The colors in the last picture didn't come out so well, so here's what the yarn looks like up close. Isn't it pretty!

So tomorrow I'm going to be starting the big move to Cambridge. My mom and I are going to drive up to Schenectady, where all of my belongings are in storage, then load a Uhaul and bring them to my new apartment in MA. After that we're coming back to Buffalo since I'm not actually going to live there until September. I'm really excited to see what the apartment looks like since my roommate picked it out and did all the work for us. I'm nervous too though, since I haven't ever even been to Cambridge and this is where I am going to be living from now on. I'm going to take pictures of my apartment and hopefully post them when I get home. It's going to be a long couple days of driving back and forth to Boston, ugh, at least I can knit in the car :) . Have a good middle of the week everyone!
Cambridge is fantastic! I lived in Boston for a few years. It's a great city, great architecture, great people, great food, great clubs...you can't go wrong.