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07/03/2006 20:19 #28419

Net Thoughts and Man of Steel
Category: internet
I went to go see Superman Returns today. I thought it was verry good and liked how they did the story. The only thing that I thought was strange is one of the actors was a major Character it the X-men movies. Oh and sexy Kate Bosworth wow. I thought she did a great job not sure if I prefer her as a brunette or Blonde but great job.

But before that I went with the Family on a walk of the Marina. So I'm in line get my food and walk past a guy and think to my self is that (e:mrmike) , I couldn't tell his head was turned. If that was you I'm sorry. Sometimes when I'm in the middle of doing something I continue. What I should have done is set down my try and gone back and seen if it was him. So I'm sitting with the family and he walks past and goes to sit down. I'm thinking I should go see if it is him. But then If I do then my nosey little sister will ask who it is and how I know him (assuming it was him, maybe even if it wasn't). Then I would have to lie, or tell a half truth. I really don't like doing that. If someday they find the journal on there own then I may have to deal with it. But with some of the stuff I write I wouldn't want them to read. So that got me thinking Well what if I'm with them and I run into (e:PMT), (e:ladycroft), Jen or any other (e:peeps) then would I just say they where friends than eventully the question comes up of well how do you know each other, then what. So maybe that means I shouldn't write personal stuff. Or maybe I should only write personal stuff as its own blog with nothing else and turn it into a non public journal. Not really sure.

On another Note I went to New World Records yesterday looking for some CDs and wound up buying 30 Seconds to Mars's first CD. I havn't had a chance to listen to it yet. But if any of you fans out there want to listen I plan on burning a copy for myself that you could borrow.

I thought this article was interesting and should be posted. It can be found on the Buffalo News website. I will reread it and post some comments about it below. It is basicly about how bloging can be costly.

You said WHAT? Internet messages can come back to haunt senders

Personal lives become public on blogs accessible to eyes users never intended them for

News Staff Reporter

Marcus Yam/Buffalo News
Lisa A. August of Buffalo State College's Career Development Center said the Internet can quickly make private thoughts very public.

We've all seen the errant e-mail - a profession of love, perhaps, or a criticism of a co-worker - that's sent to an entire workplace instead of the sole, intended recipient.
And Web logs that offer too much information on the writers' personal and work lives.

Or the profile pages on MySpace and Facebook that bristle with descriptions of the hosts' drunken misbehavior and nocturnal escapades - with photographic evidence, to boot.

It's clear people still haven't learned the basics of smart Internet behavior.

"Instead of putting your foot in your mouth, you're shoving your whole keyboard in there," said Jennifer Wutz-Lopes, a Lockport resident and computer systems analyst who hosts the blog Jen's 14,221 Thoughts.

But today, the repercussions can go far beyond just a modest dose of embarrassment.

Some companies have fired employees for writing critical comments on their personal blogs.

And employers are starting to search through MySpace, Facebook and other Web sites to find any online profiles set up by job candidates.

So college career-development officers are warning students to avoid posting photos or commentary that might scare off a company recruiter.

"What they don't understand is that it now becomes public domain, and you don't know who's going to read it," said Lisa A. August, associate director of Buffalo State College's Career Development Center.

They've found that - with apologies to Jimmy Buffett - the Internet is a permanent reminder of a temporary feeling.

"The Internet, in my opinion, should be treated as a near-infinite time capsule," said Harvey S. Axlerod, the University at Buffalo's computer discipline officer. "Once you put [content] up, you have no control over it or who uses it."

People have always done embarrassing, or dumb, or scandalous things.

The difference in the Internet age is that now there's a record of these gaffes, and they can swiftly travel around the world.

Several years ago, when Wutz-Lopes was working at a health care company in Boston, Mass., an employee there inadvertently sent a love note intended for his office sweetheart to a full list of company supervisors.

"I didn't get the original e-mail, but it was forwarded over and over again," said Wutz-Lopes, who moved back to this area in 2004. "It was steamy."

One of the employees ended up leaving the company shortly afterward, she said.

Lawyers seem particularly prone to e-mail gaffes.

Three years ago, Jonas Blank, a summer associate at a prominent New York City law firm, intended to e-mail a friend about his low-stress workdays of sushi lunches and casual chitchat.

The expletive-laced e-mail mistakenly went to 40 people at Skadden Arps - and then to basically the entire world.

Blank soon apologized profusely in an e-mail and, later, got hired full time at the firm.

Earlier this year, an e-mail exchange between lawyers Dianna Abdala and William A. Korman was forwarded repeatedly across the Web.

By e-mail, Abdala turned down an employment offer. When Korman objected to Abdala's tone, she replied, "bla bla bla."

Why do intelligent people do stupid things on e-mail?

It's so easy to click "send" or to hit "reply to all" instead of "reply," e-mail users said.

Also, words on a screen carry a lack of tone, facial expression and vocal inflection. "I'm very mindful that things can sound obnoxious, even when you don't have that intent," said Alan Bedenko, a lawyer who runs a popular blog called Buffalo Pundit.

Now, the rise of blogs and social-networking sites offers new online minefields for people to gingerly step through.

"You don't want anything you write on the Internet to come back and haunt you," said Chris Smith, who rarely writes about his work or home lives on his Buffalo Geek blog. "It's a careful line we all walk if you want to be part of the blogosphere."

Locally, one blogger who is openly critical of his employer is Cliff Parks Jr., who produces the Pop Culture Is My Curse blog and works for Verizon.

"To call us "the company that couldn't [urinate] straight' is a profound understatement. How you people put up with us I will never know," Parks wrote in a candid March 27 posting. Parks declined to comment further.

Two months ago, former mayoral candidate Judith S. Einach said she briefly was barred from City Hall after she criticized Mayor Byron W. Brown on her Einach Report blog.

The day the move was reported in The Buffalo News, however, Brown called Einach to say she was welcome to return to City Hall for her volunteer work on a city cleanup effort.

Some employers bar workers from saying anything sharply negative or from revealing company secrets on their blogs.

Getting fired for criticizing your company in a blog is known as getting "dooced." It's a reference to blogger Heather B. Armstrong, who was fired in 2002 after slamming her then-employer on her blog,

Kanoodle, an online-advertising company with offices in Getzville, encourages its employees to blog but does have a policy limiting what they can say about the company, said Tricia Marcus, Kanoodle's chief human resources officer.

"I think employers just have to realize that this is the way the world is today. You can't control [the Web]. You just have to protect yourself and be supportive," Marcus said.

Now, sites such as the vastly popular MySpace and the college-focused Facebook have given young people a new forum for their innermost thoughts and detailed accounts of their personal lives.

David Iwankow, 25-year-old member of the West Seneca School Board, had a lively profile on MySpace. That is, until earlier last week, when complaints from the community prompted his fellow board members to ask Iwankow to take the page down.

A few years ago, before August took her current position at Buffalo State, she was assisting an engineering major at another school with his job search.

The student had, quite properly, listed on his resume a Web site he had designed, so August decided to check out the site.

"When I pulled up the Web page, what I saw was him holding a beer [and] wearing a jester hat," August said. She recommended the student keep the Web address on the resume but drop that photo just to be safe.

Now, employers are entering the names of applicants into Google or other search engines and are starting to dig deeper into Facebook or MySpace for the candidates' profiles.

"We're certainly very aware of that possibility," said Jim Jones, director of the Canisius College career center. "And my feeling is, why take the chance?"

A couple of years ago, a student of Alex Halavais' set up a blog as a class assignment. In one entry, he blasted the customer service at a company.

Soon after, he went to interview for a job with another company. The interviewer told the student he liked him but the student would never get hired there unless he took down the critical blog entry.

The company with the bad service was one of its clients, the student learned. "I got this panicked e-mail saying, "Please kill this. Please delete it,' " said Halavais, an assistant professor of communications at Quinnipiac University who earlier taught at the University at Buffalo.

One recruiter said his company uses the Web to find good employment prospects and to get background information on job candidates, including to verify resume information.

"We use it as an informal screening mechanism," said Chris Beckage, regional sales manager with Superior Technical Resources, a staffing and outsourcing provider in Williamsville.

Facebook and MySpace users said it's a matter of common sense not to put anything on their sites that is potentially embarrassing or that reveals too much about their identity.

However, several users said it's not fair for companies to judge job applicants based on what they post on their Web pages.

"I think that's an invasion of privacy," said Jennifer Hobes, a Buffalo State junior who lives in Buffalo. "It's a social site. It doesn't have anything to do with how they'd do their job."

"I really do think what people do in their personal lives is their business," said added Rachel Griffo, who is earning a teaching certificate at Buffalo State and who uses MySpace.


I think that they have some interesting stories in this article. I think that a couple points made are valid. Firstly you shouldn't blog or put up anything that is to personal or could get you in trouble at work. [fuck I do that all the time, in terms of personal stuff] For example talking about how you and your GF or BF get high and screw, when work has a no drugs policy. However if what you talk about is going on in your personal life and not at the job or during working hours then it is wrong for the bloger to suffer because of it. I also think that it should be illegal to discrimante because of what you write about on your blog. The thing that I think a lot of people who seek to find peoples blogs don't understand is that a lot of it is fealings. Just because someone says Customer service sucks, that is what they feal at the time and it is a fealing. It isn't a statement of fact and that is a big differance. I also think that places of imployment Googling you is wrong fbefore they hire you. I understand that in some fields it is a good way to get profesional information on you, but any thing personal or in blogs needs to be disregarded. What is ok and what is not is a realy fine line and so maybe companies shouldn't look up anyone on line. I would also say that it is a form of discrimantion. First of all people who don't have online access or any information about them don't have any information that can be used for them or against them. That means that the hiring company wouldn't have any extra knowledge about them and so it really isn't fair to use that online information. With the exception of giving away company secerts on one blog no one should be fired for what they say on a blog, generaly that is so wrong and unetical. I also don't think that anyone should be hired because there blog is liked more then someone elses, that is unetical and wrong also. Hopefully some of you will chime in on this so I can hear other opinons or maybe even write into the guy at the news.

metalpeter - 07/04/06 12:11
Jenks that is one crazzy story thanks for sharing it.

Mrmike I should still have came over and seen you just to at least say hi. So for that I'm sorry.

Listing to 30 seconds to mars anyone who wants a copy I'm sure I could make you one.

After I went off line last night I had another thought about online blogs and picture sites and adult personal sites or any other site that have information about people on them. None of them should be used by employers. Some times the content on those sites are not by the person it is about. For example there where people at the party the other nite who arn't even part of (e:strip) but yet there pictures are up here and so they could be found and that could be used agaisnt them. There are also some sites that just plain bash people. There is a dating one called bad dates or something along those lines. That site is kinda a modern day black list. Plus often Party stuff is taken out of content and can be misconstured. I lost my point somewhare watching chat but I think you get what I mean if anyone is reading this.
mrmike - 07/04/06 00:54
I did each lunch at the marina Monday -- Ran out of the office with I guess too much tunnel vision. I think my depth perception was shot from the prolonged time in line. By the time I had my food, I was on the clock. Never leave your tray alone down there, but don't be nervous about saying hello. If you saw me today, chances are you saw the vast populace with which I ate. We solo diners can always use company even in passing.
jenks - 07/04/06 00:03
if you google 'mary callahan' one of the things that comes up is an email that this girl (my childhood best friend) hit "reply" instead of "forward" to- talking about the guy to her friend (she thought). But when he got it, he forwarded it- etc etc. she almost lost her job. but also got book offers and asked to pose for playboy.... craziness. re blogs... yeah i say a lot, but i don't think it's too incriminating, and i try to make sure i'm not google-able.

07/02/2006 15:14 #28418

Part 2 House Warming Finshed
Category: photos
Well it took a long time but I belive I have all the pictures posted from the party in this journal and the one previous check them out if you went or if you didn't. I had A good time it was nice to meet David AKA (e:libertad), The brothers Larson where there that was cool. I admit there was one point where My arm decided it wanted to go tingly and when I thought I may have to puke but some nice fresh porch air helped that out. A couple things that i didn't get pictures of was the Depancing of mike and the Beer Pong, didn't see much of the beer pong tournament that went on with the use of a door proped up on two chairs in the kricthen. I was verry mellow even for me. On Saturday I did wind up hanging out with my sister at the Marina and at the Guitars for Hope exhibit at Chanel 17 near the marina and going out for lunch at the Mexican place on Chipewa as part of that hotel building. There are way to many of those pictures to post but maybe in a couple days I'll put up a few of them. I had a great Saturday. It was nice not being the last one to leave the party for once. The Party was crazzy. I will admit there is that little bit of crazzyness in me somewhare. I have been basement parties before and danced not that I really like to dance. Plus at work we are always breakin balls but that side never seems to come out lately, can't really worry about it. I did have fun rockin to 30 to mars. Why is that when ever I listen to them I get them stuck in my head, not that that is a bad thing. But it seems to only happen with them lately. Ok I've Rambeled enough. One last thing Timika, Jen and Ryan thanks for having the party and for putting in all the work that it took, oh and the same to (e:PMT) for the parties they have had.





















































libertad - 07/03/06 00:32
nice to meet you too! I felt like such a dumb ass because i was like oh your metalpeter what is your real name? Why is someone giving me the middle finger and why am i smiling about it? Love the pics

07/02/2006 12:32 #28417

Timika Jen Ryan Part 1 Updated
Category: photos
Having trouble uploading pics but this one works so I'll be back latter to put up more.


It is moving slow these pictures arn't in order but here are some to look at then later on there will be more as I update this one.






























I wasn't sure where to cut it but I guess that is it for part 1. Just wanted to Add that I had a great time. I wish I could have been more social. For some reason the crazzy side comes out and work and the silent side at parties I have to try and flip that around some how. I don't know why I didn't think to bring a house warming gift even if it was something small would have been nice. I Realy like how the wood floors look it is a really nice place great porch with outside furnature really cool pad like the people who live there. Maybe part 2 will have some more reflecting.
mrmike - 07/02/06 19:26
Thanks for taking all them. Makes me feel like I made it in a way.

06/30/2006 19:00 #28416

Sat. July 1
Category: events
Wow Sat is going to be a busy day. I hope the weather is nice and it dosn't rain. On a side note I saw the effects of the Tornado Today. Where work we had a dock door open and out of no whare the rain became extremley hard and wind was blowing like crazzy it was a wild storm that came out of nowhare. Turns out a Tornando hit a truck near the Galleria Mall. Lets hope that dosn't happen on Saturday have a few things to do.

First of all I saw an picture in the news today of the Ship I tried to see last week at the Marina. I guess I was a week off it is downthere this weekend. I think it leaves on monday some time. So I want to see that on Saturday. I also need to go see the guitars for hope at chanel 17 near the Marina. I think they are repeating the Blade the Series that I missed that after noon. Plus I need to decide and then buy Alcohol and maybe snacks for (e:TRJ) or is that (e:LDN) Then go to the their house warming. It seems as if I will be taking a shit load of pictures should be a fun day but Sunday will require a lot of rest So it may be a busy but fun day that I'm looking forward to, hope that there will be no rain.

06/29/2006 20:20 #28415

no blade music
Well last night I did get to watch a good amount of UFC. But I never made it to Blade, dammit should have set up the timmer. They had it with limited commericails that would have been cool. Then today I was going to go to square but my foot was bothering me and one of my legs was bothering me so no point in going. Hope those of you went have a great time (yeah so I used both past and future tense I belive in the same sentace) But what if someone reads this on there way there and they are running late or what if someone reads it on friday we need it in the right tense, not really just wasn't sure if I should make it past tense or not. Wait now not only am I having a discusion about symantics but I addresing the reader. Now I'm talking about the piece of writing to the person who is reading it, ok this journal really makes no sense anymore. In anyevent I look forward to seeing some of you on (meaning who ever is there, not that there are only some people I'm looking forward to seeing) Sat I atleast know I'll be taking pictures. Maybe I can find away to bring out the social side of me but who knows, I wouldn't count on it. Oh that is what I forgot to mention I don't have a link to it but there was an article in todays (thursdays) Buffalo news about a new Totem park in Niagara Falls Canada. It sounds interesting. But it is just to bad that more things like that can't happen on the US side of the border. Not sure why nothing really happens on the us side but I have an idea (maybe a little mob activity and stealing of money and stuff like that, just a theory). Why else would you read about all these great idea of places under domes, and water parks that go out of business and none of these devolpments come there. I knew someone who worked in the falls and they told me that there where allways lots of things that where supposed to happen and never did, and that it was verry frustrating but they had no idea why.