Sleeping on the sofa again. I'm not sure how I'll react when I move on Monday. I went from 2 dogs, to 1 dog, to me and 1 dog on a sofa. Now I'm expected to sleep in a huge queen bed all by myself? I think I'm going to be lonely. Maybe I should buy a gazillion pillows to surround myself. Ciao.
Ladycroft's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/03/2005 14:34 #25217
sofa surfing once moreCategory: potpourri
08/03/2005 23:30 #25216
smashing party ya'llCategory: peeptalk
It was such a pleasure to meet so many (e:peeps) at the party! Let’s see…(e:Boxerboi), we totally need to do that GPS treasure hunt. Tell Jeff he is the supreme back cracker and I look forward to many more back bends! (e:Terry), I didn’t see much of you but enjoyed the quick chat about cooking and videogames. (e:Mike), who knew you could come up with 30 different ways to say my name wrong? I was thoroughly impressed; I still think you need to win some kind of prize for that. I look forward to being in your soap opera. (e:Hodown), remember next time you see Moby ask him to sign a teabag for Lady Croft. Loved your hair by the way. (e:Josh), sorry for kicking your ass at Mario Kart, I thought being drunk might lessen my skillz. (e:Flacidness), loved our 4am dance session in the kitchen; we totally need to hit the dance floor soon. (e:Lilho), thanks for giving me the lowdown on so many new faces. (e:Drchlorine), good to see you. (e:Matthew), I’m glad you liked my hummus, didn’t mean to snatch the last cucumber from you. You know you have a great smile? (e:Iriesarah), you’re too much fun. Did you know you snore like a freight train blowing through a nitroglycerine plant? Ha! (e:Dimartiste), I’m glad you liked the zucchini squares enough to give me a bear hug. Thanks for the great conversation on gravity and the little adventure hunting for people passed out on neighboring lawns. (e:Springfarie), also thanks for the great conversation and little adventure hunting for people passed out on neighboring lawns. (e:Jason), ‘two pumps’ in a handshake, I won’t forget. How can one person get spilled on so many times? Well, now that I think about it, my pants took about 5 big hits, but I think you still win. (e:Paulnotpaul), OMG I have to hear the story about bad underwear again. I almost wet myself! Thank you (e:Paul) for dedication to the site, I hope you enjoy the Goldschlager. I’m sorry for hijacking your bed and spooning you in my sleep. I know I met more folks, please forgive me for not remembering. I came alone not knowing a single person, so I think I’ve done well remembering who I met, some while drunk. It was a most enjoyable evening, everyone was terrific! Well, everyone except the dude that dropped his girlfriend on the floor. Ciao.
I think Paul requested me to post a photo of my garden. It's not glam, but it grows great veggies!

I think Paul requested me to post a photo of my garden. It's not glam, but it grows great veggies!

joshua - 08/03/05 23:30
You are evil and sinister when it comes to Mario Kart. I think its awesome!
You are evil and sinister when it comes to Mario Kart. I think its awesome!
07/29/2005 22:52 #25215
kiss my chocolate starfish!Remind me never to get married. Weddings are an absolute schlep! I’m am sick, sick, sick of all this crap, crap, crap! I thought the whole idea of the wedding ceremony was to celebrate the union of two people. Ha! It’s all just a commercialized money making machine that gets everyone’s panties in twist! Seriously, $300 for cake, $1,000 for flowers??? That’s just the financial factor. If I get yelled at for one more thing, look out, because Broadzilla is surfacing!
I’m not even IN the wedding, but somehow I am responsible for:
1. Finding a babysitter (still need one)
2. Making giant signs (which are still not done after 30 hours of work)
3. Rigging up 10,000 imported Italian twinkle lights (ok, I stole that from Christmas Vacation, but I do have to rig up about 1,000 lights)
4. Calling all the non-responsive guests
5. Collecting ivy (don’t ask)
6. Taking my mother to 20 shops looking for a dress (not my cup of tea)
7. Taking my mother to have the dress fitted
8. Planning my brother’s bachelor party (what the hell!?!)
9. Sending out invites for his party
10. Sending out new invites to his party after finding out all the information I got was wrong
11. Fitting my dad’s pants
12. Picking up my dad’s shoes
13. Doing my mother’s hair (I’ve got my own hair to worry about)
14. Renting a car (because we don’t have enough space for everyone in the family to get carted around)
15. Writing the best man’s speech (this is nuts!!).
I don’t think 2 hours can pass without me taking heat for something wedding related. I’ve become an expert in taking heat. I get blamed for the rain falling on the Earth, but I just smile and say, ‘Kiss my chocolate starfish’. Of course what they hear is, ‘My bad, you’re right, you’re always right, why do I ever doubt you’. Ciao.
I’m not even IN the wedding, but somehow I am responsible for:
1. Finding a babysitter (still need one)
2. Making giant signs (which are still not done after 30 hours of work)
3. Rigging up 10,000 imported Italian twinkle lights (ok, I stole that from Christmas Vacation, but I do have to rig up about 1,000 lights)
4. Calling all the non-responsive guests
5. Collecting ivy (don’t ask)
6. Taking my mother to 20 shops looking for a dress (not my cup of tea)
7. Taking my mother to have the dress fitted
8. Planning my brother’s bachelor party (what the hell!?!)
9. Sending out invites for his party
10. Sending out new invites to his party after finding out all the information I got was wrong
11. Fitting my dad’s pants
12. Picking up my dad’s shoes
13. Doing my mother’s hair (I’ve got my own hair to worry about)
14. Renting a car (because we don’t have enough space for everyone in the family to get carted around)
15. Writing the best man’s speech (this is nuts!!).
I don’t think 2 hours can pass without me taking heat for something wedding related. I’ve become an expert in taking heat. I get blamed for the rain falling on the Earth, but I just smile and say, ‘Kiss my chocolate starfish’. Of course what they hear is, ‘My bad, you’re right, you’re always right, why do I ever doubt you’. Ciao.
leetee - 07/29/05 22:18
Sorry you've been so stressed about this! Wow.... i think you need to tell that best man to write his OWN speech!!! I think my husband and i did it the right way. We got married on the deck of our old house ( i will miss not being able to go out there and stand in the place i got married!!)from a minister we found online. I got my dress at JC Penny. And we went to a local restaurant for dinner afterwards... all 9 of us (yes, that included my husband and i!!). Good Luck!!
Sorry you've been so stressed about this! Wow.... i think you need to tell that best man to write his OWN speech!!! I think my husband and i did it the right way. We got married on the deck of our old house ( i will miss not being able to go out there and stand in the place i got married!!)from a minister we found online. I got my dress at JC Penny. And we went to a local restaurant for dinner afterwards... all 9 of us (yes, that included my husband and i!!). Good Luck!!
uncutsaniflush - 07/29/05 13:22
Not all weddings are the same. (e:leetee) and i had a small wedding ceremony on the deck of our house in Knoxville, TN when we lived there almost 4 years ago.
Personally, I don't get why people want big elaborate weddings and receptions.
To me, the important part is the marriage and not the wedding ceremony. I've known all too many people who say "my wedding day was the happiest day of my life.' And that just makes me sad.
Lee and i believe the best is yet to come.
Not all weddings are the same. (e:leetee) and i had a small wedding ceremony on the deck of our house in Knoxville, TN when we lived there almost 4 years ago.
Personally, I don't get why people want big elaborate weddings and receptions.
To me, the important part is the marriage and not the wedding ceremony. I've known all too many people who say "my wedding day was the happiest day of my life.' And that just makes me sad.
Lee and i believe the best is yet to come.
joshua - 07/29/05 11:52
Nice post! My answer to the whole wedding thing - Vegas, baby! Save the cash and when you come back from Vegas, throw a huge party. 2/3 of people skip the ceremony and go only to the reception anyhow.
Nice post! My answer to the whole wedding thing - Vegas, baby! Save the cash and when you come back from Vegas, throw a huge party. 2/3 of people skip the ceremony and go only to the reception anyhow.
07/28/2005 00:06 #25214
everbody else is doing itCategory: quizzes
Taking a break from making signs for my brother's wedding. Glitter everywhere! I noticed (e:Jessbob) and (e:Jason) had done a humor test. I had to join in the fun, even if my results make me seem like a freakish pervert. Ciao.
The Shock Jock (60% dark, 56% spontaneous, 55% vulgar)
Your humor style: VULGAR | SPONTANEOUS | DARK
Your sense of humor is off-the-cuff and kind of gross. Is it is also sinister, cynical, and vaguely threatening to the purer folks of this world, and you probably gets off on that. You would cut a greasy fart, and then blame it on your mom and then just shrug when someone pointed out that she's dead.
Yours is hands-down the most outrageous sense of humor; you like things trangressive and hardcore. It's highly likely (a) you have no limits (b) you have no scruples and (c) you have no job. Ironically, it's your type of humor that can make the biggest bucks in show business.
My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 61% on dark
You scored higher than 69% on spontaneous
You scored higher than 69% on vulgar
The Shock Jock (60% dark, 56% spontaneous, 55% vulgar)
Your humor style: VULGAR | SPONTANEOUS | DARK
Your sense of humor is off-the-cuff and kind of gross. Is it is also sinister, cynical, and vaguely threatening to the purer folks of this world, and you probably gets off on that. You would cut a greasy fart, and then blame it on your mom and then just shrug when someone pointed out that she's dead.
Yours is hands-down the most outrageous sense of humor; you like things trangressive and hardcore. It's highly likely (a) you have no limits (b) you have no scruples and (c) you have no job. Ironically, it's your type of humor that can make the biggest bucks in show business.
My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 61% on dark
You scored higher than 69% on spontaneous
You scored higher than 69% on vulgar
joshua - 07/28/05 00:06
Nah. Your humor is about the same as mine... except I'm 6% more vulgar! Ha.
Nah. Your humor is about the same as mine... except I'm 6% more vulgar! Ha.
07/26/2005 13:01 #25213
auntie mika rulesCategory: family
Just got word this morning, I’m going to have a nephew! It will be nice to have a little person in my life that I’m actually related to. Don’t get me wrong, I love my Goddaughter, she’s a cutie pie, it will just be super fun to be called Auntie Mika – and really be the Aunt! I’m already envisioning all the cool things we’ll do when he’s big enough. All the things his parents won’t let him do, count on Auntie Mika to make it happen. Do they have baby bungee? Ha-ha. I think most everyone is lucky enough to have that one super fly aunt or uncle that rocks the house. That’s my plan, Lady Croft, professor, Adventuring 101.
I finally got that grease out of my white pants. [inlink]ladycroft,23[/inlink] Amazing eh? Oxi Clean to the rescue! I still have to do some mending to the damage zones, but the white cargos will dance once more.
Looking forward to meeting many new folks on Saturday, hope to see you there! Ciao.
I finally got that grease out of my white pants. [inlink]ladycroft,23[/inlink] Amazing eh? Oxi Clean to the rescue! I still have to do some mending to the damage zones, but the white cargos will dance once more.
Looking forward to meeting many new folks on Saturday, hope to see you there! Ciao.
Hamburg, for my new job as Hall Director at Hilbert College. I'll be closer to Buffalo now, yay!
Where are you moving too?