I actually slept last night. I forgot what it felt like to feel safe and warm surrounded by soft sheets and blankets. To wrap myself in a beautiful dream. One where I was loved, and he held my hand and smiled, then brushed the hair from my eyes. I knew I was alive.
Ladycroft's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/05/2006 11:54 #25356
requiem for a dreamCategory: dream
03/03/2006 17:27 #25354
alexa ray joelCategory: music
Yes, as in the daughter of Billy Joel and Christie Brinkley. She came and played Hilbert last night. She's trying to get some tour experience, put her music out there, see how folks like it.
It's kind of pop/rock with some nice soul mixed in. Which I like quite a bit. This is the stuff I like to sing. When she makes her debut album, I'd buy it.
I did take some audio clips but my camera is acting funky from whence it was tossed across the dance floor at mardi gras. If you want to check her out, she's on my myspace page. Zoiks - Paul don't hate me.

me, alexa and (e:nejifer)
It's kind of pop/rock with some nice soul mixed in. Which I like quite a bit. This is the stuff I like to sing. When she makes her debut album, I'd buy it.
I did take some audio clips but my camera is acting funky from whence it was tossed across the dance floor at mardi gras. If you want to check her out, she's on my myspace page. Zoiks - Paul don't hate me.

me, alexa and (e:nejifer)
metalpeter - 03/04/06 14:40
Great Pic of the 3 of you glad you had a good time.
Great Pic of the 3 of you glad you had a good time.
vincent - 03/03/06 18:08
Wow, she really takes after her Dad.
I had my musical anti-establishment phase in the 90's and remember poo pooing stuff like Billy Joel and Elton. Now that I'm much older I actually appreciate and have purchased their music.
Wow, she really takes after her Dad.
I had my musical anti-establishment phase in the 90's and remember poo pooing stuff like Billy Joel and Elton. Now that I'm much older I actually appreciate and have purchased their music.
03/02/2006 19:03 #25353
mardi gras mayhemCategory: mahdi grah
Mardi Gras progression: started at Canisius. Jen, Lindsay and I got our faces painted. I gotta tell ya, face painting gets a girl a WHOLE lot of attention! AJ drove us to Coles/Goodbar. Met up with (e:Jenks), Craig, (e:Mrdt), (e:Kearains), and Miranda. I got some random boy named John to buy me a shot. He's the one with the mask and really fat tongue.
After a while we migrated to Nietzche's and watched the drag show for a bit. Here, Daniel got us ladies some Bass, thank you! We also met up with a guy named Matt. Then a pass through Hardware and Pink, I think. I just know the Pink literally smelled like dog shit and I started gagging. Used the toilet and left in a hurry!!
Maybe it was SoHo next? It's not really my cup of tea, but I'll smile and dance almost anywhere. The company you keep makes or breaks the deal. Here, Jen got me a Newcastle, or Molson, or Guinness...it was new beer at every stop.
Next we forged the sub-zero winds over to Marcellas. Here, Matt got me a rum and coke. This was definetly the prime locale for the evening. The music was pumpin and I LITERALLY ran into (e:Paul), followed by (e:Terry), (e:Mike) and (e:Matthew). Paul screamed at me how someone stole his sweater. I meant to make an audio clip, but accidently made a video clip instead. Hopefully he can condense and post it. You'll laugh. He was also pretty set on pulling Terry's pants off. Success on attempt 22 I believe. Note Mike joins the fun of his own accord. In all the excitement Terry ended up grabbing my crotch. Crazy boys! Love ya!
No more talking..I'll let the photos tell the story. But just a 'few'. I posted the entire set on my other photo site - link to the right. Enjoy :)

nice neck of beads, not a single flash - cuz i'm a lady
thank you and good-night
After a while we migrated to Nietzche's and watched the drag show for a bit. Here, Daniel got us ladies some Bass, thank you! We also met up with a guy named Matt. Then a pass through Hardware and Pink, I think. I just know the Pink literally smelled like dog shit and I started gagging. Used the toilet and left in a hurry!!
Maybe it was SoHo next? It's not really my cup of tea, but I'll smile and dance almost anywhere. The company you keep makes or breaks the deal. Here, Jen got me a Newcastle, or Molson, or Guinness...it was new beer at every stop.
Next we forged the sub-zero winds over to Marcellas. Here, Matt got me a rum and coke. This was definetly the prime locale for the evening. The music was pumpin and I LITERALLY ran into (e:Paul), followed by (e:Terry), (e:Mike) and (e:Matthew). Paul screamed at me how someone stole his sweater. I meant to make an audio clip, but accidently made a video clip instead. Hopefully he can condense and post it. You'll laugh. He was also pretty set on pulling Terry's pants off. Success on attempt 22 I believe. Note Mike joins the fun of his own accord. In all the excitement Terry ended up grabbing my crotch. Crazy boys! Love ya!
No more talking..I'll let the photos tell the story. But just a 'few'. I posted the entire set on my other photo site - link to the right. Enjoy :)

nice neck of beads, not a single flash - cuz i'm a lady
thank you and good-night
pyrcedgrrl - 03/04/06 01:32
Awwwe...Fanta See Island. :)
Awwwe...Fanta See Island. :)
mrdt - 03/03/06 00:37
they say the camera adds 10 pounds but in my case it adds all 10 to my face
they say the camera adds 10 pounds but in my case it adds all 10 to my face
metalpeter - 03/02/06 20:40
Wow looks like a great time glad everyone had fun. Great pics I'll check out your site again and see if I can find the newest pics.
Wow looks like a great time glad everyone had fun. Great pics I'll check out your site again and see if I can find the newest pics.
imk2 - 03/02/06 20:21
holy cow, i see terry's junk!
i love the face paint, you guys look so festive. when i was in new orleans, i showed lots of boobies, but that's ok, i never wanted to be a lady.
holy cow, i see terry's junk!
i love the face paint, you guys look so festive. when i was in new orleans, i showed lots of boobies, but that's ok, i never wanted to be a lady.
dcoffee - 03/02/06 20:11
Hey, I know AJ, he went to Fredonia!
Hey, I know AJ, he went to Fredonia!
des - 03/02/06 19:57
congrats on teh bead collection looks like alot of fun was had barring the freezing ass cold
congrats on teh bead collection looks like alot of fun was had barring the freezing ass cold
03/01/2006 21:24 #25352
i'm a lazy bastardCategory: potpourri
Ok, I'm a lazy bastard. I've got about 200 photos I've been meaning to go through, post some, e-mail some, edit some....I rolled my ass onto my bed at 5:30 this morning after the mardi gras festivities only to woken at 8:30 by the same torture as last week [inlink]ladycroft,201[/inlink]. So I've been walking through my day in a dazed and lazy state.
I got a drunk boy to buy me a shot last night.
Another drunk boy found me on myspace.
I think the video feature on my camera got fucked up when last mentioned drunk boy tossed it across the dance floor.
I'm 50% through mardi gras photos. I'll make my post tomorrow....or so I've been saying about all the backlogged photos of recent events.
I bought the new '24' video game today! Can't wait to check it out.
I got a drunk boy to buy me a shot last night.
Another drunk boy found me on myspace.
I think the video feature on my camera got fucked up when last mentioned drunk boy tossed it across the dance floor.
I'm 50% through mardi gras photos. I'll make my post tomorrow....or so I've been saying about all the backlogged photos of recent events.
I bought the new '24' video game today! Can't wait to check it out.
02/24/2006 19:51 #25350
waking lifeCategory: dream
I watched a movie last night, Waking Life. It was amazing. All about dreams, reality, time...I loved it. It inspired me. I imagine if I was in the A-Ha video 'Take on me', this is what I would look like in my transition from the comic strip to reality. Also, depending what time I go to bed...I have been waking up at exactly 3:22am or 5:28am every single day for the last 3 weeks.

ladycroft - 02/25/06 00:01
yes, my real lashes :)
yes, my real lashes :)
codypomeray - 02/24/06 23:41
wow.....amazing. :)
wow.....amazing. :)
imk2 - 02/24/06 23:15
are those your real lashes??
are those your real lashes??
metalpeter - 02/24/06 21:04
First of all that is a great video. Cool drawing, love how those eyes and lips look really cool looking.
First of all that is a great video. Cool drawing, love how those eyes and lips look really cool looking.
theecarey - 02/24/06 20:11
I want to see that movie. oy
I want to see that movie. oy
paul - 02/24/06 19:57
cool pic
cool pic
"brushing hair from face/eyes".. it is a simple gesture that we interpret as "I am here.. I care for you..I will not let anything hurt you while I am around". It is powerful.. yet such a simple gesture.
i had a dream last night that I was working at mothers again and they were only allowing me to put the wasabi and ginger on the swordfish plates. instead of actually going to work these days...i dream about going to work and being very busy.
This "brushing the hair from the face" elicits a strong response from women for some reason. I did this to my ex-gf recently and she started to bawl her eyes out.
I hope you can as jenks said take that dream and use it to make your self feal better for a few days. Spring will be here soon,the change to less cold weather makes most people happy. Except for the guy part that sounds like a dream I should have also.
that sounds nice. nice in the good way. hope all is well LC.
ooh man, I want that dream! Hopefully that warm fuzzy will carry through the whole day playing taskmaster.