I went to a gathering with (mostly) members of my Canisius program cohort. It was really nice to get to chill with them outside the context of the classroom. Here are a few photos of the nonsense that ensued once the Tooters and Jell-o shots came out. Yes Tooters,
(e:Ladycroft)’s favorite test-tube treat! We missed all ya'll that couldn't make it. Enjoy.

me and my hilbert homie lori

amanda, me, alicia and lori

a tooters toast to cspa class of 2007

aj and cristina

annie, jen and alicia

amanda and me

loquacious lindsay crying over issues with her nachos

me, alicia and amanada

me taking a photo of this cool infinity candle thing

here comes jen with the jell-o shots


lindsay crying over issues with her jell-o shot

anisha and kelly bustin moves

linsday, me and jen: starting to get silly


jen setting up a game

me, annie and jen: now silly

lindsay is schnockered

me and annie: still going

aj says: have a nice day

malcom says: those fools are hammered

annie knows he's right

me and kelly: afraid of something perhaps?

alicia and jen: hey baby!

me and anisha: chillin

kelly says: what's this timika?

it's my uber cool glowing sea creature!


me, annie and alicia: i don't know...

the group
Game after game after game.....I realised what was most important in my life....FOOTBALL