard some people don't want the pictures of them that I have put up online. If you want me to take down a picture just e-mail me at and tell me and I'll consider it (ok i'll most likely do it as soon as I get your email) You can also just e-mail for any reason or question or comment.

11/06/2003 23:49 #28540

Marykate was home last night and we went to Coffee &. It was fun, we talked her love life, sang songs, did dances, didn't get served forever at pano's. It was fun. Woohoo for one night visits.

It's not about what you should do...but what you want to do. Nicole sent me that quote and it is good. Yet it's just not exactly me. It's hard for me to be like I just gotta do what I want to do and not think about everything else. Lately though, that isn't really the problem, the problem is even more I don't even know what I want to do. Eh, we'll see. Ok not much else to say now.

11/05/2003 18:21 #28539

Stupid Oral Comm Class
Listen to the dumbness being professed by my oral comm teacher. As if he isn't already the most ridiculous man on the face of the earth with his like going over things like a cabillion times and being a harsh harsh grader and giving the trickiest quizzes. Well now we have 7 classes left and he just decided to cancel one and so we only have 6 classes left. Yet in this time we are supposed to do our Persuassive Speeches (our last round of speeches took six class periods to get through the whole class and they were shorter), 6 rounds of short impromptu speeches (which it takes about a class period for 3 rounds), 2 quizzes and at least one day of him teaching and us watching examples of Persuassive Speeches. So basically I don't know how we are ever going to finish in time yet in class he said we are on schedule and doing great. I think he has no idea when the semester ends. So basically I have a feeling he is going to make us go to class during exam week or something, I totally would not put it past him but we'll see. Dumb, Dumb, Dumb. Oh by the way Halloween candy is cheap at Eckerd well prolly all stores. I bought a huge bag of bags of skittles and starburst for 1.24 each.