Friday the 13th was a full-moon shenanigans festival. Hell, this whole weekend has just been full of the bizarre and unusual. I went to a rock show at The Palace to see Displaced D. Unfortunately, the clientele have changed over the years. Last time I went with my sister it was predominantly Goth and punk rock. This time, I think myself and two other people had fun hair. It was mostly filled with teenagers using fake ID's to drink shitty beer. Not that it was ever a high caliber type of joint to begin with, but sometimes crap-hole places are fun. Somehow, at the end of the night I ended up with a giant safety cone in my car.

kyle and jen

the boys

the girls

me and jen

(e:Jenks) mentioned [inlink]jenks,40[/inlink] , Saturday night I experienced the most bizarre waiter I have ever encountered. We ate at Towne, but I have to say I was not impressed. They didn't really have much for me to eat. The spinach and feta melt didn't do much for me and the lentil soup was bland. Maybe their breakfasts are better.
Today I had to make a run to Tops to get snacks and things for my two day refresher training with my CA's. As I approached the intersection I hit a 10ft sheet of ice and skidded right through it. I'm just so thankful no one was coming!!!
Then I had to do laundry. I had bought a fabric softener replacement carton since they did not have Method brand. I thought I still had my old container, but somehow accidentally threw it out. Well, as I was walking to the washer I tripped and dropped my basket. Yah, green fabric softener spilled out on my white shirt. Stained forever. Then as I was loading the washer, I dropped another shirt right into the fabric softener dispensing tank. Another one bites the dust! Meep.
Oh - and my stove stopped working to boot!
H O T!!!
If I ever dye my hair again (perm not that temp stuff that comes off on everything) that blue is one of the ones I was thinking about looks nice.
awesome! that's the color i was hoping it would turn out. i like it that like, royal blue. Love it!
Look at that hot mama!
i like it. cute.