ava does not look amused that lee is eating her treats

paul, terry and mike's leg

carey and this random guy i ran into while getting a blanket

faben (yvonne's daughter) made this drawing

ava looooooooves to give sugar

yvonne feeding hippie some tasty grapes

dragonlady and zobar
on the other night....

we gathered for a big feast

and it was gooooooooood

ryan passed out 15 minutes into the show

because our little group put back 4 bottles of wine in under an hour

i know i was feeling it

and i convinced miranda to do cartwheels with me during intermission

the infamous TRJ
see, I told you that random blanket-encroaching guy is always everywhere... Crazy! At least now I know who he is though, and he's kinda cool... his name is Shawn.
Ryan your boobs are woefully inadequate in the last picture
whoa i missed out big time!
Nice pics yeah you ladies rule thanks for sharing them. A couple comments on them. That drawing looks verry animee styles and looks preaty cool. The cartwheels look like they are in unison. Maybe it is just me but the picture with ryan in the shades he looks a lot like Lars Ulrich from Metallica he looks a little bit like him in that last picture to, but not in person.
love the pics!! we rule!!