Tonight, Let it be Timika.
Smart. Beautiful. Timika.
Behold the power of Timika.
Out of the strong came forth Timika.
Super Timika is almost here!
For a hard-earned thirst, Timika.
Ladycroft saves your soul.
Get the door - it's Ladycroft.
Drinka, pinta Ladycroft a day.
Try Ladycroft, you'll like it!
For the Ladycroft you don't yet know.
What's yours?

me and max
when i moved to DC after college, my dad gave me a little present... a craftsman cordless drill. And I am not much of an under-the-hood grease-monkey type, but I do love taking things apart and fixing them (hell, I'm a surgeon!), so it's proven to be a very useful tool. Then to make fun of me, a few years ago my mom gave me a Drill Holster. (but i refuse to use it.) My dad also gave me a soldering iron, which i must admit i have used...