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04/09/2005 12:18 #26134

third day with no gas or electric
and im really feeling hate for my roommates. how could they let the bill go unpaid for so long. they each owe about $150, which i know none of them have. hmmmmm. how irresponsible. i know i let things go, but not like that.

now, on my days off, i can't even enjoy my own home. instead i feel like im living homeless(sleeping at friends'), or just living third world. how fun!

somebody is going to get punched in the face.

basically they let me move in, assuring me the bills were being taken care of, and this happens. I've been left out in the dark about the whole situation, no pun intended, and they can all run home, while, my closest family is more than 500 miles away. what is the purpose of telling my mother(who pays my rent), that she is paying for me to find other places to stay.

did i mention the fridge is still full of rotting food?

i had the door locked and slammed in my face upon entering the apartment last night because i made it clear i am not happy about this. excuse me, but you should be the one kissing my ass and apologzing, since you are one forth the creator of this mess.

ok. done complaining. probably not. this is just so awful.

p.s. my landlord isn't offering much help, but isn't it against nys law to live in a house with no utilities? what can i do? i need some answers fast. :O(

04/08/2005 17:31 #26133

for real. after a week of 40hrs with baby, no gas or electric yesterday, annoying roommates, and annyoing family, here i am at friday. i love it!

p.s. if you are just going to open up the goddamn door, don't bother knocking.

p.p.s. its good to be back :O)

p.p.p.s. im really sick of hearing about the pope

04/03/2005 21:49 #26132

red eye
is what i will be doing tonight. my flight leaves az at 11 and i get into blo at 8, just in time to go to work! woohoo.

that is seriously the worst. waaaaaaaa. oh well. i have a date after work!

and i get to eat baha fresh one last time before i leave.

p.s. spending to long in the sun makes your head feel like it is going to exlode. :O(

04/02/2005 12:35 #26131

my mother is calling...
and its the scariest sound i am yet to hear. being here is pretty much like being a child again. i have been told that i need to eat cereal for breakfast today(the organic yummy cereal i made her buy but havent eaten), i need to take walk, because i need excercise, and i also get to go to church this evening(that one i semi-volunteered for, but only because my grandmama is very old and it will make her happy).

so, i will eat cereal, walk, an go to church. what a good girl am i.

i can't wait to come home! (minus the school and work part)

04/01/2005 13:39 #26130

in-n-out burger


it's like the best thing ever. they make the burgers fresh and they taste so good. the fries are yummy and fresh too. i want to eat it everyday, ok, maybe not everyday. im gross. but its sooo good. its like the acceptable fast food. even though fast food is really unacceptable. i don't care.

i luv burger!

(sorry to the meat eaters:O()