Interesting article. What do you think?
Women in the "Girls Gone Wild" Era:
We have this on in the office all the time. It's a live cam of a watering hole on a South African game reserve. Check it out:
The other night I had a dream. Reflective of my reality right now but odd how it played out:
Apparently a nuclear bomb was headed our way. Somehow through the mysteries of this ironic universe we live in, I ended up on a tour bus full of people I dislike. Sure it was a fancy bus with white leather upholstery and a well stocked bar, but wtf about the company? Not only was it full of those I dislike, I was also the guest of honor...(come on, can you smell that irony cookin?)...AKA the bus driver.
That's right, the bus driver. Not that I know how to drive an oversized tour bus or anything. The closest thing I drive is a 12 passenger van and that's plenty big for me thanks. Drive a big bus full of people I dislike away from a nuclear bomb. I was adamant that I'd rather die swiftly in a blast of radiant ash than to save these people.
An announcement came from the sky that there was to be an explosion at the quickie mart next to us. Everyone was screaming for me to drive away. I refused. Then a cargo van in the parking lot blew up all Hollywood style. 20 feet of vertical flames, 360 rotation, and a smashing drop. My passengers were freaking out. I was being stubborn. I didn't care.
I began to scream back at them that I was not their savior. Why in the fuck of this world should I always have to save others? Especially this bus load of others I could care less for. People who had betrayed me, hurt me, used me, abused me....I was their savior?
Holy shite!! We had not ONE flake.
Thank you LadyCroft! I've been missing the snow.
grab your snuggle bunny ;) cos this is just the begining of it...........
Wow in the inner city there is barely any snow on the ground.