I hate being tired and wanting to go to bed, but can't. Something is wrong. Ce n'est pas bon.
The more I go out, the more I dislike it. I don't like being around people that are really drunk, or just any sort of drunk person in general.
Alcohol is ok, and I enjoy one or two drinks, but recently, any ore than that just makes me vomit. The thought of being drunk does not appeal to me, and I just feel strange after a while. I can't ever sleep that night or eat the next day. I guess any sort of love for alcohol I had is gone. I enjoy it in very small doses, and not that often. These feelings, I take as a blessing. Lots of drinking isn't good, and it just makes me feel bad.
I am glad it is summer. I am glad i'm not a dirty old man. I'm happy to have a brain. I'm glad I get to go to bed now. What a strange night.
Does anyone have a flower press? The plants are growing and I want to make pretty things with them!
Lilho's Journal
My Podcast Link
05/13/2004 04:02 #25958
i should be sleeping...05/11/2004 13:52 #25957
on the sunny side of the streetthe sun is just about the best thing ever. it makes everything more fun. sometimes i like to just sit outside and listen to the noises of summer, birds chirping, people passing, and the ice cream truck rolling by. mmmmmmmm, ice cream. the summer bringd this wonderful ray of light at the end of a long sleepy summer. it is almost like magic, and like my sister likes to say, love is magical, so the summer is filled with love and magic which are just about the two greatest things ever.
i still havent cleaned up from the party, i guess i should stop being so lazy and do that. i think i am gonna make some meatballs today, and pasta. i know, beef is bad, but i really want meatballs after watching that horrible show, "the restaurant" last night.
i still havent cleaned up from the party, i guess i should stop being so lazy and do that. i think i am gonna make some meatballs today, and pasta. i know, beef is bad, but i really want meatballs after watching that horrible show, "the restaurant" last night.
05/10/2004 10:51 #25956
goodbye :O(what a weekend. friday we moved tina out of the dorms. that was crazy, and also somewhat fun-gotta love the iternational dorm. sat we partied. sunday we felt like puking and then celebrated mothers days without our mother and with the granny and aunt. i will stop talking in the thired person. or, i guess i was talkin about tina and i. we are the dynaminc duo. and soon, the duo will be split up. i am not happy about this.
this year would have been so different without her. i can't even explain how it feels to make a new friend that feels like someone you have known your whole life. it is the best feeling ever. someone who always knows when something is bothering you, even before you open your mouth. someone who will sacrifice sleep, just to stay up and hang out or talk when you aren't feeling your best. thank you tina. i will miss you this summer, and wait for your return!
this year would have been so different without her. i can't even explain how it feels to make a new friend that feels like someone you have known your whole life. it is the best feeling ever. someone who always knows when something is bothering you, even before you open your mouth. someone who will sacrifice sleep, just to stay up and hang out or talk when you aren't feeling your best. thank you tina. i will miss you this summer, and wait for your return!
05/08/2004 01:17 #25954
party!ok people, here's the deal. you missed the last hodown, and you missed out. so, be there sat april 8th at 1030, for some good family fun! there is sure to be some estrip folks there, and also some not estrip folks too. its byob, so byob. and bring ur music. and bring ur friends. and bring ur danciny clothing shoes, and fancy party shoes. we shall dance the night away in springtime fashion! email me for info on location...