apparently i didn't get any of my voicemail this week. i suddenly had 15 new messages today. aobut half were from my mother. i miss her.
the more the holidays near, the more i hope i don't spend them alone, as it is unlikely i get to go away for thanksgiving, and i will definitely be here for christmas. thats really depressing.
i hope (e:hodown) can come and celebrate xmas with me, and that i will be ableto get away to nyc for thanksgiving. otherwise, i will prob intrude on one of your holdiay celebrations, bitches.
on another note, i need to get my damn inspection sticker. I've been without one for a while now, and i tired to go in friday, but they "didn't have time". i was supposed to get my ass up in time to go before work today, but i didn't. my bad. monday will be a very special day.
i keep having these awful dreams, which also include close friends and family, and something very bad happening. like, the time my brother was going to kill me. or the time i was having an illegitimate child, and wouldn't tell the father i was pregnant. freud could have a field day with those.
on another note, i am getting too large. i am going to be on vaca in a month, and don't want to hear it from mother that i shouldn't carry so much weight in my torso, and will be forced to be something about this in the next few weeks. if i can drop 5-10 lbs that will be good. i just need to stop eating only bread, cereal, pasta, and subs, and some fucking vegetables. and do a couples crunches here and there. maybe go to the gym at school, maybe. maybe i can actually work up the courage to wake at 6 and work out before class. if i did that, i would be the shit.
i miss my girlfriends and currently have an opening for a girlfriend who: is smart, has similar style, likes to laughabout stupid stuff, will dance, will party, will listen to my many issues, and who is looking for the same. i do love my gays, but the bf is away, and i don't get to talk to her much. (e:tina) is great too, but we never see eachother anymore. she always has to do art shit. i hate artists. jk. i just miss having someone to talk to.
fall is a lovely season, but somewhat lonely, and winter even more so.
i really think im gonna paint my apartment in the next few weeks...if i ever get that damn loan check...
have a good weekend (e:peeps). i better see ya'll at the bowling alley next sat. :O)
Lilho's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/07/2006 18:01 #26314
15 new voice messages10/06/2006 09:53 #26313
t-three weeks and six daysuntil i bask in the artificial gloriousness that is las vegas.
10/03/2006 23:07 #26312
for my birfday...Category: bday
i have decided on bowling a voelker's, or however the hell you spell it. Sat the 14th, 930 pm. be there, come one come all. pizza, beer, bowling, spankings. ur gonna love it.
pauls gonna help me make a banner this weekend, so all yall can't say you didn't see my post.
and after the bowling, going out and drag show at marcella's. oh yes. no better way to say happy birthday than seeing fantasy island dance with sabrina, the black midget drag queen, who smokes out of her trach. can we say minority?
pauls gonna help me make a banner this weekend, so all yall can't say you didn't see my post.
and after the bowling, going out and drag show at marcella's. oh yes. no better way to say happy birthday than seeing fantasy island dance with sabrina, the black midget drag queen, who smokes out of her trach. can we say minority?
mrmike - 10/06/06 15:29
I'm in and would drive LC
I'm in and would drive LC
kookcity2000 - 10/04/06 22:45
LC, et al we should start a Bryant Neighborhood Association.
The first order of business is to go bowling.
LC, et al we should start a Bryant Neighborhood Association.
The first order of business is to go bowling.
mike - 10/04/06 22:43
YEAAH!! You know I'm in lilho!!! Maybe we can invite a certain someone (JV? foreva!)
YEAAH!! You know I'm in lilho!!! Maybe we can invite a certain someone (JV? foreva!)
carolinian - 10/04/06 20:45
If I go, you're welcome to walk around the corner and catch a lift.
If I go, you're welcome to walk around the corner and catch a lift.
ladycroft - 10/04/06 13:25
I can go if someone can take me :)
I can go if someone can take me :)
chico - 10/03/06 23:18
Bowling sounds awesome, but chica and I will be at the Sabres game that night.... :(
Where is Marcella's?
Bowling sounds awesome, but chica and I will be at the Sabres game that night.... :(
Where is Marcella's?
09/29/2006 09:51 #26311
what is your "calling"?it's so confusing, figuring out what to make of this life.
do we do what we want, or what we think is right?
are we actually able to find what we really want?
is it what we want, or what we think we want?
do we do things just to please other people?
it's all so damn confusing, becuase i want way too many things. and i'm not sure if i really want them.
on a lighter note, the day had arrived, and my apartment looks swell. its so cute these days, and it only gonna get cuter.
also, i bought a $3 disgner top yesterday. i am wearing it now, but not sure if it looks fashion forward, or futuristic and strange(i.e. the jetson's).
i guess we'll figure it all out. or not. and my sis can be the final judge on the top.
g'day mate.
do we do what we want, or what we think is right?
are we actually able to find what we really want?
is it what we want, or what we think we want?
do we do things just to please other people?
it's all so damn confusing, becuase i want way too many things. and i'm not sure if i really want them.
on a lighter note, the day had arrived, and my apartment looks swell. its so cute these days, and it only gonna get cuter.
also, i bought a $3 disgner top yesterday. i am wearing it now, but not sure if it looks fashion forward, or futuristic and strange(i.e. the jetson's).
i guess we'll figure it all out. or not. and my sis can be the final judge on the top.
g'day mate.
mike - 09/29/06 11:07
I want to see your futuristic top....when does JHo get in?
I want to see your futuristic top....when does JHo get in?
09/28/2006 09:57 #26310
i want un petit babya puppy. im so allergic. does anyone know of a kind that is hypallergenic, and little , and cute? I've been thinking about it for a long time, and i think its still a dream, but damnit, i want one.

mike - 09/28/06 18:03
you could just have a human baby...they are very low on the allergy meter
you could just have a human baby...they are very low on the allergy meter
ladycroft - 09/28/06 15:16
I believe Yorkies and Poodles are allergy safe because they have 'hair'. There's a third (normal) breed, but I can't remember what it is.
I believe Yorkies and Poodles are allergy safe because they have 'hair'. There's a third (normal) breed, but I can't remember what it is.
libertad - 09/28/06 13:15
lilho i hope you are feeling better. Here is a link i found re: hypoallergenic dog breeds.
Not sure if these are what you had in mind.
Check out the Peruvian Inca Orchid (WTF IS THIS A FLOWER?) It is kinda cute. In Cuba there are a ton of chineese hairless dogs or chinos roaming the streets. They look like greasy eggrolls.
lilho i hope you are feeling better. Here is a link i found re: hypoallergenic dog breeds.
Not sure if these are what you had in mind.
Check out the Peruvian Inca Orchid (WTF IS THIS A FLOWER?) It is kinda cute. In Cuba there are a ton of chineese hairless dogs or chinos roaming the streets. They look like greasy eggrolls.
I had a dream that I was out there this morning @ the old Binions Horseshoe downtown.
Needless to say I'm Jealous :-)