So moving in to my apartment was about as chaotic as I imagined it would be. My mom drove a truck through the streets of Boston and Cambridge (and various other MA locations because we got lost) and at one point ended up stuck perpendicular to the sidewalk while trying to do a three point turn. But in the end it was all ok because the apartment looked great to me. I have a very nice sized bedroom with my own teeny bathroom and my roommate has a smallish room but she gets the big bathroom. We also have AC, an elevator (we're on the 7th floor!), a fireplace, and a little patio. It's so sad that I think the apartment is such a steal since our total rent for this little place in Cambridge could prob buy a whole house in Buffalo. Oh well, it's not forever.
Leaving Boston I thought the whole trip had gone well and I was relieved. I tend to get panic attacks and therefore did not even visit Harvard for fear that once I got to Buffalo I would be too afraid to go back for school in Sept. Anyway, on the car ride home the shit hit the fan. My roommate, Lauren, is a girl I don't know too well. She's the girlfriend of one of my best guy friends at school and I was relieved to have someone to live with. However, now I'm not totally sure that she's sane. She is abnormally attached to her parents, who definitely have some screws loose. Anyway, here's what happened:
Although the people who are subletting the apt. to us offered to get a cleaning person to come in after they moved, Lauren's mother insisted that her's come and clean the apartment for 6 hours before we moved in. She badgered the people until they left a check to cover her cleaning women (I thought the whole thing was ridiculous...I can clean, and I don't need to get paid!). Anyway, when Lauren's mom Nancy arrived at the apartment with the cleaning lady she insisted it was far too dirty for us to live in (mind you, I had already moved my stuff in the day before). She said the pipes smelled and the bathroom walls were crumbling. So here I am sitting in the car driving home from Boston and I receive a call from my new roommate saying that we can't live in the apt I just moved into. I was completely dumbfounded...she and her mother were the ones who picked it out! My mother and I were just there the day before and it was fine...nothing wrong with it at all. So I told her she needed to wait until she got there and that her mother was exaggerating. Meanwhile my mom and flipping out and calling her mother names while I'm on the phone. Lauren proceeded to call me 4 more times before I got to Buffalo. Finally I thought it was all settled (after I explained to her that she had signed a lease and could not rightfully break it for no good reason) and she seemed okay with everything. Then the next morning I wake up to a very nasty email from the landlords calling Lauren's mom rude and inconsiderate. Apparently her mom had called them directly and told them they were dirty and had left the apartment unlivable! I immediately called Lauren and told her I didn't want her mom to speak to the landlords for us and I emailed them and told them I thought apt was fine and apologized for the things that were said to them. Unfortunately Lauren's dad is as crazy as her mom and when he heard about the email they sent he shot back at them with a nasty email of his own. He said things ranging from "your cleanliness is different from my wife's, and possibly all other humans" to "the reason you found my wife's comments insulting was because of your english aptitude, which is clearly very low" (they are Asian). Feel so embarrassed and annoyed to be caught in the middle of this. I feel terrible about what is happening but clearly nothing I do is stopping anything. I can only write so many emails apologizing for things I did not say. Hopefully when this is all done with they will be cordial to us. I don't know that I would be if I were treated like that. Oh well, I guess this is what i get for living with someone I don't really know. Yet, I think she's a nice girl...her parents are just crazy.
Maureen's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/08/2005 18:35 #27686
Apartment DramaCategory: long story/rant
08/01/2005 22:18 #27684
Knitting and Moving to MATwo days ago I found some really pretty multi-colored blue yarn so I started knitting a scarf. It's about 6 inches long so far and it looks good. I forgot how much I like to knit. It's really relaxing and I love making things from scratch. Here's what my scarf looks like so far.

The colors in the last picture didn't come out so well, so here's what the yarn looks like up close. Isn't it pretty!

So tomorrow I'm going to be starting the big move to Cambridge. My mom and I are going to drive up to Schenectady, where all of my belongings are in storage, then load a Uhaul and bring them to my new apartment in MA. After that we're coming back to Buffalo since I'm not actually going to live there until September. I'm really excited to see what the apartment looks like since my roommate picked it out and did all the work for us. I'm nervous too though, since I haven't ever even been to Cambridge and this is where I am going to be living from now on. I'm going to take pictures of my apartment and hopefully post them when I get home. It's going to be a long couple days of driving back and forth to Boston, ugh, at least I can knit in the car :) . Have a good middle of the week everyone!

The colors in the last picture didn't come out so well, so here's what the yarn looks like up close. Isn't it pretty!

So tomorrow I'm going to be starting the big move to Cambridge. My mom and I are going to drive up to Schenectady, where all of my belongings are in storage, then load a Uhaul and bring them to my new apartment in MA. After that we're coming back to Buffalo since I'm not actually going to live there until September. I'm really excited to see what the apartment looks like since my roommate picked it out and did all the work for us. I'm nervous too though, since I haven't ever even been to Cambridge and this is where I am going to be living from now on. I'm going to take pictures of my apartment and hopefully post them when I get home. It's going to be a long couple days of driving back and forth to Boston, ugh, at least I can knit in the car :) . Have a good middle of the week everyone!
ladycroft - 08/01/05 22:18
Cambridge is fantastic! I lived in Boston for a few years. It's a great city, great architecture, great people, great food, great can't go wrong.
Cambridge is fantastic! I lived in Boston for a few years. It's a great city, great architecture, great people, great food, great can't go wrong.
07/29/2005 20:34 #27683
Me, a party girl? I think not.Last night was a super fun night out with (e:mike)! We hit a lot of clubs and were extremely social on our night to "meet people." Without (e:beast) and (e:jill) I'm afraid (e:mike) is becoming an alcoholic, and am I becoming a party girl?, definitely not, but (e:mike) is an alcoholic! Although I don't have any pictures of from last night, I do have ones from when (e:mike), (e:mk), and I went to Frizzy's two weeks ago. I'm really not sure what we're doing in most of them, but it was a really fun night out. Enjoy!

06/20/2005 21:51 #27681
Pop Vs. Soda SiteCheck this out: 
It's so funny that someone would bother to poll poeple on whether they say "pop" or "soda." I think the interactive map is really cool. I always thought us "pop"ers were the minority but it seems we may not be. Although I have to admit, this hardly seems unbiased...just check out the Conclusion. At any rate, put down your info and be represented.

It's so funny that someone would bother to poll poeple on whether they say "pop" or "soda." I think the interactive map is really cool. I always thought us "pop"ers were the minority but it seems we may not be. Although I have to admit, this hardly seems unbiased...just check out the Conclusion. At any rate, put down your info and be represented.
paul - 06/20/05 21:51
That is so great. I have had this conversation with people a million times and now I can apply statistics to it ;)
That is so great. I have had this conversation with people a million times and now I can apply statistics to it ;)
06/30/2005 16:23 #27682
Summer DaysLife in Buffalo for the summer is always something I look forward to when I'm away and am bitterly disappointed by when I'm experiencing it. Although it's really nice to be in my house and with my mom and friends, I'm really bored when I'm not in school. I going to get a job so that I'm not so bored for the next couple doesn't start until mid-September so this is only the beginning. Good thing I have (e:Mike), (e:MK), and (e:Jessbob) (for the time being) to hang out with. I definitely need to make an effort to be more social this summer. I don't push myself enough in that respect and I think it's time for me to work on that. (e:Mike), it's time for you to work on that too. Let me know if I need to make any calls from your phone for you.
There is a bit of exciting news to tell. I got an apartment in Cambridge for the year. It's so perfect, it's right in Harvard Square just a couple blocks from my school so I don't have to commute. It seems expensive but the girl I'm going to live with did a lot of searching and found the best price for us. I can't wait to live Cambridge, it will be such a departure from Schenectady! I'm getting a little nervous about my grad school program, but every time I start to freak out I go to the website and read all the course offerings and everything and I feel really happy again (I know I'm such a dork).
I don't have too much to tell. I'm sure I won't have anything to post about before the 4th so I hope everyone enjoys the fireworks.
There is a bit of exciting news to tell. I got an apartment in Cambridge for the year. It's so perfect, it's right in Harvard Square just a couple blocks from my school so I don't have to commute. It seems expensive but the girl I'm going to live with did a lot of searching and found the best price for us. I can't wait to live Cambridge, it will be such a departure from Schenectady! I'm getting a little nervous about my grad school program, but every time I start to freak out I go to the website and read all the course offerings and everything and I feel really happy again (I know I'm such a dork).
I don't have too much to tell. I'm sure I won't have anything to post about before the 4th so I hope everyone enjoys the fireworks.
BS and DRama like that is why I stay by my self and rent not lease. The real problem is that the landlords offerd to clean the place up. But the parents said no. The second that they said no they lost there entitlement to complain that it was dirty. Of course it was dirty the landlords din't clean it up cause the parents wouldn't let them. Then to say it is to dirty to live in is crazzy, that is why you brought your maid to clean it up and make it presentable. You decided that having the landlords clean it up wasn't good enough so if it takes the maid 15 hours instead of the six she was planning on to bad. Have parents co sign a lease is a bad idea. It means they have the power and you two arn't really independant. Since they are responsible if you don't pay the lease or damage stuff that you don't pay for then they have to pay. I hope everything works out well and the parents stay out of it and there is no more drama.
Oh, my, there are parental co-signers. That's a shame. But, you know it is you and your roomate that are living there and before bailing on the situation, trying to work things out can't hurt. You can always bail out later... sometimes, roomate situations don't work out.. not just for you, but others. Perhaps someone might need a swap? lol. Good Luck!!
I totally agree with you and I actually did speak to her about her parents involvement. I told her I was really uncomfortable with them talking to our landlords and that I thought it should be only us. The problem is that the landlords asked for our parents to co-sign the leases, so they feel that they have a right to be included. I don't want to make problems with my roommate but I also don't want my landlords to hate us! I think I am going to have to put my foot down. I mean whether or not they co-signed the lease, they are not the ones living there.
Is it possible at all to ask your roomate to ask her parents to butt out? I understand parents want what is best for their child and often, we turn to them for assistance. But when they make things difficult for us, we sometimes have to insist they let us deal with things. Do you think that is a possible outcome?
Get out of this while you can and while you arn't in school full time. Just break your lease and go visit to find another place. Otherwise, the drama will probably never end.