So the mystery train of adventure lead us south. I didn't know where we were going, but we got a little lost on the way. It was a brilliant mistake, because there was a pile of crap at the end of someone's driveway with a FREE sign. I scored two retro chairs. Carey and I found a box of things, we don't really know what they are. A box of pop tops with little corks inside. I dunno, but we took them because they were interesting.
So, finally on the right path, we end up at the Griffin Sculpture Park. It was amazing and I had no idea this place existed! Yes, it was raining, but I believe this made things more ideal. It was so serene. We were alone with the sounds of frogs, birds and rainfall. The fog gave the place a dream like feel, leaving me wondering if I had even really been there at all. I have no idea how far we hiked, but I'm pooped. We polished the day off with a feast in the field that Carey packed in a cooler. Thanks again, it was a perfect day. Without further ado.....

carey put her poncho on backwards and asks me
'what am i doing wrong here?'

need assistance? this wooded parking space is for you.

holy shit i found pappa smurf!

would you like some wheatables?

at the tippy top...

... of this castle

who looks more like the sculpture?



Do cows moo? Yes they do; it's just a tad deeper than the "moo" we humans would pronounce.
And you can also tell a cow by her voice, just like you can tell humans.
Sigh... cityslickers....
Nice Pics glad you two had fun.
That bottom pic of you two is really cute.
that place has a very "alice in wonderland" quality to it. i bet it would be a lot of fun when one is tripping on shrooms.
hey is that where that pic of ryan came from? Looks cool, where is that place? Glad you had a good day (and maybe even got some sleep!)
theecarey looks like a KKK smurfette in that poncho. Love the pics. I have to go there!
That rules. I have vague, distant memories of visiting that place once when I was a kid, having a blast climbing through all the sculptures. Perhaps we will take (e:dragonlady7) 's parents there when they visit next week.
- Z
Looks great! That place has that restoritive quality, you're right about the rain lending ambiance