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07/31/2006 10:56 #26298

a post for post sake
haven't been here in a while. feeling somewhat disconnected. i havent seen my sis in a record amount of time and its getting me down big time. i just need a big dose of (e:hodown). im sick of working so much and being so poor, but i think ill be back on track by the end of the summer.

in happier news, my new job is great! i work people inc. in a goup home with a developmentally diabled individuals. one thing that gets me through the day is how happy there people are with life, even though they have gotten the short end of the stick. it makes me feel bad to be such a whiney stinky person. oh, (e:leetee), i can give you info if you would like toe apply. they are always hiring and its a great organization to work for, let me know...

i got hair extensions for my bitch's father's wedding next weekend. i think its gonne be sweet. i just wish that i could be like the doll that when you crnaked her arm, her hair grew. this is taking way to long.

last thing. i have been chosen as honorary guest on my sis's business vaca to las vegas. we get a spending allowance of $300 a day and there are two rules:

1. no celine dion

2. what happens in vegas stays in vegas. bitches.
flacidness - 08/09/06 00:36
metalpeter - 07/31/06 19:12
I will admit I have never had a job where I actully help people who need help, but I assume that is verry rewarding and makes you feal good.
libertad - 07/31/06 18:15
was it hard to win the trip lilho?

07/17/2006 16:25 #26297

family members who ignore me are out
Category: exhaustion
im so sick of work everyday. its either standing on my feet and cutting nasty people's hair, or sitting through lectures for 7 hrs. 7 days a week. can't wait for july to just be over.

and the best part is, i still have zero money.

actually, thats the worst part.

if it stays this hot, i will kill myself. its making me sick.

i miss my momma and my sister, and i think im gonna cry.

i need a hug. wah.
lisa - 07/27/06 10:35
hey so what happened to you?

07/10/2006 23:09 #26296

breaky phoney
Category: phone
my phone finally took its last shit, and on a day when i get about ten calls nonetheless. fuck that. that bitch has to get sent back to az and replaced, since im on my mothers plan and she has to be present for me took get any sort of service.

i fucking hate sprint. cingular was so much better.

i love being a consumer. all i think about all day is how to consume more, how i can be a better consumer. how to make big business republicans more wealthy. we need more oil.

what if everyone one had their very own oil rig in their back yards. screw pools, an oil rig will do just fine. kids love oil. so moisturizing.

anyway, i work every single day this month and prob everday for the rest of the summer. i find once you cut yourself off, its not hard.

one day i will get to have fun again.

im on the diet exercise regimen for real this time. its nice to have (e:thesimeon) around for some ass-kicking. i have no self control.

blog on (e:peeps). have some fatty food and think of me...eating yogurt and veggies. ahh.
libertad - 07/10/06 23:41
i agree lilho. we all need to consume more. In with the new, out with the old. Sorry you gotta get a new phone. I love yogurt!

07/03/2006 11:51 #26295

spendind quality time, on my day off
Category: sickness
that's right. i have food poisoning for the third time this year. is that a record? this shouldn't happen, i don't live in a third world county.

anyway, i will spending some quality time with au toilet today.

im so happy.
joshua - 07/05/06 21:46
Bottoms up! (Or down if you are in the Ho household).

Ok, you know I just had to.

06/29/2006 16:46 #26294

taming the shrew
(e:thesimeon) has moved into the ho brothel for the summer. i must say, im kinda disagreeable to live with. i leave my clothes everywhere, the floor, the bed, the bathroom floor, the chairs, the table. i don't really like cooking in le tinyass kitchen, im grumpy and known to snap as well. on the upisde, im supercute and snuggly, and i always go to the libs and get good dvds to watch.

he can be annoying as well. he's a very clean regimented man. i quite the opposite.

anyway, its good times.

i am officially set for school in the fall, and i have a new job 2 people inc, as long as i passed the drug test(eeek).

p.s. why does oprah have so much fucking money and not give me any?

p.p.s. i miss (e:pmt), and (e:hodown) who better get her fucking lazy ass here in the next two weeks. she has decided to go on a beach vaca with about ten members of our family who she doesn't even like. and who all hate the drink, are catholic, and would never have anything to do with marijuana. this is basically everything my sister is against. please help save her. she needs a joint in one hand, and a beer in the other. not a bibile.
mrdt - 06/30/06 02:12
they sell synthetic urine at Terrapin...

and don't worry you'll have the room to yourself, I promise.

unless they sample hair...then you could be fucked.
metalpeter - 06/29/06 19:58
Two Positive thoughts:
Since he is so neat maybe he will neatly keep the place clean so clothes arn't all over the place.

Maybe she will Smoke up and Drink at the same time and not have a free hand (to grab there bible they try to give her) and if she smokes near them maybe they will mellow out a little bit.
jenks - 06/29/06 17:44
btw sarah I didn't forget; just got busy. I still need a haircut someday if you still need $$.