There are a number of comedy sketches, musical performances, hand crafted artworks, and games to play. They do havea jousting field but the level of showmanship leaves much to be desired. The horses are beautiful though! Here are a few pics. Ciao.

telling the story of Beowulf through mud...I wanted to jump in soooo bad

his 'slingshot' weapon, a quadruple H bra

steak on a stick, hmmmm

that black blur is a hawk

my sis-in-law grooming her tail

me and big sis, muah!

so beautiful

the way this horse's head is tilted just makes me laugh

watching the joust

3 hoozah's for red and gold

yup, that's me!
Nice Pics thanks for sharing.
I went to a period wedding at the Sterling Ren Fest once. It was pretty much insane. Everyone was wearing tights.
Great pix.