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04/08/2005 17:31 #26133

for real. after a week of 40hrs with baby, no gas or electric yesterday, annoying roommates, and annyoing family, here i am at friday. i love it!

p.s. if you are just going to open up the goddamn door, don't bother knocking.

p.p.s. its good to be back :O)

p.p.p.s. im really sick of hearing about the pope

04/03/2005 21:49 #26132

red eye
is what i will be doing tonight. my flight leaves az at 11 and i get into blo at 8, just in time to go to work! woohoo.

that is seriously the worst. waaaaaaaa. oh well. i have a date after work!

and i get to eat baha fresh one last time before i leave.

p.s. spending to long in the sun makes your head feel like it is going to exlode. :O(

04/02/2005 12:35 #26131

my mother is calling...
and its the scariest sound i am yet to hear. being here is pretty much like being a child again. i have been told that i need to eat cereal for breakfast today(the organic yummy cereal i made her buy but havent eaten), i need to take walk, because i need excercise, and i also get to go to church this evening(that one i semi-volunteered for, but only because my grandmama is very old and it will make her happy).

so, i will eat cereal, walk, an go to church. what a good girl am i.

i can't wait to come home! (minus the school and work part)

04/01/2005 13:39 #26130

in-n-out burger


it's like the best thing ever. they make the burgers fresh and they taste so good. the fries are yummy and fresh too. i want to eat it everyday, ok, maybe not everyday. im gross. but its sooo good. its like the acceptable fast food. even though fast food is really unacceptable. i don't care.

i luv burger!

(sorry to the meat eaters:O()

03/31/2005 15:03 #26129

everyone hates me becuase im on vacation. well that just isn't fair. the rest of the time, im in school while you are all out having fun. i never get to go out, i never have the money. im always working or schooling, or just too tired.

soo, poo on you all.

i deserve this. and btw, while you are all out enjoying the summer fun, i will be inside, working or at school, enjoying more of the those wondeful 70 hours weeks. i don't feel quilty.

p.s. i love the sun. i hate the wind.