im so excited! i haven't seen her since easter, i think? anyway, it's the longest we have gone without seeing eachother, kinda sad.
my new life consists of only work, school, sleeping and eating. i get one day off a week, in which i grocery shop, fold laundry, clean, and try to get other various tasks done. im not complaining, becausei chose this, and eventually my life will be better because of it, but right now, im tired!
today i have to pay parking tickets, got an inspection sticker, illegally, work, and do school work.
class calls....
Lilho's Journal
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09/18/2006 09:02 #26305
hodown is comin to town!09/13/2006 10:59 #26304
a little braindead as well(e:libertad) mentioned be braindead. i feel the same. i lready has so much busy work to do, from ecc nontheless. why do they give so much fucking homework?
i have to work 40 hrs, commute to work/school/home again, and try not to be a hughe bitch to my boyfriend. im not doing such a good job at any of these things.
i have to work 40 hrs, commute to work/school/home again, and try not to be a hughe bitch to my boyfriend. im not doing such a good job at any of these things.
mike - 09/13/06 23:08
i think you need to party...
i think you need to party...
09/04/2006 12:31 #26303
ps, i had a dream that i am...good friends with paris hilton. we parited it up at my ub north penthouse, and went out and got wasted. i then decided to get a tattoo just above my left wrist on the underside of my arm thats says "i love elvis" see drawing below. paris got mad at me because i made a sarcastic remark and we made up and she gave me a plastic diamond necklace. wtf?
this is just one example of why not to take sudafed everyday.

p.s. after i woke up, in the dream i realized i was late for high school and was running down the halls when i started intching my arm, i pulled up my sleeve, and there it was. i showed all of my firends, and told them i hated it and was going to get it removed once i saved up $700.
last nights dream included my borther stealin $700 from me that i needed to pay me bills, and i woke up saying "mom". i was startled and thought that i had woken up nick, but he was sound alseep.
i have issues. dream issues.
this is just one example of why not to take sudafed everyday.

p.s. after i woke up, in the dream i realized i was late for high school and was running down the halls when i started intching my arm, i pulled up my sleeve, and there it was. i showed all of my firends, and told them i hated it and was going to get it removed once i saved up $700.
last nights dream included my borther stealin $700 from me that i needed to pay me bills, and i woke up saying "mom". i was startled and thought that i had woken up nick, but he was sound alseep.
i have issues. dream issues.
09/04/2006 12:24 #26302
55 hr work week plus schoolwah. everyone seems like they are having a ton of fun. and im missing it all.
oh well.
i have started my new position and will be starting school as well this week. how fun.
i opened a bank account with key bank, and they are giving me an ipod nano in return. how amazing is that. switch your bank account people. big reward.
this weather is really depressing, especially since i am still fighting the month-long illness. im on my second round of antibiotics, and im hoping this one works. this one is bad though, becuase you have to take it on an empty stomach, and i had to fight the urge to puke with all my might this morning. i fought it with a plate of french toast, prepared by (e:thesimeon).
he is off today completing many tasks, which i feel i should be helping with, but i have to work 2-10. at least i get time and a half. then tomorrow i work 7-3, then, 4-9. thats 13 hours of people inc. in between i have to get my student id and parking pass, and attempt to make it to the library. wah.
im not even that upset about all of the work this week. the weather sucks, has sucked, and doesn't look like it is going to get any better.
how did we just skip the end of summer/beginning of fall and head into the "i feel winter coming, no sun, dreary, prozac season?" anyway, i will be going to vegas in november and have that to look forward to, just two months...
happy labor day.
oh well.
i have started my new position and will be starting school as well this week. how fun.
i opened a bank account with key bank, and they are giving me an ipod nano in return. how amazing is that. switch your bank account people. big reward.
this weather is really depressing, especially since i am still fighting the month-long illness. im on my second round of antibiotics, and im hoping this one works. this one is bad though, becuase you have to take it on an empty stomach, and i had to fight the urge to puke with all my might this morning. i fought it with a plate of french toast, prepared by (e:thesimeon).
he is off today completing many tasks, which i feel i should be helping with, but i have to work 2-10. at least i get time and a half. then tomorrow i work 7-3, then, 4-9. thats 13 hours of people inc. in between i have to get my student id and parking pass, and attempt to make it to the library. wah.
im not even that upset about all of the work this week. the weather sucks, has sucked, and doesn't look like it is going to get any better.
how did we just skip the end of summer/beginning of fall and head into the "i feel winter coming, no sun, dreary, prozac season?" anyway, i will be going to vegas in november and have that to look forward to, just two months...
happy labor day.
i do need my hair done, so that will be fun. i'm just waiting on a paycheck, then i'll give you a call. think colours...