On the eve of each new year we often look back to see what we did or did not accomplish, the friends we made, the friends we lost, yada yada yada. I came across this little survey and thought it would suffice. I have nowhere to go tonight and (again) no one to kiss as the bells ring the stroke of midnight. Blah. So e-strippers, I wish you joy that never ends and happiness with all your family and friends tonight!
Where were you when 2005 began?
In my parent's TV room.
Who were you with?
My father, brother and dogs.
Where will you be when 2005 ends?
I have no idea. I have not been invited to any parties.
Whom will you be with when 2005 ends?
I have no idea; there is still some time for a miracle.
Was 2005 a good year for you?
There were many changes for me this year and overall I would say they were good. I lost some stress weight, went to many events I had never been too before, made a small army of new friends and went back to school.
What was your favorite moment of the year?
I think sleeping with my nephew in my arms on Christmas morning was a precious moment that will always be dear to my heart.
What was your least favorite moment of the year?
When my Uncle Jackie and my miniature yorkie Twigi died.
Did you fulfill your New Year goals for 2005?
Yes, I went back to school and lost some weigh.
Did you fall in love in 2005?
Did you make any new friends in 2005?
What was your favorite month of 2005?
September: 30th birthday, new job, started school.
Did you travel outside of the US in 2005?
Only Canada. Sad, I know. I expect more of myself in this department. 2006 will be much different.
How many different states did you travel to in 2005?
Not many this year: Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Mississippi, Tennessee.
Did you lose anybody close to you in 2005?
Yes. My Uncle Jackie and my miniature yorkie Twigi.
What was your favorite movie that you saw in 2005?
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
What was your favorite song from 2005?
Mr. Brightside by the Killers
What was your favorite album from 2005?
Moby: Hotel
Did you do anything you are ashamed of this year?
Nothing comes to mind.
What was your proudest moment of 2005?
I think venturing to the 10k party by myself to meet new people. In general, I have fearlessness for adventure, but this did take some courage on my part.
What was your most embarrassing moment of 2005?
I cannot think of anything.
If you could go back in time to any moment of 2005 and change something, what would it be?
Mmm, maybe I would decline to go on a particular date. Maybe I learned something from the aftermath, or strengthened some aspect of myself, but I feel I could have done well enough without the drama.
What are your plans for 2006?
Keep plugging away at school
Continue to seek out professional development opportunities
Go to the World Cup (soccer) in Germany
Visit my friends and family across Europe
Explore D.C. for the first time
Go snowboarding
Lose weight
Compete in at least one triathlon
Visit my friends in Brazil, Argentina and Chile
Visit my little sister when she has her baby
Get my ass out to Cedar Point and ride those fantastic roller coasters
Explore Montreal
Help others in whatever fashion I can
Ladycroft's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/31/2005 13:49 #25301
happy new year 2006 e-strip!Category: new year
12/26/2005 12:02 #25300
green ChristmasCategory: being aunt
Here's a lovely shot of Max and his green Christmas. Ciao.

metalpeter - 12/27/05 20:10
I thought it would be some body smokin up or in a field, awesome gift for anyone but how do you give someone who gave you all that money a good gift back :-)
I thought it would be some body smokin up or in a field, awesome gift for anyone but how do you give someone who gave you all that money a good gift back :-)
theecarey - 12/26/05 19:03
That is the only time I would not mind having a green christmas. sweet..
That is the only time I would not mind having a green christmas. sweet..
12/25/2005 12:59 #25299
Happy Christmas!Category: christmas
Nothing says Happy Christmas morning like a sparkling mimosa! I spent the wee hours of the morning sleeping with my nephew in my arms. He smells so good. It was a precious moment I'll never forget. Have a good on estrip. Spread the love. Ciao.

metalpeter - 12/25/05 19:40
Never had a mimosa sounds like a great way to start off the holiday. Glad you are having fun and have a Merry Christmas.
Never had a mimosa sounds like a great way to start off the holiday. Glad you are having fun and have a Merry Christmas.
alicia - 12/25/05 19:36
merry christmas!!!
merry christmas!!!
12/24/2005 17:00 #25298
here in mississippiCategory: family
So this was the smoothest air travel I've ever experienced! (e:Uncutsaniflush) and (e:Leetee) dropped me off at the airport (thanks again), I walked right up to the counter and self-checked in, walked right through security, got on my plane. WOW.
I have to say, I've been to many airports, but Detroit has made some awesome changes. I was completely mesmerized by the connection corridor between concourse A and C. It must be 1/4 mile long. It was a tunnel, and the ceiling and walls were lighted panels of changing colours. The colours shifted and warbled along with this totally ambient music. It was like a cross between being underwater and riding Space Mountain. It was so spectacular I just wanted to sit down for a while and enjoy it. If I hadn't been in such a trance I would have taken a picture. I will try to remember on my return trip because my description is not doing it justice.
When I arrived we had to take my dad shopping. He's been here 2 days and they still couldn't find his luggage. Yeah, I love shopping the tall guys sections of Penny's for my dad's whitey tighties. Yay. He needed some sneakers too since all he had were his snow boots. As it turns out, they had these super cute pink stripe ADIDAS sneaks on sale for me, so I splurged.
We finally made it back to the house and I met my darling nephew. Oh Max is too friggin cute! I will post photos no doubt. Meanwhile, ya'll have a Happy Christmas or whatever you do or don't celebrate. Off to bake more cookies while everyone is passed out sleeping. I have some other surprising news but I have been forbidden to share it just yet. Hold onto your butts, it's a shocker! Ciao!
I have to say, I've been to many airports, but Detroit has made some awesome changes. I was completely mesmerized by the connection corridor between concourse A and C. It must be 1/4 mile long. It was a tunnel, and the ceiling and walls were lighted panels of changing colours. The colours shifted and warbled along with this totally ambient music. It was like a cross between being underwater and riding Space Mountain. It was so spectacular I just wanted to sit down for a while and enjoy it. If I hadn't been in such a trance I would have taken a picture. I will try to remember on my return trip because my description is not doing it justice.
When I arrived we had to take my dad shopping. He's been here 2 days and they still couldn't find his luggage. Yeah, I love shopping the tall guys sections of Penny's for my dad's whitey tighties. Yay. He needed some sneakers too since all he had were his snow boots. As it turns out, they had these super cute pink stripe ADIDAS sneaks on sale for me, so I splurged.
We finally made it back to the house and I met my darling nephew. Oh Max is too friggin cute! I will post photos no doubt. Meanwhile, ya'll have a Happy Christmas or whatever you do or don't celebrate. Off to bake more cookies while everyone is passed out sleeping. I have some other surprising news but I have been forbidden to share it just yet. Hold onto your butts, it's a shocker! Ciao!
12/23/2005 11:49 #25297
fast times at hilbert highCategory: comedy
(e:Theecarey) said it all in her entry [inlink]theecarey,68[/inlink]
Many, many, many beers later........

sushi from wegmans, not bad!


laughing so hard while playing pool, i almost pissed myself

so i had this brilliant idea to play with hot wheels in the basement, but i just sat in place as the wheels spun round

so we shoot some trashcan basketball

and then try sledding down the stairs on matresses

and again

then began the matress diving competition

after 30 minutes of this we were hot and sweaty

so we cooled off and opened the T & A Saloon

give us a break, we were drunk

then we started riding tricylces through the halls

carey ran into that wall

and shortly after taking this shot

i took a spill rounding a corner too fast - don't drink and drive kids!


and the night ends with a sleepy and sore good-bye
Now I'm off to shower, pack my backpack and fly down to Mississippi to meet my darling nephew! Latas kids, ciao!
Many, many, many beers later........

sushi from wegmans, not bad!


laughing so hard while playing pool, i almost pissed myself

so i had this brilliant idea to play with hot wheels in the basement, but i just sat in place as the wheels spun round

so we shoot some trashcan basketball

and then try sledding down the stairs on matresses

and again

then began the matress diving competition

after 30 minutes of this we were hot and sweaty

so we cooled off and opened the T & A Saloon

give us a break, we were drunk

then we started riding tricylces through the halls

carey ran into that wall

and shortly after taking this shot

i took a spill rounding a corner too fast - don't drink and drive kids!


and the night ends with a sleepy and sore good-bye
Now I'm off to shower, pack my backpack and fly down to Mississippi to meet my darling nephew! Latas kids, ciao!
paul - 12/23/05 22:57
Have fun in mississippi!
Have fun in mississippi!
boxerboi - 12/23/05 18:47
That looks like it was so much fun! :oP happy holidays
That looks like it was so much fun! :oP happy holidays
metalpeter - 12/23/05 14:00
If you have half the fun in Mississippi that you had here it will be a great trip. The pictures really came out good if I was taking I would have gotton run over by the mattress. Glad you to had a blast.
If you have half the fun in Mississippi that you had here it will be a great trip. The pictures really came out good if I was taking I would have gotton run over by the mattress. Glad you to had a blast.
salvatore - 12/23/05 13:01
Definitely looks like you had a blast! I'd love to stop by that Saloon sometime! Have a good trip!
Definitely looks like you had a blast! I'd love to stop by that Saloon sometime! Have a good trip!
I may fill that out on sunday when I have time to really think and reflect back. But it is to bad you have no one to kiss at midnight and nowhare to go. I hope you do something you enjoy tonight.
Some quick General thoughts on this year I met you wich was cool. I will admit it if it wasn't for meting you I would have never gone to an (e:strip) party. That means I never would have met beast, Paul, terry, matt, TK, Lee, Walt and a bunch of others. I didn't include Carey and Jason cause I met them at Henry Rollins. I did do some traveling but not as much as I would have liked. The NHL is back, Awesome!!!! I still work for the same company but got a job that is more enjoyable and pays a little more and I get overtime so I have more money to spend. I didn't do anything for newyears and it didn't mess up my year, and I'm still alone and that is ok. I still have stuff to improve on but all in all it was a good year.
Nice. I am going to snag this and then post my stuff. I was thinking of a "year end summation", but this is better.. I dont have to think of what I want to write about, it tells me. Very cool. I see that we have similar things on our "to do" lists and a few other similarities. Not suprising in the least :) Woo Moby! I like it..