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03/28/2004 04:45 #25929

these are colors that i see.,,

03/28/2004 04:41 #25928

this monkey's gone to heaven
i am writing in a state of unawareness. thank the lord jesus and mel gibson that i don't have to work tomorrow! i think i shall go hiking and ponder many thoghts. i shall be high as well. i shall ponder and be high. ah, that will be fun. what fun is is to be young. all fo you thatare young, under thirty and thirites and such; unjoy life and don't worry about where you will end up. Nows what matters. live in now. And, enjoy colors. Colors are fun

03/27/2004 11:31 #25927

i dont know where my home is
The sinus issue is still present and ever so annoying. Being filled with snot is just no fun. Not only does it constantly drip down my throat and make my throat itch/sore, but it also makes me tired. So, I decided to spend my Friday night alseep before 11. Who would've thought, that crazy party me is now a huge loser who spends most of her time sleeping. I don't wantto cough anymore.
My mommy bought me a new outfit yesterday. Maybe I can wear it to church tomorrow, since i go now. Not because I want to, but for my Granny. I love her, and it makes her happy in her old days. Speaking of which, she was born in my very bedroom. The same bedroom which lies in the same house that has been owned by my family for the beter part of about 100 years now. This old house, speculated to be part of the underground railroad, because of the stairs that life up, is on its way to being sold. We have a prospective buyer. As Tina says, "Awww, Sarah, that really sad, your Grandma was born in your room, and now some stranger is going to have sex in it." This bothers me. I mean, I never wanted to live here in the first place, but perhaps it was my destiny. My mom had no place to go, so we came back to Buffalo, and she ened up buying the house that her Grandparent's owned; the house where she shared many happy childhood memories; the house where I share most of my childhood memories.
So, now I must go crazy taking pictures of this house. I am gonna do it in phases, from lived in, to moved out of. I think it is extremely important to save this part of Kenmore history. This house is a part of me, and my family, and I owe it to all of us, to at least document our last days together(sob).
As for where this little one will end up, who the hell knows. There sre some days when living without my mom seems impossible. There are other times when not seeing Tina for a day makes me wanna cry. Why do I cry so much? I don't think I would ever get a sinus infection in Arizona. I would be coughing up green stuff at least four times a year. But, I would be leaving all this behind, all you folks. Perhaps I should consult a fortune teller, or write down some pros and cons.
One last note: Mad props to my boys for calling me last night! would have loved to go to the Pink if i wasnt already sleeping. And... where did the stars go?????????????????????

03/24/2004 11:21 #25926

sniffling and sunshine
There are two thing that I would like to complain about this morning. The first, my reoccuring sinus problems. Grrrrr, this is really starting to bother me. Every time the weather changes, i.e., freezing or thawing I have to deal with freezing and thawing sinuses, pressure headaches, constant thirstiness, sniffles, and the nose-blowing thing. Yuck. Why can't it just get warm and stay warm? It is things like this that just make me want to pack up and go. Can Elmwood come with?
It is actually sunny out today, which is a good thing. What will it be like tomorrow? One can never tell.
New topic: If you really really want to vote for Nader and do, are you just giving your vote to Bush? I need to register, maybe I will do that today.

03/22/2004 00:16 #25925

welcome back tina
i picked tina up from the airport today. it is good to have her back ,to say the least.
the past week has been a good one; an interesting one. i guess i have learned a couple of things. i am young. i am silly. young is ok, and silly is ok too. but, i need to be serious sometimes. i plan on coming up with some sort of plan so that i can stay. not that i want to stay for the buffalo, but it is the people, and the prospect of growing friendships, and missing out on stuff, that i feel i should be a part of here. arizona would be warm, and pretty, but what is a pretty place without all the people that make you happy.
i need to get my ass in gear and get a full time job. i must also stop the laziness. i think i can do it.
just a bit of trivia: 11 people die a year due to vending machine related incidents. so, if your candy bar doesn't come out, just walk away. you probably don't need those extra calories anyway. unless you are paul, or any other skinny boy. in that case, add some extra money and get those needed calories.