Tonight I went to see Henry Rollins with (e:Theecarey), (e:Jason), and we met up with (e:Metalpeter) in the end. Great to see you out Peter! I had a great time. It's been 10 years since I've seen Henry and my first thought was, 'Damn he's grey!' Nevertheless, he is in as incredible shape as he was back in 95. Yah, I'd call him a hot 44 year old. If you had been there, that line would mean something to you would be laughing right now. Hotness....he and I agree that magazines are nothing but airbrushed bullshit. I have to say though; he did give me a slightly altered perspective on my own personal hotness. He said, every day there is at least one person that stops what they are doing to look at you and they think, damn...she's hot. I'm like, right on brother! Fuck all you posers that actually believe women should look like walking hangers. I'd rather have all this junk in my trunk than no trunk at all.
Henry shared a lot of his travel stories, but there was one part where I feel he sucked a thought right from my brain. I wouldn't have said it any different. He was reflecting on a day when someone asked him if he wanted to visit Pakistan. His response was, he wants to go everywhere he hasn't been, and every time he's looking at a map or flying over another country he can hear "fuck you Henry, that's right, this is Zimbabwe talking, and you ain't been here biatch". Ok, that's not a direct quote, but it's close - and that is exactly how I feel about travel.
Ladycroft's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/26/2005 04:36 #25245
rollins babyCategory: feeling lonely
10/26/2005 04:34 #25244
bostonCategory: roadtrip
Let me quickly recap my far too brief visit to Boston. I drove out on Thursday afternoon. I’m master road tripper so the 8 hour drive was nothing new, a little lonely, but no big deal. I’ve driven from Buffalo to Mexico all by myself. Now that is a lonely drive. So, here are a few photos of my visit.

holy big ass burrito batman!

my favorite, the tobin bridge

me and brian with his skeleton baby and jimmy's head in the corner

me and laura with a kiss from jimmy

jeannine, me, dan, laura and brian - heading out for the night

me and dan at a clever little eatery

this tool actually controls the heat in laura's car - scary

i just like it

my friend had a saltwater tank so i took this for (e:matthew)

next day mark and laura dragged me to a pokemon convention

we waited in this massive line so they could get a secret leaf? i don't know.

timika and mark are no match for super giant pikachu

after waiting in another big line, the technician lost laura's game - can you see the sadness in her pikachu eyes?

i tried to capture some of new england's fine foliage on my drive home

then the weather turned to shit

then my pop exploded all over my crotch making it look like i wet myself

holy big ass burrito batman!

my favorite, the tobin bridge

me and brian with his skeleton baby and jimmy's head in the corner

me and laura with a kiss from jimmy

jeannine, me, dan, laura and brian - heading out for the night

me and dan at a clever little eatery

this tool actually controls the heat in laura's car - scary

i just like it

my friend had a saltwater tank so i took this for (e:matthew)

next day mark and laura dragged me to a pokemon convention

we waited in this massive line so they could get a secret leaf? i don't know.

timika and mark are no match for super giant pikachu

after waiting in another big line, the technician lost laura's game - can you see the sadness in her pikachu eyes?

i tried to capture some of new england's fine foliage on my drive home

then the weather turned to shit

then my pop exploded all over my crotch making it look like i wet myself
theecarey - 10/27/05 16:34
nice pics from Boston
we have plenty to catch up on. Give me a call soon, ok?
nice pics from Boston
we have plenty to catch up on. Give me a call soon, ok?
metalpeter - 10/26/05 18:25
First of all I'm going to comment on both your posts. I can't imagine driving from Buffalo to mexico. I can't imagine being in a car for that long. Secondly that is a cool looking bridge, I wish Buffalo would just build one like that instead of all the politicing.
First of all I'm going to comment on both your posts. I can't imagine driving from Buffalo to mexico. I can't imagine being in a car for that long. Secondly that is a cool looking bridge, I wish Buffalo would just build one like that instead of all the politicing.
alicia - 10/26/05 11:49
those pics are cute...looks like u had a good time...the giant pikachu scurrrs me :)
those pics are cute...looks like u had a good time...the giant pikachu scurrrs me :)
10/18/2005 00:06 #25243
team nothingnessCategory: soccer
I just played my first full-on game of soccer in 6 years and I’m whipped! Boy howdy! Of course, at the beginning of the day I thought I was playing short-court indoor. As it turns out, it was actually half-field outdoor! Can you say unprepared? It wasn’t freezing out, but it was most certainly chilly, and I brought shorts of course. Next week I’ll know to bring a headband so my ears won’t hurt. The nice part was that we played on super cushy astro-turf; nice-n-easy on the joints! That is, until you have the prime opportunity to even up the score playing forward, get mobbed by 3 guys, and fall on your ass trying to shift your momentum and make the shot. The hips don’t like me so much right now. I stood in the shower an awful long time trying to massage the pain away.
10/16/2005 23:26 #25242
purple pickle nascar nazisCategory: i am a big dork
What I should be doing:
1. Re-writing a journal review (due last week) which was on my jump drive that I lost.
2. Reading 123 pages of textbook bore.
3. Defending a position on spirituality in student development.
4. Reading 2 novels for which I have to write 10 page reviews, each.
5. Writing a 5 page documentary reflection on what it means to be free in America.
What I am doing instead:
1. Falling asleep while attempting the first item on my list, complete with drool seeping from the corner of my mouth.
2. Engaging in an act of futility- trying to satisfy my hunger. I have incurred an insatiable appetite from the moment I walked through (e:Lilho)’s door Friday night. I cannot stop eating; I’m hungry like the wolf!
3. Thinking about how I’m going to get to class tomorrow with ‘Aqua Mouse’ (my car) being in such dire condition.
4. Talking on the phone with my partner in crime (e:Theecarey). Gag, puke, barf; make it go away!
5. Fretting about my Halloween costume details.
6. Questioning my how I’m going to load more songs onto my ipod before I leave for Boston this Thursday morning.
7. Writing this post.
8. Wondering who talked me into performing 1 handed twisty taekwondo push-ups at (e:Lilho)’s party, because I’m so incredibly sore right now.
9. Wondering when I’ll have time to hang out with (e:Terry) to knit scarves.
10. Considering the strong possibility that I have adult ADD and a hearing loss, or at least some serious wax build up.
1. Re-writing a journal review (due last week) which was on my jump drive that I lost.
2. Reading 123 pages of textbook bore.
3. Defending a position on spirituality in student development.
4. Reading 2 novels for which I have to write 10 page reviews, each.
5. Writing a 5 page documentary reflection on what it means to be free in America.
What I am doing instead:
1. Falling asleep while attempting the first item on my list, complete with drool seeping from the corner of my mouth.
2. Engaging in an act of futility- trying to satisfy my hunger. I have incurred an insatiable appetite from the moment I walked through (e:Lilho)’s door Friday night. I cannot stop eating; I’m hungry like the wolf!
3. Thinking about how I’m going to get to class tomorrow with ‘Aqua Mouse’ (my car) being in such dire condition.
4. Talking on the phone with my partner in crime (e:Theecarey). Gag, puke, barf; make it go away!
5. Fretting about my Halloween costume details.
6. Questioning my how I’m going to load more songs onto my ipod before I leave for Boston this Thursday morning.
7. Writing this post.
8. Wondering who talked me into performing 1 handed twisty taekwondo push-ups at (e:Lilho)’s party, because I’m so incredibly sore right now.
9. Wondering when I’ll have time to hang out with (e:Terry) to knit scarves.
10. Considering the strong possibility that I have adult ADD and a hearing loss, or at least some serious wax build up.
metalpeter - 10/17/05 18:59
The Documentary Ideas (#5) sounds interesting. Wow you are really busy good luck getting all the stuff you are doing and are supposed to be doing done.
The Documentary Ideas (#5) sounds interesting. Wow you are really busy good luck getting all the stuff you are doing and are supposed to be doing done.
theecarey - 10/17/05 00:04
lol.. and not only are we talking on the phone, but happen to also be on our laptops. You are falling asleep on the phone.. go to bed. Get sleep. Try again tomorrow..
as for the puke, barf, gag, stuff.. you are doing an honorable thing; you are a better gal than I! However, I think situation(s) will work itself out. If not, ass kickings to follow.
PS I also have a shovel :)
lol.. and not only are we talking on the phone, but happen to also be on our laptops. You are falling asleep on the phone.. go to bed. Get sleep. Try again tomorrow..
as for the puke, barf, gag, stuff.. you are doing an honorable thing; you are a better gal than I! However, I think situation(s) will work itself out. If not, ass kickings to follow.
PS I also have a shovel :)
10/08/2005 13:00 #25241
fukitolCategory: america fuck yeah
This made me laugh. I could really use a bottle of it right now too. Ciao.

joshua - 10/08/05 22:10
Wow! Like 4 of the five are in my world... Fukitol is for me!
Wow! Like 4 of the five are in my world... Fukitol is for me!
metalpeter - 10/08/05 18:45
Interesting web site also.
Interesting web site also.
It was nice to see you again and to meet (e:jason) and Thecarey. I'm still afrid sord of to miss pronunce your name so you may always be ladycroft. I wish when I walked in I would have picked to go to the right instead of the left. When I was waiting in line I was looking around to see if I saw anyone I knew and i didn't see anyone outside or inside. There was this hot chick sitting next to me who looked familar. When Rollins started talking about the hotness I felt like asking her so Am I hot to you. Somewhere near me a cellphone went off. I thought the chick was going to kill somebody. I was surprised Henry only said a quick little comment about it and didn't rip into them. I didn't agree with everything he says but I still had a blast he makes a lot of good jokes, entertaining stories, even if you disagree with his points.
We soooo need to talk when i get back from Knxoville, Silly Bridget!! We are in Mansfield, Ohio right now, so we are half way home.
Thanks for the Boston pics, too. Loved seeing them. I know the trip was a short one, but i hope you had a blast.