I made another lovely trip to Spot last night with (e:Jenks). You're too much fun girl!!! We ran into (e:Salvatore) while we were waiting in line. This made me wonder how many times prior I might have crossed paths with these people and never known. I love great mysteries like that.
Random thought: I spotted truffles at Wegmans, on 'sale' for $799.00 a pound!!! I almost crapped my pants.
P.S. I found a coupon for a buy one get one free piercing. I want to get my eyebrow redone. Anyone interested?
Ladycroft's Journal
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01/10/2006 12:42 #25310
trufflesCategory: potpourri
01/09/2006 18:18 #25309
a sliver of pieCategory: potpourri
I hauled it to work all the way from Youngstown today. First I had to swing by (e:Leetee) and (e:Uncutsaniflush)'s house to drop off my gear. They've been nice enough to put me up for a few days since I've been booted from my home. They even have the Fox Soccer Channel - woohoo!
So I went into work today and bitched at my boss about how unsatisfactory this situation is. Well, it was much more diplomatic than that, but it yielded results. They filled my gas tank and she's letting me do work from home for two days. Yay me! Ciao.
So I went into work today and bitched at my boss about how unsatisfactory this situation is. Well, it was much more diplomatic than that, but it yielded results. They filled my gas tank and she's letting me do work from home for two days. Yay me! Ciao.
01/08/2006 16:27 #25308
holy mojito batman!Category: potpourri
Yesterday I was supposed to work the basketball games at Hilbert. I drove my ass all the way down there from Youngstown, with (e:Theecarey) in tow, only to find out they didn't need me because the crowd was small. In the age of exponentially growing technology you would think someone knows how to make a phone call. I mean the telephone was invented in 1876, we all know how to use one! Not to mention the whole point of me going down there and doing this lame job was to make some money, which I ended up losing in this deal. Blah!
Yet the day was not to be wasted. We headed up to Hertel Avenue and checked out some cigar shop as well as Terrapin Station. We decided we were hungry and through the Virgo psychic connection both suggested Amy's Place. This is highly amusing to me, since neither one of us had actually BEEN there before. So, (e:Theecarey) treated me to a super delish lunch. We both had tasty bowls of potato-leek soup. She had some kind of spicy lentel wrap and I had this fantastical creation called the Barb Special. It was fried eggplant, tomatoes, garlic, french fries and a sauce rolled up in a toasted pita. Absolutely divine, and a huge serving! Someone had told me this place was 'Timika friendly' and they were so right. I couldn't believe the vegetarian choices.
After indulging at this retro little dineresque joint we trudged on over to Spot coffee and read some papers. We were looking for new and exciting things to do in the new year. Browsing the Art Voice we came upon the Geek Meet announcement and our very own master of ceremonies, Paul Visco's name! Go Paul!
We decided to head back home, throw a colourful log on the fire, smoke some cigar like things and made mojitos for the first time. I have to say, that refreshing sparkle of lime and mint is going to be my new favorite summertime drink! To make, simply crush about 4 sprigs of mint with 2 teaspoons of sugar in the bottom of a glass. Add the juice of a whole lime and stir. Fill with ice. Add 2 ounces of light rum and top with seltzer. Enjoy! Ciao.
Yet the day was not to be wasted. We headed up to Hertel Avenue and checked out some cigar shop as well as Terrapin Station. We decided we were hungry and through the Virgo psychic connection both suggested Amy's Place. This is highly amusing to me, since neither one of us had actually BEEN there before. So, (e:Theecarey) treated me to a super delish lunch. We both had tasty bowls of potato-leek soup. She had some kind of spicy lentel wrap and I had this fantastical creation called the Barb Special. It was fried eggplant, tomatoes, garlic, french fries and a sauce rolled up in a toasted pita. Absolutely divine, and a huge serving! Someone had told me this place was 'Timika friendly' and they were so right. I couldn't believe the vegetarian choices.
After indulging at this retro little dineresque joint we trudged on over to Spot coffee and read some papers. We were looking for new and exciting things to do in the new year. Browsing the Art Voice we came upon the Geek Meet announcement and our very own master of ceremonies, Paul Visco's name! Go Paul!
We decided to head back home, throw a colourful log on the fire, smoke some cigar like things and made mojitos for the first time. I have to say, that refreshing sparkle of lime and mint is going to be my new favorite summertime drink! To make, simply crush about 4 sprigs of mint with 2 teaspoons of sugar in the bottom of a glass. Add the juice of a whole lime and stir. Fill with ice. Add 2 ounces of light rum and top with seltzer. Enjoy! Ciao.
salvatore - 01/09/06 00:39
Virgil Avenue tobacconist! I bought my corn cob pipe from them! That's like 2 blocks from my house!
Virgil Avenue tobacconist! I bought my corn cob pipe from them! That's like 2 blocks from my house!
theecarey - 01/08/06 16:43
I envision an enormous pitcher of Mojito to cool off in 90 degree weather. Lime, mint, ice, sweetness and rum.. Kickin back after a sweaty game of basketball or bike riding.. just plop down in an aderondack chair and just chill with icey glass of mojito wiped across the forehead. Ok, so we all have a few months before all that...
I envision an enormous pitcher of Mojito to cool off in 90 degree weather. Lime, mint, ice, sweetness and rum.. Kickin back after a sweaty game of basketball or bike riding.. just plop down in an aderondack chair and just chill with icey glass of mojito wiped across the forehead. Ok, so we all have a few months before all that...
01/06/2006 11:25 #25307
on my ownCategory: rant
Before I start the rant I just want to say I had the pleasure of meeting (e:Jenks) for lunch yesterday. The company was great and I had the most fantastic carrot and ginger soup! If the rest of their soups are equally delish, I highly recommend Solid Grounds.
Envision that puppet on Sesame Street that always played Yankee Doodle on the piano, would make a mistake, then start slamming his head on the keys. That's how I feel today. I had started my post with, 'I'm a little cranky this morning'. I was almost done writing when this bitch of a computer decided it needed to restart and I lost the whole thing. Now I'm pissed. I don't feel like re-writing it so here is the Cliff's Notes version:
Envision that puppet on Sesame Street that always played Yankee Doodle on the piano, would make a mistake, then start slamming his head on the keys. That's how I feel today. I had started my post with, 'I'm a little cranky this morning'. I was almost done writing when this bitch of a computer decided it needed to restart and I lost the whole thing. Now I'm pissed. I don't feel like re-writing it so here is the Cliff's Notes version:
- I only got 3 days of vacation; my cohort friends got an entire month
- I work 24 / 7; they work 20 hours a week
- I had 12 residents back early living in the residence hall
- I had to move them into spare apartment bedrooms because...
- They are shutting the heat off to the residence hall
- Everyone had to vacate, myself included
- I was missing all the keys I needed to do this
- This screws up the entire move-in process for next weekend
- It will be chaos in a 3 ring circus
- I should hire clowns and sheep to run around campus
- I requested space heaters so I could continue working / living there
- They are using gas powered heaters that will fill the place with lethal levels of carbon monoxide and no one can enter the building all week
- I had a great deal of work to complete next week inside the building
- My office is inside the building
- They are giving me no accommodation or financial assistance toward food
- They don't seem to grasp the concept that this place is my 'home'
- This really chaps my ass!
- My boss expects me to fend for myself and show up every day next week full-time
- Technically I'm part-time but I already work 24 / 7 as it is
- I have no money
- I didn't realize my car registration and 6 months of insurance are due today
- My credit card payment is due today (no luxury option of not paying)
- Even with today's joke of a paycheck I don't have enough
- I also need gas in my car
- I will need more gas in my car now that I have to commute for a week
- I won't get paid for another 2 weeks
- No really, I don't have ANY money
- This blows big fat goats
- It's not a cry for sympathy
- I think the line 'it could be worse' is condescending
theecarey - 01/07/06 01:51
You are welcome to my mounds of empties piling up in the garage.. "Five Cents for Every Can"!!! OMG Who knew that line would actually be useful one day.. Do you remember? Cataract Joe.. I was the preppy beggar, haha.
Really though, I am sure I can spare a few bucks if you would be comfortable in borrowing :) Even if you don't need it, it is nice to know that it is there.
You are welcome to my mounds of empties piling up in the garage.. "Five Cents for Every Can"!!! OMG Who knew that line would actually be useful one day.. Do you remember? Cataract Joe.. I was the preppy beggar, haha.
Really though, I am sure I can spare a few bucks if you would be comfortable in borrowing :) Even if you don't need it, it is nice to know that it is there.
metalpeter - 01/06/06 19:13
I think what you may want to do is just fuckin scream at the top of your lungs or yell something and hold the last sound in the word for as long as you can. those two things can get rid of some of the stress and anger. When things get you down or you think your life sucks. Try to think of people who have it worse. For example the homeless, people in wheel chairs with out legs, the blind, the deaf, mothers with 3 or 4 badass kids who they yell at all day for not doing anything wrong. But mostly Find something fun to do to forget about it. Sorry that you arn't doing to well right now. I admit there isn't anything I can do to make things better for ya. But I'm sure things will get better.
I think what you may want to do is just fuckin scream at the top of your lungs or yell something and hold the last sound in the word for as long as you can. those two things can get rid of some of the stress and anger. When things get you down or you think your life sucks. Try to think of people who have it worse. For example the homeless, people in wheel chairs with out legs, the blind, the deaf, mothers with 3 or 4 badass kids who they yell at all day for not doing anything wrong. But mostly Find something fun to do to forget about it. Sorry that you arn't doing to well right now. I admit there isn't anything I can do to make things better for ya. But I'm sure things will get better.
leetee - 01/06/06 13:03
OK, i will not say "it could be worse". Oh, but i just did. I won't say it twice then, how's that?
Well, that sucks. All of it. Hope you saw the sunshine today, though?
To make you feel better, we dug out and last night Walt washed a big huge comforter for you. It was too warm for us... it's inside a nice soft velvet cover. Yummy warm. There will be a heater. I made sure the blinds all work. We can go on a grocery run Sunday night, if you want...
OK, i will not say "it could be worse". Oh, but i just did. I won't say it twice then, how's that?
Well, that sucks. All of it. Hope you saw the sunshine today, though?
To make you feel better, we dug out and last night Walt washed a big huge comforter for you. It was too warm for us... it's inside a nice soft velvet cover. Yummy warm. There will be a heater. I made sure the blinds all work. We can go on a grocery run Sunday night, if you want...
01/05/2006 19:56 #25306
warning: cool and adorable photos insideCategory: family
I have an absurd amount of photos from my trip. I tried to condense it to my favorites, starting with the fireworks! It was so much fun to be back in a state where fireworks are legal. We shot off big ones with lots of sparkles and report. So, feast on these sparkling works of art.

the first few were beauties and went off without a hitch

then one of them tipped over, sending brilliant blasts of orange and blue right at us

and a mayhem of explosions that set the yard on fire

but painting with sparklers is much more intoxicating to the eyes

'7 days' ....(prize to the first peep that gets that)

this one reminds me of a chinese new year dragon
It was nice to see my whole family together again. I guess we were together at my brother's wedding in August, but it was nothing but chaos. This was a much more relaxed visit surrounding the sweet aura of a newborn baby: William Maximilian!!!

does this diaper make my butt look big? love it

asleep with his auntie mika on Christmas morning

too sweet
Other things I miss about the south, besides fireworks, is Sonic. I have never been much of a fast food enthusiast but man I love their cheese tots and slushies! Moreover, how fun is it to order from your parking space and have someone bring it out to you on a tray? They don't wear roller skates anymore, but I love that nostalgic 50's feel.

my older sister ordering

my cherry-lime slushy and cheese tots...yum!

who knew the middle of nowhere mississippi was home to this fantastic find?

but you knew you could find an entertaining statement like this

my brother-in-law and me

his dog cali, that i fondly called 'fur pig bear', because i think she looks like a little black bear, and she grunted like a pig...or maybe an ape, i'm not sure

my little sis and max

the obscene paparazzi that typically accompany a newborn

my dad saying 'heeeeey'

max answering him with 'heeeeey' - this one cracks me up!

my brother and sister-in-law

my mom on diaper detail

my older sister and me

oscar the miniature wiener dog...i think he looks sort of like an anteater

but his shadow reminds me of Crow T. Robot from MSC 3000

the glorious warm sunshine made me smile - and i love putting flowers in my hair

me and max on Christmas day...yes, those are little antlers on his head

his proud parents
Then it came time to return to Buffalo. My little sister's plane was four hours ahead of mine, so I had to kill time in Memphis.

so we did a Graceland drive-by

bordered by the graffiti wall

near another of my southern favorites, piggly wiggly - it's just a grocer, but i still giggle each time i say it

then i stumbled upon mecca....oh how i wish i had a whole day......

i was listening to 'recycled air' by the postal service when i took this
Lastly, I had the ultimate joy of babysitting my nephew one night. Who should happen to be playing on FSC but my boys in red, Liverpool. Max and I watched our first soccer match together! My heart was overflowing.

the first few were beauties and went off without a hitch

then one of them tipped over, sending brilliant blasts of orange and blue right at us

and a mayhem of explosions that set the yard on fire

but painting with sparklers is much more intoxicating to the eyes

'7 days' ....(prize to the first peep that gets that)

this one reminds me of a chinese new year dragon
It was nice to see my whole family together again. I guess we were together at my brother's wedding in August, but it was nothing but chaos. This was a much more relaxed visit surrounding the sweet aura of a newborn baby: William Maximilian!!!

does this diaper make my butt look big? love it

asleep with his auntie mika on Christmas morning

too sweet
Other things I miss about the south, besides fireworks, is Sonic. I have never been much of a fast food enthusiast but man I love their cheese tots and slushies! Moreover, how fun is it to order from your parking space and have someone bring it out to you on a tray? They don't wear roller skates anymore, but I love that nostalgic 50's feel.

my older sister ordering

my cherry-lime slushy and cheese tots...yum!

who knew the middle of nowhere mississippi was home to this fantastic find?

but you knew you could find an entertaining statement like this

my brother-in-law and me

his dog cali, that i fondly called 'fur pig bear', because i think she looks like a little black bear, and she grunted like a pig...or maybe an ape, i'm not sure

my little sis and max

the obscene paparazzi that typically accompany a newborn

my dad saying 'heeeeey'

max answering him with 'heeeeey' - this one cracks me up!

my brother and sister-in-law

my mom on diaper detail

my older sister and me

oscar the miniature wiener dog...i think he looks sort of like an anteater

but his shadow reminds me of Crow T. Robot from MSC 3000

the glorious warm sunshine made me smile - and i love putting flowers in my hair

me and max on Christmas day...yes, those are little antlers on his head

his proud parents
Then it came time to return to Buffalo. My little sister's plane was four hours ahead of mine, so I had to kill time in Memphis.

so we did a Graceland drive-by

bordered by the graffiti wall

near another of my southern favorites, piggly wiggly - it's just a grocer, but i still giggle each time i say it

then i stumbled upon mecca....oh how i wish i had a whole day......

i was listening to 'recycled air' by the postal service when i took this
Lastly, I had the ultimate joy of babysitting my nephew one night. Who should happen to be playing on FSC but my boys in red, Liverpool. Max and I watched our first soccer match together! My heart was overflowing.

ladycroft - 01/08/06 20:37
01/08/06 20:12 Kangarooboi wrote:
I got the hint with '7 days'! You are refering to one of my fav movies 'The Ring' :-)
Indeed, you win the prize!
01/08/06 20:12 Kangarooboi wrote:
I got the hint with '7 days'! You are refering to one of my fav movies 'The Ring' :-)
Indeed, you win the prize!
metalpeter - 01/06/06 19:23
Glad you enjoyed yourself. Fireworks can be scarry. I remember going on a trip to somewhare around washington and we saw professional fireworks as people who went to watch them set off there own it was scarry as some of them would fly towards us. I'm glad you enjoyed them and didn't get hurt.
Glad you enjoyed yourself. Fireworks can be scarry. I remember going on a trip to somewhare around washington and we saw professional fireworks as people who went to watch them set off there own it was scarry as some of them would fly towards us. I'm glad you enjoyed them and didn't get hurt.
jason - 01/06/06 11:20
Awesome pics. I know I owe you some e-mails, I have been a lazy bastard and I'm sorry!
Oh, I don't know if it has happened already (probably has) but there is a good match on FSC this week - Arsenal v. Man U!
Awesome pics. I know I owe you some e-mails, I have been a lazy bastard and I'm sorry!
Oh, I don't know if it has happened already (probably has) but there is a good match on FSC this week - Arsenal v. Man U!
paul - 01/05/06 20:01
Wow that is the longest post ever. I love al the pics. Glad you didn't die in a firework accident, it looks like it was close lol!
Wow that is the longest post ever. I love al the pics. Glad you didn't die in a firework accident, it looks like it was close lol!
read (e:leetee)'s entry :)
I wonder if that (the 'similar to male swine sex attractant') is why pigs are used to sniff them out. I think they're mushrooms, more or less, right? And I think they come in black and white... Yeah I don't really get it. maybe I should taste them sometime.
the thing with truffles is that they were no where near as expensive just a few years ago (maybe 10 years). i remember the prices being around 100 dollars and then steady climbing to 2 then 3 and 4 hundred dollars. the truffle industry has been experiencing a variety of problems with its supplies over the years and just within the last year, droughts have raised the price well over 20%.
I was ignorant of truffles until this post. At first I thought, "wow thats some expensive ass chocolate; nasty chocolate at that".. I found myself doing a google search, (to redeem some brain cell dignity) as which was noted that the truffle is the most expensive natural food. There is chemical in the truffle that is "similar to the male swine sex attractant". Not sure if that little peice of trivia will ever come in handy, but hey, now you know :)
aww shucks...
but yeah, truffles are crazy expensive. And I don't get it. Are they THAT good? Truffle oil is like $100/oz...
Considering that one pound equals 16 ounces, and a recipe generally wouldn't call for more than an ounce or two, that works out to be about $50 per ounce. All this for a fungus.
I think I'll stick with chocolate "truffles."