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02/21/2006 12:10 #25583

Yogi Tea Philosophy

It's not life that matters; it's the courage we bring to it.

This is printed on the paper tab of "Throat Comfort" tea i am drinking right now.

I really do not feel like this cold i have right now is so "common". I was sick a week or so ago, but it came and went so quickly that i was surprised. I thought it was my new "i don't smoke" head that resisted the cold better. HA! It is now back... with a vengence!

So, now, i drink throat comfort tea and take herbal remedies and be miserable. I am such a bad patient.

He said he would have bought them anyway, for not reason except that they were there, but yesterday, (e:Uncutsaniflush) came home from the store with a bunch of beautiful red tulips for me. My favie! Made me cry. In a good way. They, and he, are beautiful.

theecarey - 02/21/06 12:27
awe.. That was a pleasant suprise for you!
I am such a sucker for flowers..and any sweet gesture. (jealous!) :)

02/16/2006 19:40 #25582

Happy Anniversary To Me!
Wow. A year. I didn't think i could or would ever do it. A year ago tomorrow i had my last cigarette.

It was about 11pm. I was sick. We had just come back from 10 days in Toronto, cat sitting the now dearly departed Emo [inlink]leetee,44[/inlink] for my friend Mark. I had a nice birthday there. My parents took us to see Mama Mia. It was very warm. Too warm in Mark's apartment and we didn't bring light enough clothing. I remember wearing my black rubber boots with the white poka dots on them with my red plaid mini skirt to the theatre. I remember feeling like crap the day we came back, but i thought it was just being over tired. I was sick enough to consider not having a cigarette. Big wow for me. I mean, i know i have quit bigger and badder shit than nicoteen, but i never even imagined myself as a non smoker. My doc once told me to not quit when i was sick, that i wouldn't recover as well. I remember smoking while getting chemo. Strange image, but i wasn't the only one. The cancer clinic even had an indoor smoking room for chemo patients. I still hate big ugly reclinders... remind me too much of those weeks.

For some reason, the thought occurred to me on February 17th, that i should just not smoke. Like the old NA days, one day at a time. I didn't enjoy my last cigarette. In fact, i think it made me want to puke. But that could have been the flu part. Who knows. All i know is tht i don't smoke now. I haven't since. I miss it some times. I even have the occasional dream that i started smoking again and i think, in the dream, 'damn it, i will have to quit again!' The first time was hard enough. My husband was sooo patient!

In other news, my mom is coming to town this weekend. The last time she was here was during the weekend of (e:Lilho)'s birthday party. [inlink]leetee,73[/inlink] We've seen her since, but on her turf. She wants to shop, though. Get the last of the winter clearance sales. We will probably go to the AlbrightKnox Art Gallery on Friday night. Maybe see a Frank Llyod Wright house between shops. Eat at some of her favorite places. I was thinking we could try Shango's Bistro, since (e:Paul)'s journal [inlink]paul,4172[/inlink] made it look so yummy there. Oh, and i think she wants to hang out with us, too.
mrdt - 02/22/06 23:28
way to go!!! the end of august i hit my second year on the cigs and first year on the mary jane. i do indulge in a glass of wine every now and then so i can't say anything for the alcohol. but it has been about a year since i woke up on somebodies coach not knowing where i was with a pain in my ass. (just kidding about the ass part). keep it up... it only gets easier.
leetee - 02/17/06 13:53
Thanks so much, everyone!

I do feel better, (e:Twisted), but i didn't realize how much better until i got a head cold last week. What? No 6 weeks of hacking cough? What has the world come to? lol

You betcha, (e:Jessbob)! I am hoping to post about my second anniversary, my third. Ya'll are gonna get sick of it. lol

And it is a job, (e:Ladycroft)!

:) back atcha, (e:mk)!
mk - 02/17/06 11:42
Congratulations!!!! :)
ladycroft - 02/17/06 11:15
good job lee!!
jessbob - 02/17/06 09:52
congrats leetee. that is awesome. here's to many more smoke-free years
twisted - 02/16/06 21:16
Congtratulations Leetee! That's great! You must feel SOOOO much better now.

Happy belated birthday too. Have fun with your Mom!

02/13/2006 17:42 #25581

Let It Snow!!
Category: weather
When (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i announced to friends and family that we were going to be moving to Buffalo, we got a similar reaction from most. "Buffalo?!?" was overwhelming, but we also got a lot of "but there is so much SNOW there!!!"

Since we moved to Buffalo in November of 2004, we haven't really experienced a "Buffalo Snow". When we were at the Mayflower, in an apartment on the corner of Summer and Linwood, we had great views and didn't have to shovel, so we really hoped for a big drowning of snow. It didn't happen last winter.

Will this be it? Will we get the big snow we have been looking for?

Think about it folks... live the 'romance' of being snowed in... on Valentine's Day Eve!
theecarey - 02/13/06 22:41
sure, I would *just* love to be snowed in with my cat. How romantic. haha.. But sure, I'll take it :) (visions of "snow day" off from work would be delightful!)
boxerboi - 02/13/06 18:36
Mmm. that sounds so romantic!

02/08/2006 16:27 #25580

In Honour of Paul
Category: food
Here's a picture of my lunch today.
Green beans were nice and yummy. The sesame bun was too doughy for me. The spring rolls were good. So were the pineapple tempura. Interesting mix of food. That plate was sort of my "dessert".

We went to a buffet in West Seneca called China One. They have a pork dim sum dumpling that (e:Uncutsaniflush) really likes...

Which reminds me. When you guys ate at Korea House [inlink]paul,4160[/inlink] the other day, (e:Paul), you missed us by a couple of hours. We ate there that same day, just way closer to stereotypical "lunch" time. Anyhoo, my point was going to be that i also get something there that has a raw egg in it, but i ask them to omit the beef. It's served in a hot pot dish and the point is to stir it about so the egg becomes a cooked sauce. I wonder if that is what yours was supposed to be? Looks like it to me. Was it in a black dish that was really hot? Or maybe it was supposed to have hot steaming broth poured over it; i've seen that there, too. I'm not sure you were supposed to eat the stuff raw... least, that is the way Korean food has been in my limited experience.
leetee - 02/09/06 11:19
Oh, well, i thought that it might not be something meant to be cold, (e:Paul), but i reckon i was wrong. I don't have that much experience with Korean food, least not the stuff that isn't vegetarian. :O)

Yeah, i think that is a basic recipe for steak tartar, (e:imk2)... with pickles and onions and raw beef. I guess Korean food has a counter part, eh?

We did see someone by the dollar store, (e:boxerboi)! But she didn't look anything like you... and she was a dollar store employee, talking on her cell phone, sitting on the cold ground, smoking a cigarette. Not you, i don't think. :O)
imk2 - 02/08/06 21:49
ok, i'm thinking paul had something that was supposed to be like a steak tartar, which is completely raw, with an egg yolk and other various ingredients. i think i posted it in my disusting foods post some while back. but yeah, was it seasoned with chopped onions and soy and chopped pickles?
boxerboi - 02/08/06 18:08
Were you in the southgate plaza? If you were, I work in the southgate medical park! I wonder if you saw me walking to the dollar store... :o)
paul - 02/08/06 17:25
No mine was cold, server on a cold salad in a cold bowl with nothing warm. It was ueberyucky. I still love the place and actually I liked some of the raw beef. My worms did too, lol.

02/07/2006 23:51 #25579

Weekend & The END of the Depression!!
Every year, round the time of my birthday, i get down. I used to not understand why, exactly. But, thanks to the patience of my wonderful husband and some introspection, i have come to the conclusion i am, quite simply, dwelling on the negative rather than the possitive. I think about all the things i did not do in the year just gone by, not all the good things. Like quitting smoking! My goodness, i smoked for over 20 years, and since my last birthday, i quit! And although i did it when i was sick with the flu, it was freakin' hard. So, now that my birthday has come and gone, i feel a bit of relief, and i have resolved to not let it get to me next year.

We went to see my parents this weekend. They spoiled me with kitchen stuffs, little gadgets and do-dads... but not too spoiled. No cake, but a nice box of chocolates... i tried not to eat them all at once. Finished them tonight. The day after, not too bad. lol

Spent the day in Toronto yesterday. Did some shopping, got myself... oops... no, i didn't pay, (e:Uncutsaniflush) did... he got me some charms from a groovy place i like to go to in Kensington Market called Courage My Love. Hope that evil eye will help after all! Ate good chinese on Younge at Wellesley. Miss that city. We resolved to go more. Once a month, even if it is just to hang about in Chinatown. I thought we saw a sign for a vegetarian place in that 'hood... wonders will never cease. Was a cold and windy day, though, so we tried to keep ourselves warm. Day passes for the TTC help with that!!

Here's a pic i took from the top level of the GoTrain. My favie guy with my favie city in the background... the CN tower just barely visible between the buildings.

theecarey - 02/08/06 16:38
hmm TO.. Its been too long. I see a little road trip in my future. I see your prayer to the weather gods pretty much worked.. you were able to travel to all of your destinations w/o a blizzard getting in the way.

Happy Happy Birthday, Lee!

Congrats on your one year of no smoking, hurray!
jessika - 02/08/06 13:13
happy birthday!!

you made me want to go to TO this weekend....
sbrugger - 02/08/06 09:29
The GO Train??!! What's the fun of going to T.O. if you aren't going to drive??!! *laugh*
It's been too long since I've been back there myself...I miss living in that city.

Happy Birthday!!
jessbob - 02/08/06 08:14
Happy Birthday!!
boxerboi - 02/08/06 07:15
paul - 02/08/06 00:45
Happy Birthday - I am jealous of your toronto trip.
ladycroft - 02/08/06 00:13