im not going to show the pic, you can google it. a finger, or part of a finger was found in a customer's bowl of chili at a wendi's in ca. needless to say, i vow to never, ever, ever even think of eating there, ever. even though i didn't frequent it, and honestly i'd rather go hungry, but now, it just wont ever be an option. not even a baked potato.
secondly, i hate cheesy nightclubs/bars with big-fake-titted women who are hanging out of their skin=tight outfits. not to mention all of the glitter and eyeliner caked on the face. cograts girls, way to look cheap and classless.shit. ugh. for a place with a lot of money, these people just looked tacky and trashy. folks, money can buy glitter and gold and highlights up the wazoo, but your wazoo aint gonna be classy just cuz you got the cash.
so, it ll boils down to just staying home. can't we all just stay home and avoid the possibility that we may munch on a fingie or too-tan, fake blonde, plastic-looking types.
(e:hodown) will bring a source of comfort to my very disturbed heart, if she ever gets here.
oh buffalo, you are poor, but sometimes, i think, damnit, you hold your own, and you keep it real.