I just picked about 6 dozen Romas from my garden. Seriously, who wants tomatoes!? Tell me, I'll make a personal delivery to your doorstep! (e:Leetee), you're a veggie, I'm sure you'd make use of them eh? It's either passing them out to folks or I'll have to host a tomatillo party. Who wants to get messy!?
No details yet, but save the date of September 10th. I'm having my 30th birthday party and (e:Lilho) is having her housewarming. A collaboration of the events is probable, but still under construction. Stay tuned for updates. It's sure to be a positively smashing evening!
Ladycroft's Journal
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08/20/2005 13:05 #25225
holy tomato factory batman!Category: events
08/19/2005 09:42 #25224
to be or not to beCategory: event
I saw Hamlet last night with (e:Jason). Another outstanding performance by Paul Todaro! He kicked ass as Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet [inlink]ladycroft,21[/inlink]. Now he's kicking more ass as Hamlet. The voice effects for the Ghost was sweet. You've only got 3 shows left, so make sure you check it out! Ciao.
08/11/2005 15:33 #25222
spooky!Category: ghosts
Ok. Watching Ghost Hunters at 1am all by yourself in a large building is not cool. Well, yes it is cool, I like to scare the crap out of myself. I swear I saw a kid run by the lounge door 5 or 6 times. Man I love the human brain, it's absolutely amazing! I wish I had a video camera, I could make some crap Blair Witch junk around here. Hey, (e:Mike) - get your tail down here! You could have one of your soap opera folks get trapped by demons in a deserted building, haha. Ok, back to work it is. Ciao.
08/10/2005 15:48 #25221
creepy!Category: potpourri
So I'm all moved in to my new 'apartment'. It is way creepy. I am entirely alone in this big dorm building. In fact, the only other person on the entire campus is a night time rent-a-cop! Plus it's about 10,000 degrees up there which makes hallucinations all the more likely. If anyone wants to come out and visit me in the next week, I've got the place all to myself. I've got a big screen tv (well, not ME..but the lounge), pool table, fooseball... I must admit I did have a little fun running up and down the halls doing cartwheels and singing really bad showtunes. Just for kicks. Ciao.
08/11/2005 14:42 #25220
i'm spent!Category: event
The wedding is done. Hurray! Here’s a blurry pic of the happy couple.

Here is a pic of what we did to their truck. Every last inch of the interior was wrapped in aluminium foil. Nice.

Today I spent the day moving and I’m whipped. I didn’t really have much but when you’re working on a week of 15 collective hours of sleep, it’s draining. My junk is all over the show. I’m coasting on fumes baby! I made this list.
You know you’re spent when:
1.You can’t remember why you just opened the fridge door.
2.You ask your little sister 15 times where she put your bag.
3.You try to call your own cell phone and wonder why the hell no one is picking up.
4.You try to put a cd in the player upside down.
5.You fall asleep while playing Mario Kart and run straight into a wall.
6.You feed your dog twice in 1 hour.
7.You run all your errands in your pajamas.
8.You shampoo your hair with conditioner and condition it with shampoo.
9.You try to shave with the plastic cover on the razor.
10.You answer the question: “What did you think of the wedding” with, “She likes Poland Spring water because it has texture.” WTF???
Catch you kids latas. Have a good one. Ciao.

Here is a pic of what we did to their truck. Every last inch of the interior was wrapped in aluminium foil. Nice.

Today I spent the day moving and I’m whipped. I didn’t really have much but when you’re working on a week of 15 collective hours of sleep, it’s draining. My junk is all over the show. I’m coasting on fumes baby! I made this list.
You know you’re spent when:
1.You can’t remember why you just opened the fridge door.
2.You ask your little sister 15 times where she put your bag.
3.You try to call your own cell phone and wonder why the hell no one is picking up.
4.You try to put a cd in the player upside down.
5.You fall asleep while playing Mario Kart and run straight into a wall.
6.You feed your dog twice in 1 hour.
7.You run all your errands in your pajamas.
8.You shampoo your hair with conditioner and condition it with shampoo.
9.You try to shave with the plastic cover on the razor.
10.You answer the question: “What did you think of the wedding” with, “She likes Poland Spring water because it has texture.” WTF???
Catch you kids latas. Have a good one. Ciao.
heey sorry I missed you...there are probably no tomatoes left right?!?!?
Woohoo! Where do you folks live!?
Walt and i LOOOOOVE tomatoes. I am indeed a veggie and i would indeed be ever so grateful for fresh garden tomatoes if you still feel like giving them away!
However, if you want to keep them for cooking at a later date, just freeze them. Put them upright in icecube trays until they are solid, then into bags. I reckon in a frost free freezer, they will last about 6 months to a year. If you want to take the skins off before you thaw some, just dip them in some boiled water for about 30 seconds and the skins will come right off with the hard frozen tomato still in tact. Then, just put them in a bag or a bowl and let them thaw. Presto, fresh skin free tomatoes!
I'll take some tomatoes ;)