Ok, so mine are all the TAME photos of the night but I'm still in the grips of 35mm. Soon to change, soon to change. I'm buying myself a digital for my birthday, yesssssssssssss! Right, where do I begin? First, I want to thank the PMT crew for letting the amusement bloom in their residence!
(e:Matthew) [inlink]matthew,627[/inlink],
(e:Terry) - thank you! Next I would like to thank the Academy....err, wrong speech. I want to thank everyone for coming. It really means a lot to me that you were there to celebrate my big three-oh! So thank you
(e:Alison), Bernard, Avantica, Manish, Lori and Hong.
(e:Flacidness), you were there in spirit.
So first came the scavenger hunt. [inlink]paul,3827[/inlink] Where do I begin to try to explain this great Muppet caper?
(e:Theecarey) and I spent a fair chunk of time trying to sort out an interesting, yet not difficult hunt. Thank you
(e:Drchlorine) for your input and assistance in creating the cds! While the teams had departed to begin the hunt,
(e:Theecarey) and
(e:Ladycroft) were patiently waiting at their stations.
(e:Theecarey) in her hula skirt outside Kuni's and
(e:Ladycroft) wearing 10 pounds of beads acting like a hooker on the corner of Elmwood and Breckenridge. That was fun. The teams never made it past clue 2. No matter, the outcome was entertaining, and that was the whole point of the exercise! This is the fight that broke out over the first clue [inlink]drchlorine,126[/inlink] It has been requested I create a new hunt, a super hunt, to take place in daylight. This one will be over the top, will require mucho cleverness and sobriety. More of
(e:Paul)'s photos [inlink]paul,3828[/inlink]
(e:Theecarey) and
(e:Ladycroft) finally returned to PMT's they had much catching up to do in the drink department. Thank goodness for those melon shots, quick and easy. I still can't believe we drank that entire bottle of vodka! Not to mention the dents put in the Sapphire Gin, Tattoo Rum, Amaretto and beer. Karumba! Ok, so
(e:Theecarey) has posted a pictorial history of the piñata's creation.[inlink]theecarey,10[/inlink] First piñata, ka-boom! Second piñata, Fort Knox baby! Woo-hoo! Many hours went into this labor of love and I was delighted to see that it lasted long enough to take several beatings from drunken
(e:strip)pers. I even managed to swing a few kicks at it, while drunk and wearing high heels. Hee-yaw! Them's the skillz of a true Lady. When the piñata finally met its demise, it was like watching cockroaches scurry in the light. With condoms falling from the heavens I've never seen folks move so quickly. I swear I saw
(e:Mike) snatch one mid air with his teeth!
(e:Matthew) and
(e:Ladycroft) big smiles all around
(e:Terry) and
(e:Alison) being cute as buttons
(e:Leetee)'s questionable gesture and
When the piñata battery was over we headed back inside for the little 'show'. Everyone was treated to the disco bondage broom riding water bottle spraying light show cabaret on the second floor. A lovely performance by
(e:Mike) and
(e:Lilho). I think
(e:Ladycroft) was supposed to get a lap dance but got water poured down her back instead. In retaliation
(e:Mike) received a thorough soaking. Mess with the best, die like the rest. That line is usually reserved for video gaming, but when it comes to water wars or food fights it applies equally well. Even more of
(e:Paul)'s photos [inlink]paul,3829[/inlink]
(e:Mike) and
(e:Matthew) and
(e:Paul) with the 'beer towel'
(e:Matthew) with his pink sea anemone
(e:Ladycroft) and
(e:Paul) lounging
(e:Theecarey) and
(e:Ladycroft), hot biatches!
(e:Drchlorine) did in fact get locked out of his apartment. I felt bad. I couldn't hear my phone ringing over the screaming fiasco taking place in the kitchen or I would have driven the keys over to him. Apparently the blue koosh ball was reenacting the part of a sea anemone ...but I think it's better to let
(e:Matthew) tell that story.
The silliness continued on a downward spiral when
(e:Leetee) started placing dollar bills in
(e:Terry)'s pants.
This transpired into a lap dance for
(e:Theecarey) and a lengthy chocobo goat song. Then I got a short but lovely massage from
(e:Terry). Thanks for that, I was in great need!
(e:Theecarey) and
By early morning folks had either departed or went to bed.
(e:Theecarey) and
(e:Ladycroft) turned the fancy room into a rave scene. 10 million glow sticks strong baby.
(e:Mike) acting all gigolo

Check out the super fly Elmwood strip sign!
(e:Paul)'s photo
Next thing you know it's past 6am. Where does the time go when you're having too much fun?
(e:Theecarey) and
(e:Ladycroft), hot biatches that have been photoshopped.
Hopefully I've included links for all the various photos associated with the 'ultra mega platinum first class birthday bash'. Sorry if you missed the stellar soirée!

Your house has many beautiful features but your attic stirs my soul :)
OMG... i look just as tired as i felt. I needed some makeup in those pics. Gotta love the one of me showing off my purses and shoes... with the giant flashlight in the other hand.
For the record, the Guinness fridge magnet is from Ireland. We didn't get it ourselves and oddly enough, neither did the person who gave it to us; his father did. Poor little turtle had fallen a few times and his pint slides right off his back when it does.
Also for the record, neither myself or (e:Uncutsaniflush) painted the weird wolf. Someone who used to live here did, but i don't think it was the person who did the sunflowers on the dinning room floor or the... uhm... wilderness scene (for lack of a better term) in one of the bedrooms.
So, (e:Ladycroft), of all the beautiful things about our house, you like the attic the best? Not the beautiful inlay hardwood floors or the wonderful original woodworking or the stained glass window or the leaded glass window or the etched glass windows or the butlers pantry or the tall ceilings or the fireplaces? The attic. OK, i will admit it is a very cool part of this house, but the gem? Hmm.. You're strange. I like you.
in payment for those pictures- DEATH, and it will be slow and painful.