It was nice to have a day off from work Yesterday and Go to EDGEFEST. As I walked up to the line to get in there where a lot of girls and hardly any guys a couple hotties and a couple showing off there lovely assets. But the proportion of groups of girls to guys seemed verry strange. But that was early about and hour and 15 minutes before the doors where supposed to open. I wish I would have brought my Camara they where allowed but all the stuff i got and read they wern't allowed. Turns out only Professional camaras warn't allowed. There where some ladies I would have Really liked to take pictures. There was this Dark Skined girl with a great tattoo of wings on her back and a white girl with a simalur tattoo. But I think maybe the most interesting one I saw was this lady who had chopsticks (that is what they looked like) and had a dragon on her next and some kind of Asain writng down her back. I ran into
(e:Timika) and
(e:Yyvone) and her daugter and hung out with them for a few minutes, that was cool. Hope she posts the pics cause I would like some from Edgefest.
I will admit that I again sometimes had trouble concentration on watching the bands on stage (with the exception of 30 seconds to Mars) . There where plenty of cute, Sexy and drop dead gorgeous distractions. Not to mention you need to know what is going on around you. I really enjoyed all the bands. Even though Didn't know a lot of the bands music. I got Halifax, 30 Seconds To Mars, and Hawthorne Heights CDs signed. There where a couple of surprises I will admit. I thought Buckcherry was just a one song band but they where verry good and had a bluesy kind of rock N' Roll vibe and where verry good. I had Never heard of Subway or is it Subways they where verry good. Not sure if I'm saying it right buy Amberline was verry good to. I should have bought some more CDs and merch then I did, but that is ok. The only thing that I really didn't like was that there where No Edgefest Shirts. The artwork they had on the adds was a neat look I would have liked to have a shirt that looked like that.
It is kinda tough to recap an entire show in a post but this kinda covers it. I'm glad I didn't get that post event fealing of loniness that sometimes accures after events like that. I had a great time hope everyones weekend was great.
Thanks for taking all them. Makes me feel like I made it in a way.