So anyway, they had some aperteeth (play on words of apertif but i don't even know what that is so it was above me) and it was quite gross. So Katrina made me a drink that was yummy that was sierra mist, grenadine and vodka. I liked it a little too much. It was even better with some ice so it was cold. Jill liked this guy Richard that was there well i don't know that she liked him but she was interested in him in her drunken stupor and they ended up making out a little and Teres took a picture of it. Me and Teres decided Jill had to go home becuase she was too drunk and she was getting sick. She gave in pretty easy but it was so funny because to convince her to go we said that I was leaving too and she was like "you can't fool me I will notice if you weren't in the car". So then the next day when i called her she was like "oh you went back to the party after you dropped me off" and I was like "jill i was never in the car" and she did not remember at all. It was funny!! Jill barely ever throws up and she threw up numerous times so she must have been quite drunky mcdrunks.
Anyway back to the party, so Jill, Teres, and Katirna, Amanda and Jessica all left at like two but I could not because I had forgotten my house keys at home and I didn't want to wake up my parents in the middle of the night so I decided just to stay the night at my brothers. I was a little durnk and my have been a little annoyijng, I know it is hard for anyone that knows me to picture me being annoying but it happens, lol. I talked about Eckerd a lot, well you know Eckerd is my one true love so it comes up in converstaion but the people I talked to go to the W. Utica Eckerd which just isn't as good as mine. Some people claimed my Eckerd was ghetto and old and dirty, and I guess when I think about it it kinda is, but it felt like a personal attack. I didn't reveal any patient information though which is good.
So after all my friends left I realized I didn't know anyone left, well i knew Paul and Matt and Terry but noone else so I
ke "Oh crap what am I going to do now?" But I ended up talking to Chamille. She was very interesting and fun. She works with Terry at the IRS and lives on Elmwood too. I tried to convince her she should start an online journal but she didn't want to. She has quite an intersting life and frankly I think we all know that this website could use some spice that I think she has. But I don't think she is going to. Her crazy escapades though would be interesting for everyone to read. IT was crazy cuz I was like, "you can use a code name like Tonya or something" and it turns out her real first name is Tonya. Well Latonya. BUt isn't that crazy. I just randomly picked Tonya and it ended up being her real name. Craziness. I would tell you Chamille's stories but I don't think she wants them in public and that is why she doesn't' have a journal. Hmm what else happened.
Oh then one of the Chrises was talking to us also trash talking my eckerd or maybe he was the only one trash talking it no the ohter chris did to i think, i don't really remember, all i remember is that there were viscious attacks on Eckerd. He used to go to Eckerd and claims he shops there but I've never seen him. He says the people in our pharmacy are snotty but they are not, they just are concerned. And he went to RiteAid now which is like the worst pharmacy in the world! I also heard from one of the Chris's that my dad is afraid of their dog and when they walk it by my house he runs inside (cuz they live around the block from me or soemthing I think, somewhere in Kenmore at least). But I think my dad is a hardcore poopwatcher and so although he may not chase them down because he is afraid ofd their dog it won't stop him from calling the police, but chris said they use a bag anyway and clean up after their dog so thats good. My dad is a little crazy with people poopin on our lawn, well not people but dogs. Well I"m sure he would be crazy about people doing it to but I don't believe that has happend ever.
Then it was weird cuz really I am way younger than everyone else that was there besides my friends, and if not way younger at least some younger and Chamille was like 27 and Chris was 30 and they were talking about taxes and services and stuff and I was like wow I feel young. And then I felt dumb cuz someone was like wow you're a virgin and your 20 but whatev. And really it was none of their business as far as I'm concerned. Wow I can't believe I just put that in my journal, well i don't really care, its the truth. That reminds of something related, I am a little sick of people thinking they know things about me, or more why are people I know telling people things that is totally my space to tell. Like it is not up to them to deicide these things and tell people, last time I checked it was up to me.
I also talked to some girl from the Co-op house, who thought I was crazy cuz I don't know what a concept album is wait I think that was her I really don't remember but I know I talked to her. Chris said he has seen his dad, and brother and some other people die in a car accident which is crazy sad and he said he thinks he has a curse or something and people get in more accidnets with him like people that never had been in accidents before. He said a door impaled him in the accideent where he saw his dad die and he had all these scars on his chest where he had the stitches and said he had all reconstructive surgery on his face. I am not sure if he made all that up cucz he was drunk or if it was true but if it was true that's crazy sad stuff to happen in a life and so I prayed a little bit for his car safety for him today at church and whlie that really means nothing to most people, I figure it can't hurt right?
I think I may have annoyed people at the party with my excessive Eckerd talk and the such and sorry if I did if you are reading this which you probably aren't because noone is but if you are and you thought I was annoying sorry.
So anyway to
nue, e
one le
ft except Paul, Terry, Matt and the two Chrises and me and then the two crhises left at some time I am not really sure when. My mom called at like 11 the next day and was mad b/c she wanted the role of film I had in order to get pictures from my cousin's wedding that were also on the role developed before she went to my Aunt and Uncles that afternoon. I didn't want to wake anyone up to have to drive me home so my dad came and pciekd me up and took me home. Before I left I tried to clean up at least a little bit and threw up some plastic cups that were around but then my dad got here and I had to leave. I got all the pictures developed so I'll put some up here.
Overall I had a really good time and I think most people did. Although sleeping with a tail is a little hard. It was a little annoying cuz it was always in the way. Oh yeah and once again my music tastes were insulted. Ok so i realize for sure as I have mentioned before that I like the worst music but eh whatev. Actually I do like being introduced to new music though and some of it is good. That was another time I felt young when people were all like, You have never of heard of so and so but it was fun. Ok I guess this is all for my entry for now, if I think of more from the party I will add another entry later. Chadios. Here are some pictures from the night:

Katrina, Amanda, Jessica, Jill and Teres

Holly, all sparkly

Chris, Paul, Lindsay, and Hetris

Me and someone whose name I don't know

Teres and Jill

Me and Jill at the beginning of the night

Me and Jill a little bit later on

Me, Katrina, Amanda, and Jessica

Paul and Chamille (top), Chamille in a cool mask (bottom)

Chrises wearing monkey mask when fallen asleep

Me as the night progressed

And of course the best for last, who are they?
And you had nothing to say.