Leetee's Journal
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02/03/2006 18:30 #25578
Pizza Survey -- UpdatedCategory: food
My favie is LaNova. They have great pizza. OK, so the location is a bit... well, it is off the beaten strip, let's just say. Not too far from our place, really. It's on Ferry...
Oh yum... its here!!
Thanks for all your responses, peeps! Like me, most of you have strong opinions and tastes on pizza.
Funny, though, i didn't even say what i like. Go me. I am a bit of a purist... i like cheese pizzas, preferably NY style. I am ok with some toppings, but not loads. My preference is a good thin crust cheese pie...
Which, i reckon is the opposite of your tastes, eh, (e:Theecarey)?
We tried Just Pizza once and we were disappointed. Thought it was overpriced and it seemed to be all about the toppings, not the quality of the basic ingredients.
We used to go to NY Pizza when we lived in that 'hood, (e:dcoffee)... we should check on the places you mention in South Buffalo. I love little hole in the wall places. :)
I should try my hand at homemade pizza, (e:Kara)... i could do it the easy way, really and get out my breadmaker for the dough. :O)
02/03/2006 10:08 #25577
Buffalo Zoo PicsCategory: zoo
The elephants were eating when we got there and then one of them started trumpeting. She went outside and bashed around some sort of mangled plastic tub... mostly with her back feet, accompanied by more grunts and trumpets. She was loud enough to draw a wee crowd.
We even saw some dancing goats. Have no idea what they were up to, but one of them bounced about like.. well, like he was dancing.
Here are some pics...
Here is the agouti.

And a Wallaby

A cute, but slightly blurry pic of the baby giraffe... he looks curious in this shot, i think.

And one of the adults, making sure i wasn't doing anything to the cute baby..

Last, but not least, (e:Uncutsaniflush), looking at his favorite part of the zoo. He mentioned something about channelling (e:Paul)....

i think i might have dug the socks with garters. LOL. not really. yeah i guess advancements in feminine hygine products are a good thing. so 59' 69' are the times you would like to live in. would you have been a hippie? or one of the Beats' i think if i lived back then, i would be a combination. travling cross country in a VW Bus. yup. thats what i would do, no garters....kinda racy huh.
lol.. thought you might be able to relate to that, (e:paul)!!
i know what you mean, (e:Ladycroft). Something very gentle about a griaffe.
i love the gentle smile giraffes give, such graceful and sweet animals
I lov ethe pic of uncut looking at the ocmputer through the window.
02/02/2006 10:09 #25576
Happy Groundhog Day!According to the CBC

Groundhog Day consensus: early Canadian spring
Last Updated Thu, 02 Feb 2006 09:05:23 EST
CBC News
Canadians can look forward to an early spring, based on two famous groundhogs failing to see their shadows on Thursday.
Wiarton Willie's handlers consult with the rodent seer before announcement.
Groundhog Day cheers erupted in Wiarton, Ont., as Wiarton Willie's white-gloved, purple-robed handlers made the morning announcement that the rodent hadn't seen his shadow, indicating an early end to winter.
Organizers of the Wiarton Willie Festival claim the albino groundhog's track record over the past 50 years is "better than 90 per cent."
On the East Coast, Nova Scotia's best-known woodchuck also signalled an early spring. Shubenacadie Sam emerged from his heated home at the Shubenacadie Wildlife Park outside Halifax and failed to see his shadow.
The news comes as many Canadian cities reported their warmest January on record. Environmental officials believe a vortex of cold air that usually traverses the globe is parked over Russia, blanketing Europe with arctic weather. In contrast, North America is bathed in warmer air from the jet stream.
That fact isn't lost on Wiarton Willie, said his handler, Mack MacKenzie, who translated the groundhog's comments: "Fools, it is spring already. Why are you making these silly predictions?"
South of the border, Punxsutawney Phil delivered some unwelcome news.
Mack MacKenzie, rodent handler and translator.
The large crowd gathered in Gobbler's Knob, Penn., groaned loudly after learning the chunky critter saw his shadow, indicating six more weeks of winter.
Groundhog Day legend began with a German superstition that suggests if a hibernating animal casts a shadow on the Christian holiday of Candlemas, which is Feb. 2, winter will last another six weeks. No shadow indicates an early spring.
Europeans used to watch for hedgehogs, but a hedgehog shortage in North America caused settlers to switch to woodchucks, also known as groundhogs.
02/01/2006 17:42 #25575
Cool GiftHere it is.. matches my white gold wedding ring nicely, i think. :O)

And detail. See how it sparkles... lol.

In Other News..
We went to see the film Zathura

New Themes
I like the Ontario theme, (e:Paul). I swear it's not because i was born in Ontario! :O) The seafoam is pretty good, too... a tad bright, but maybe it will be good for mornings, when i need a jolt!
01/31/2006 15:48 #25574
"Can You Do Me a Favour?"Category: introspective
In this case, the desperate voice on the other end of the phone was a neighbour. Through my grogginess, i found out that she got to work and a co-working casually asked her "so what did you have for breakfast?", upon which she panicked. Yikes, her eggs were still on the stove cooking!! She wanted to know if i would run over to her house and see if her house was on fire! Thank goodness, (e:Uncutsaniflush) was awake longer than i was and was able to get over there. He looked in all the windows to make sure nothing was alight while i talked to her on the phone as she rushed home. When i saw her car pull up, i went out in my robe and slippers to see how the house was. Thank goodness everything was ok... other than a pan or frying pan or whatever the eggs were in. I reckon her morning was mulit-tasking gone wrong?
Made me think how glad i was that we were home and how, for those 5 minutes or so, our neighbour had someone to at least talk to while in her panic. Which sort of lead my mind in another direction....
In my lifetime, i have always been happy to help. I think of myself as a fairly reliable person. I could be full of myself, but that really is how i see part of who i am. It honestly makes me happy to help. Now that i am married, i tend to hesitate slightly because i have someone else to consider when i give away my time... and sometimes, it involves him. He always tells me i need to be who i am and that my desire to help is something he cherishes in me. Which is just so cool to be married to someone who respects who i am.
Yet, sometimes, my longing to help leads me into feeling taken advantage of. It's happened in my past. I used to time phone calls from a friend when i was in my early 20's. Every 6 weeks, about a week before her day off the following week. Would i cut her hair... for nothing... again? I always did. Eventually, after trying a few times to hang out with her when she didn't want a haircut, i gave up. I tried to explain to her how hurtful it was, but i failed at it and eventually, i just stopped answering her calls. I would like to think i have learned from those days. But have i? Do i still feel like a doormat from time to time? Yeah. Do i feel resentment? Yeah. But ultimately it is because i can't articulate how i feel without offending, or at least fearing to offend. Still, after all these years, this is a challenge for me. I don't know if it has anything to do with how i see myself, or how i value myself. Do i think i am only good for helping, but not for fun stuffs?
Through it all, i like doing for others. Yet i rarely ask others for help myself. Why is that?
I guessing about why you don't ask for help but there could be a few reasons. One you feal that you don't need help, that you can do it on your own, and if you fail or don't do what you are doing well enough then that is ok. It is also possible that you don't want to owe anybody anything. Because then when they ask for a favor you would be obligated to do one for them. I don't know you well enough to know but I kinda get this independt vibe from ya. That would explain it. If you do favors for people because it makes you feal rather then because it is the right thing to do then that could be a factor.
i know this is going to draw alot of fire, but honestly, i love domino's pizza. i mean when i am home, i love lanovas, or mr pizza (ham and pinapple) i also love dipping my pizza in blue cheese.
haha this cracks me up. I think "buffalo pizza" (whatever that is) is way overrated. (no offense.) And I think lanova is WAY overpriced. this is probably blasphemy around here, but they all taste the same to me...
My fave pizza is New Haven pizza. They claim to have 'invented' it. [hmm, not sure how to do a wiki link, so here: :::link:::] We had two pizza places on campus that were 'rivals', and claim to the first pizza places in the country. My dad has them on speed dial and will still drive 2hr for Pepe's sometimes. They're famous for their white pizza, especially white clam pizza. It's all cooked in a brick over. Yum.
Another fave is cooking pizza on a grill yourself. Just through dough on a hot grill- it cooks really fast- then slather on some toppings (a good one is gorgonzola and rosemary and caramelized onions. not traditional, but delish nonetheless.)
LaNova is great. Mister Pizza is ok. I don't like Just Pizza either. You're right, they seem to be all about the toppings.
Jeff & I went to Pizza Plant last night and got Pods (?) they were really good. I had never been there before. (e:pmt) wrote about it a few times, they have gluten free Wednesdays at their Transit Rd. place.
Just Pizza, hands down. I've been ordering a Sicilian White with hot peppers since I first moved to Buffalo.
As a close second, I would say homemade pizza is my favorite, assuming I don't screw up the dough.
i really liked that lanova ny style
Any placed that has a thick dough. I dig thick and chewy. I like most toppings although I prefer vegetables on it..the more the better. I also like it saucy. hmm.. I seriously ended up ordering pizza after reading this post. A local place offers "double dough" as an option, so I get that when I order.
I prefer to order from somewhere in Tonawanda/Amherst.. or South Buffalo.. I have found that most places have the pizza I am looking for. Frano's, Marks, Bellas.. and a few others.
K, off to eat pizza!
Jo Jo's on Abbott in South Buffalo is the best place. it's kind of quaint no frills place with a small store front with painted red green and white walls and old ornate tin cealing tiles.
but I also like NY Pizza on Allen, and Casa Di Pizza in restaurant row on Elmwood makes a realy good veggie pizza that is so loaded with toppings that it is impossible to eat without a knife and fork.
For toppings I like the Mushrooms Peppers combo myself, also onions, spinich and broccoli are good too. I do eat meat and like pepperoni, but vegetable pizzas are usually better.
My favorite used to be Mister Pizza, so much better then LaNova by leaps and bounds. Plus there silican pizza (not white pizza they are differant) was so good. But now my favorite is Just Pizza. They have so many varities. Not sure what my favorite kind is. Back when I worked at Wilson Farms (many years ago it seems like a distant past) On Elmwood and Aurburn every so often we would get a varitey from them. I still think they make the best pizza. I have never tried there flavored crust and have only gotten slices recently as opposed to an entire pie.