Last night on elmwood near the corner of elmwood and allen there was an open dirty diaper! It was so gross! Jill almost stepped in it!! EWWW anyone else notice a lot of used diapers around elmwood lately?
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/17/2003 22:45 #28525
Trash on Elmwood09/17/2003 20:54 #28524
First entry... well sort ofI decided to add another entry tonight. First I'll talk about the cursive concert last night. It was a virtual whose who of my friend's awkward past. Everyone she possibly ever had an awkward relationship or encounter with was there and they were all best friends. It was quite horrible but funny at the same time. We couldn't look anywehre without making eye contact with someone we shouldn't have. How insane as always! Cursive was actually quite good and I was surprised that I liked them so much. I think the cello defienetley gave every song a cool sound. I recommend you check them out. That reminds me: Everyone should listen to the song Lover I Don't Have To Love by Bright Eyes. While I am not the biggest Bright Eyes fan, frankly not much of a fan at all, it is seriously the best song ever. It will make you want to go out and have sex or make out with the first person you see depending on how slutty you are. I almost wanted to make out with my cd player when I first heard it. But seriusly it is the best song ever and everyone should listen to it. Hmm what else do I have to say. Oh yeah, can you believe JLo and Ben broke up. Is there nothing sacred anymore? Where is the world without JLo and Ben? I don't know but I am not happy about it.
Ok, new subject... I am writing a soap opera called Behind Closed Doors, well actually I started it in tenth grade and it has went through numerous changes since then, with a current major change on the way to simplify it yet keep it as exciting. Or knowing my laziness I won't fix it and keep it as is. Anyway hopfeully soon, Marykate will put a website together to showcase it, Our last one got taken off because of illegal files for some reason or something. So hopefully it works this time. I'll put the link on here when we have a website.
Ok, new subject... I am writing a soap opera called Behind Closed Doors, well actually I started it in tenth grade and it has went through numerous changes since then, with a current major change on the way to simplify it yet keep it as exciting. Or knowing my laziness I won't fix it and keep it as is. Anyway hopfeully soon, Marykate will put a website together to showcase it, Our last one got taken off because of illegal files for some reason or something. So hopefully it works this time. I'll put the link on here when we have a website.
tinypliny - 06/15/08 21:09
Okay, I am hearing the song as I write this... And something must be wrong with me. Its not having the desired effect. BTW, as (e:boxerboi) said, where is your soap opera???!! Remember that you promised me the bit-celebrity part of the waitress who smirks!!
Okay, I am hearing the song as I write this... And something must be wrong with me. Its not having the desired effect. BTW, as (e:boxerboi) said, where is your soap opera???!! Remember that you promised me the bit-celebrity part of the waitress who smirks!!
09/17/2003 20:35 #28523
I'm just starting this and don't know what to say today but I just wanted to put something up. I'll add another entry later tonight or tomorrow.
Bet it was thrown out a car window by a baby; that is one baby that needs anger management.