after possibly the coldest winter of my life, spring has finally come! lets all dance around in a field full of flowers...lalala.
The only problem with spring is all that sutff that starts growing, and apparently, I am allergic to all of it. I have lost all sense of smel and taste. Perhaps I wil lose some weight. I think I have decided to subside on liquid foods for the time being, since eating solids is mot very pleasurable when you cannot taste. Some textures actually become disturbing.
I guess I don't really have anything else to say, I am boring.
Lilho's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/31/2004 14:23 #25933
spring has sprung03/30/2004 00:55 #25932
joy and pain, sunshine and rainThe more I write in this journal, the more addicted I become. I never really say anything that matters, and most of the time, I make no sense. However, it is nice to have a place amoung friends, where I can just complain. It seems that I complain way too much recently.
Before, I get into bad stuff. I will talk about the good stuff of today. I spent the day with two lovely people, who also happen to be estrippers. TK, and Tina, and I walked the strip, and browsed through some of the trendy(way overpriced shops, and then headed to Amvets, where we proceeded to get a shitload of stuff, for the bargain price 0f $2.68. My purchases included one very fashionable tweed jacket, and one such clutch with a bow. I may head to the Pink on Wed. evening in this attire, so if you see me, you will know the joy of almost free fashionable clothes, like I have seen today. After an afternoon of strolling and shopping, we were entertained at the Market Arcade, as we saw The Ladykillers. The movie was eh, ok, but the fact that I saw it for free, and got free snacks, it just amazing. Thank you Mr. TK for a great day!
On a less happy note, my brother,the thief has stolen yet another ten bucks from me. Does he thik I am dumb? Just because I have felt safe in the past, not having to hide my shit, does not mean I won't watch you like hawk in the future. You rat bastard. You will pay.
Oh, and word to the wise. If I call you, please call me back. I wouldnt have called if I didn't want to talk to you. This is definitely my biggest pet-peeve, probably ever. This is why I end up not talking to people. I feel like no one ever returns my phone calls, do I have the wrong number, or are you just being a huge asshole?
Before, I get into bad stuff. I will talk about the good stuff of today. I spent the day with two lovely people, who also happen to be estrippers. TK, and Tina, and I walked the strip, and browsed through some of the trendy(way overpriced shops, and then headed to Amvets, where we proceeded to get a shitload of stuff, for the bargain price 0f $2.68. My purchases included one very fashionable tweed jacket, and one such clutch with a bow. I may head to the Pink on Wed. evening in this attire, so if you see me, you will know the joy of almost free fashionable clothes, like I have seen today. After an afternoon of strolling and shopping, we were entertained at the Market Arcade, as we saw The Ladykillers. The movie was eh, ok, but the fact that I saw it for free, and got free snacks, it just amazing. Thank you Mr. TK for a great day!
On a less happy note, my brother,the thief has stolen yet another ten bucks from me. Does he thik I am dumb? Just because I have felt safe in the past, not having to hide my shit, does not mean I won't watch you like hawk in the future. You rat bastard. You will pay.
Oh, and word to the wise. If I call you, please call me back. I wouldnt have called if I didn't want to talk to you. This is definitely my biggest pet-peeve, probably ever. This is why I end up not talking to people. I feel like no one ever returns my phone calls, do I have the wrong number, or are you just being a huge asshole?
03/29/2004 14:54 #25931
comtemplation and a lot of coughingwill it be nice like this tomorrow? I think not. Thank god for this strange illness that I am having while it is warm. I need to shower. That has not happened in at least 48 hours. I actually really don't smell. But my hair looks kinda crazy.
You know that feeling of being hungry, but you don't want to eat? I have that right now. Even if I was going to eat, I would have to go find some food, since all we have is milk, maybe some stale cereal and a few eggs. I no longer like eggs. After having them as my only choice for breakfast for months, I have decided to say no to eggs, for a while at least.
I think, as the weather is getting warmer, I am getting tis strange feeling thatI want to venture outside, and do new drugs. Or just smoke a lot of something.
Why is tha people in Buffalo get so freaked out by pointy shoes? They look nice. And, if you think my toes are all squished in there, you are wrong, there are quite fine and roomy. I ould like to host a show in which i find people who need some fashion hep, Buffalonians, and show them the light.
Perhaps nobody cares. It seems that way. I guess the more important thing would be to get people outside more, and eating less. A Kenmore cop, who was ut on leave to loose weight came back to work 1oo lbs lighter. Apparently 400 is bad but 300 is ok? Anyway, he is suing for discrimination or some shit like that. WTF? Hello, Mr. Copman, you are still a fatty. And how do you get to be 400 anyway, do you exist on a diet of doughnuts alone? Or do you eat entire containers of Crisco fried bacon strips?
I am just being mean now. Have a nice day all you elmwoostrippers, its a good one out there.
You know that feeling of being hungry, but you don't want to eat? I have that right now. Even if I was going to eat, I would have to go find some food, since all we have is milk, maybe some stale cereal and a few eggs. I no longer like eggs. After having them as my only choice for breakfast for months, I have decided to say no to eggs, for a while at least.
I think, as the weather is getting warmer, I am getting tis strange feeling thatI want to venture outside, and do new drugs. Or just smoke a lot of something.
Why is tha people in Buffalo get so freaked out by pointy shoes? They look nice. And, if you think my toes are all squished in there, you are wrong, there are quite fine and roomy. I ould like to host a show in which i find people who need some fashion hep, Buffalonians, and show them the light.
Perhaps nobody cares. It seems that way. I guess the more important thing would be to get people outside more, and eating less. A Kenmore cop, who was ut on leave to loose weight came back to work 1oo lbs lighter. Apparently 400 is bad but 300 is ok? Anyway, he is suing for discrimination or some shit like that. WTF? Hello, Mr. Copman, you are still a fatty. And how do you get to be 400 anyway, do you exist on a diet of doughnuts alone? Or do you eat entire containers of Crisco fried bacon strips?
I am just being mean now. Have a nice day all you elmwoostrippers, its a good one out there.
03/28/2004 19:32 #25930
don't write when you are drunkdrunkies, like me should not be able to update their journals, when drunk. i am pissed off at a lot of people right now. shape up or ship out. nough said.
03/28/2004 04:45 #25929
these are colors that i see.,,