Ladycroft's Journal
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01/24/2006 15:16 #25319
baby bungeeCategory: auntie
01/20/2006 23:40 #25317
look at those weird peopleCategory: potpourri
(e:Jason) and I went to check out the Albright-Knox Art Gallery today because it says it's free after 3pm on Fridays. I can't remember the last time I was there, maybe I was 9? I didn't realize just how small the place was. It looks pretty sizable on the exterior but not so much inside. As I looked at some of the art though, I couldn't help but think some of it was just crap. No, I'm not an art snob. I really do appreciate art in so many forms and mediums; but nothing really moved me. Then we were looking at one piece and this guy totally snubbed us. He turned to his kids and said, "Look at those weird people looking at art". I was like, WTF??? I figured it must have been my hair. Some folks get so bent out of shape over fun hair.
So, we couldn't seem to read the map correctly and kept missing what we really wanted to see, the Chinese contemporary exhibit. Then we realized we missed a staircase, got excited that we had finally located it, only to find out it wasn't actually free and we had to buy a ticket. I thought, ok, maybe it's a few bucks for the special exhibit...not so much. More like $12. I was disappointed. (e:Jason) thought he might be able to charm the pants off the old ladies working the ticket counter, but we just gave up. We did get to the see the main hall though, which consisted of foam blocks creating the Great Wall, and these transparent tapestries hanging all around the room. I thought they were some kind of rice paper at first, but we discovered it was actually human hair.
So, we couldn't seem to read the map correctly and kept missing what we really wanted to see, the Chinese contemporary exhibit. Then we realized we missed a staircase, got excited that we had finally located it, only to find out it wasn't actually free and we had to buy a ticket. I thought, ok, maybe it's a few bucks for the special exhibit...not so much. More like $12. I was disappointed. (e:Jason) thought he might be able to charm the pants off the old ladies working the ticket counter, but we just gave up. We did get to the see the main hall though, which consisted of foam blocks creating the Great Wall, and these transparent tapestries hanging all around the room. I thought they were some kind of rice paper at first, but we discovered it was actually human hair.
jason - 01/24/06 18:02
Actually, Liberals do consider conservatives to be evil, or at least not human.
And, I do enjoy being mean to Ajay. I give him some credit, he takes as good as he gives.
Actually, Liberals do consider conservatives to be evil, or at least not human.
And, I do enjoy being mean to Ajay. I give him some credit, he takes as good as he gives.
metalpeter - 01/21/06 17:47
Sorry you and Jason didn't get to see what you wanted to. I thought it was free but I saw an ad for a passport that gets you into all 3 sites. I havn't seen your hair in person but it looks great that guy can go fuck himself. All I remember about being there is the cool miror room with miror chairs and floor and a couple opitcal illusions that come out towards you. the thing with art is that it is verry, whats the word I'm looking for one person perspective. What people in the artworld look at as genius I go what the fuck is it. Abstract art makes no sense to me, You make a picture of something that is something else but dosn't look like etiher thing. Some art I love and some is like I could careless. Hope you at least had some fun.
Sorry you and Jason didn't get to see what you wanted to. I thought it was free but I saw an ad for a passport that gets you into all 3 sites. I havn't seen your hair in person but it looks great that guy can go fuck himself. All I remember about being there is the cool miror room with miror chairs and floor and a couple opitcal illusions that come out towards you. the thing with art is that it is verry, whats the word I'm looking for one person perspective. What people in the artworld look at as genius I go what the fuck is it. Abstract art makes no sense to me, You make a picture of something that is something else but dosn't look like etiher thing. Some art I love and some is like I could careless. Hope you at least had some fun.
salvatore - 01/21/06 12:41
"Look at those weird people..." that's funny! I love your hair, it's so neat. i dunno though, i like the albright quite a bit actually, maybe I just like the pretty colors!
"Look at those weird people..." that's funny! I love your hair, it's so neat. i dunno though, i like the albright quite a bit actually, maybe I just like the pretty colors!
jenks - 01/21/06 12:02
speaking of children's art... you may have seen it, it circulated a few years ago, but check out :::link::: It's mean, but very funny...
speaking of children's art... you may have seen it, it circulated a few years ago, but check out :::link::: It's mean, but very funny...
ajay - 01/21/06 11:38
The AK "free" admission thing is a scam.
I agree with you about some of the "art" in there. I've seen better stuff from kids.
The AK "free" admission thing is a scam.
I agree with you about some of the "art" in there. I've seen better stuff from kids.
robin - 01/21/06 01:17
Ub's gallery in the cfa has some Chinese contemporary art right now.
Ub's gallery in the cfa has some Chinese contemporary art right now.
uncutsaniflush - 01/21/06 00:26
[code][oliver stone]
the way (e:jason) and (e:joshua) talk, one would think that "all libs" consider conservatives to be evil or is it just weird. I get so confused.
perhaps, y'all experienced one of (e:ajay)'s secret "all lib" agents trying to mind-fuck (e:jason) to punish him for being a conservative and not saying nice things about (e:ajay).
And you, (e:ladycroft) with the fun hair, sorry to deflate your ego, were just co-lateral damage in the culture war between the "all lib" and the "all con" political gangs.
[/oliver stone][/code]
[code][oliver stone]
the way (e:jason) and (e:joshua) talk, one would think that "all libs" consider conservatives to be evil or is it just weird. I get so confused.
perhaps, y'all experienced one of (e:ajay)'s secret "all lib" agents trying to mind-fuck (e:jason) to punish him for being a conservative and not saying nice things about (e:ajay).
And you, (e:ladycroft) with the fun hair, sorry to deflate your ego, were just co-lateral damage in the culture war between the "all lib" and the "all con" political gangs.
[/oliver stone][/code]
01/18/2006 21:26 #25315
the most productive human beingCategory: potpourri
Ever have those days when you suddenly become the most productive human being to walk this rock? Of course you have! Today I had the privilege of being one of those human beings. Honestly, I think it's because my boss is gone on a trip and for once my phone wasn't ringing off the hook all day. For the first time in a long time I woke up entirely motivated to get things done. I scrubbed my bathroom from floor to ceiling and got up the shower curtain liner I'd been meaning to hang for ages. As a side note, I think I'm allergic to bleach. It causes a horrible reaction. I get near it and my eyes turn red and leak, my lungs seize up, I can't stop coughing and my nose starts running profusely.
Next I tackled the mountain of laundry on my floor. Granted, it had already been washed, but putting it away was a chore for which I cared not. So at last all the shirts are hanging together in the closet, socks all snuggled in the drawer. Then I changed my sheets. Hell yah! Who doesn't LOVE clean sheet day!? If you say you don't, you're a liar. Everyone loves clean sheet day. It's the best night's sleep you have in [insert frequency of your own sheet changing here]. Is there a greater comfort than the smell of fresh fluffy sheets to caress your body and cradle you to sleep? Well, maybe someone to snuggle with....mmmm.
Then I vacuumed my apartment and dusted every square inch of surface space. I put away the lingering holiday decorations, re-organized my storage bin, and organized all my drawers...[break into song and dance of your choice here]. Oh happy day!
You see, even the simple things of every day life mean something. If you can't take the time to enjoy something so small, yet so great, such as the splendor of clean sheet day, I pity you. It's taking time to enjoy these small elements of day to day life that make you feel alive! So keep posting estripers, this IS what it's all about.
Next I tackled the mountain of laundry on my floor. Granted, it had already been washed, but putting it away was a chore for which I cared not. So at last all the shirts are hanging together in the closet, socks all snuggled in the drawer. Then I changed my sheets. Hell yah! Who doesn't LOVE clean sheet day!? If you say you don't, you're a liar. Everyone loves clean sheet day. It's the best night's sleep you have in [insert frequency of your own sheet changing here]. Is there a greater comfort than the smell of fresh fluffy sheets to caress your body and cradle you to sleep? Well, maybe someone to snuggle with....mmmm.
Then I vacuumed my apartment and dusted every square inch of surface space. I put away the lingering holiday decorations, re-organized my storage bin, and organized all my drawers...[break into song and dance of your choice here]. Oh happy day!
You see, even the simple things of every day life mean something. If you can't take the time to enjoy something so small, yet so great, such as the splendor of clean sheet day, I pity you. It's taking time to enjoy these small elements of day to day life that make you feel alive! So keep posting estripers, this IS what it's all about.
codypomeray - 01/21/06 10:39
clean sheets are wonderful....flannel sheets...mmmmmmmmmm...delicious
clean sheets are wonderful....flannel sheets...mmmmmmmmmm...delicious
theecarey - 01/18/06 22:14
lmao, amen, sista...I am with you. Take out the dirty laundry and let everyday be a snuggly clean sheet day!
lmao, amen, sista...I am with you. Take out the dirty laundry and let everyday be a snuggly clean sheet day!
jenks - 01/18/06 21:40
Word Up sista! I agree 100%
Word Up sista! I agree 100%
01/17/2006 13:11 #25314
i feel like a carCategory: hair
So the Kamikaze Raspberry has had it's run. It had gotten to a point where it just looked gross. I needed to take action. I thought about just revamping the pink, but I really only have 6 weeks left to have 'fun' with my hair. So - I topped it with Huckleberry Blue. It resulted in a very interesting purpley-blue colour. It reminds me of that car colour that changes in the sunlight. It's a little darker than I had hoped for, but I like it and that's all that really matters. Ciao.


during (i tried to save a few streaks of pink, but i screwed up)



during (i tried to save a few streaks of pink, but i screwed up)

boxerboi - 01/19/06 21:17
H O T!!!
H O T!!!
metalpeter - 01/17/06 20:24
If I ever dye my hair again (perm not that temp stuff that comes off on everything) that blue is one of the ones I was thinking about looks nice.
If I ever dye my hair again (perm not that temp stuff that comes off on everything) that blue is one of the ones I was thinking about looks nice.
imk2 - 01/17/06 19:41
awesome! that's the color i was hoping it would turn out. i like it that dark...it like, royal blue. Love it!
awesome! that's the color i was hoping it would turn out. i like it that dark...it like, royal blue. Love it!
jenks - 01/17/06 18:00
Look at that hot mama!
Look at that hot mama!
deeglam - 01/17/06 17:21
i like it. cute.
i like it. cute.
01/15/2006 20:41 #25313
24Category: tv
The season premier of 24 is on right now. The first 15 minutes have already blown me away!!! I LOVE this show!!! Turn on FOX right now, do it! Ciao.

metalpeter - 01/16/06 18:21
Wow you watch 24. I admit I'm surprised not sure why. But yeah it was awesome last night. Can't wait for tonights show it should be truely amazing 2 hours. I don't want to say to much incase someone taped it and hasn't watched it yet. But the fact that that they brought back people and then they where gone, truely shocking but good.
Wow you watch 24. I admit I'm surprised not sure why. But yeah it was awesome last night. Can't wait for tonights show it should be truely amazing 2 hours. I don't want to say to much incase someone taped it and hasn't watched it yet. But the fact that that they brought back people and then they where gone, truely shocking but good.
judy - 01/16/06 11:20
Oh u r so right! 24 was perfection. Could u believe when Jack Killed that guy after he interrogated him? I thought I would go crazy watching the show & after watching Pittsburgh almost throw away the football game to Indianapolis. Well, having my heart attack in Oct. didn't compare! Long time no hear, Judy, Holly's mom.
Oh u r so right! 24 was perfection. Could u believe when Jack Killed that guy after he interrogated him? I thought I would go crazy watching the show & after watching Pittsburgh almost throw away the football game to Indianapolis. Well, having my heart attack in Oct. didn't compare! Long time no hear, Judy, Holly's mom.
awwwa he is sooooo cute and what a lovely onesie, gotta love babies.